📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月12日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 13/41
:railway_car: 阪急電車 12% 87% 96 new words

Do you know that feeling, when you are near the end of a book, so you drop everything else to binge-finish it… :eyes:


Oh yes… I know it too well^^ Go go go !
But I know also the feeling when I’m reading a really good book and I slow down my reading because I don’t want the story to end :sob:


2月12日 | Home post

  • 夜カフェ 1 (22.42% → 27.77%)

I read all of chapter 4 today. It was quite short, which was nice because I was able to read it all in one go.


Feb 12

I ended up reading a lot more yesterday. Most of the rest of volume 2 of Alice 19th. Actually turns out that chapter 3 starts close to the end of the volume and I wasn’t ready to dig into that, so didn’t get to finish the volume. :sob:

Also read the first chapter of Komi-san volume 4. After all, some of the new manga I bought was mainly to have some extensive reading with no look ups. So I took one of those and got started basically. Komi-san is one of those humor manga where things doesn’t really change that I’m somehow enjoying. Usually, I find the charm disappears very quickly, but so far Komi-san is working for me. I’m also keeping my emotional investment pretty low. I don’t expect things to change, I don’t particularly care if they do as long as I keep enjoying the moments of people trying to hang out. I recognize the struggle. :pensive:

Oh right, what I read today? The one page of Stoic info from the weekly page in the daily journal. Something or other about watching over your perceptions and not selling out your peace of mind for nothing. Can you tell I felt like it didn’t quite make its a point or that the point was too vague? :confused:


This one was :fire:

How are you liking the book so far?

When I read novels (in a language I’m fluent in) I have a personal rule that if I hit 70% or I’m close, I will either stop for the night/time or commit to reading to the end. I’ve learnt through repeated experience that pausing in the middle of the end/climax usually kills the mood the writer was creating. :pensive:


Nah, I heard about it from the あとがき of volume 6 (and then actually saw it by chance at a book shop), but I don’t really feel like reading it as of now.
I was recently “stuck” reading 吾輩は猫である (as in, I refused to read anything else until I was done) and, having finished it, I went on a tiny bit of a book shopping spree anyway… there are now 22 more books on the top of my 積読 pile :sweat_smile: tiny spree. サイレント・ウイッチ VII is one of those, by the way :stuck_out_tongue: (but I’m reading something else right now)


13 Feb | Home

:question: Title Type Natively Progress
:candy: 不思議駄菓子屋1 book 24 17% → 30%
:cat2: また、同じ夢を見ていた book 25 13% → 15% (no change)
  • This week’s reading of 不思議や, which was all of chapter two - read it once no lookups then again with lookups. Feels really, really good to read a whole story in one go, even if it is a relatively simplistic one (and takes ages) (and still needs a bajillion lookups)

Feb 12

I read 2 chapters of チョコっとちょこちゃん Vol 1.


Home post

Feb 12

  • 乙嫁語り chapter 15

This chapter was really long (I guess that’s why the previous chapter was so short), so I didn’t read anything else like I thought I would. I’d thought of this series as mostly slice-of-life before, but lately the plot has been so fast-paced!


Feb 12

Home post

同じ夢 page 26 27 28 29.


2月6日, 2月13日 となりの猫と恋知らず11

Haven’t been reading much due to Yakuza 8, but となりの猫と恋知らず has been consistently delightful. I’m super happy that it was now picked for serialization in ビッグガンガン! :tada: There’s also two 単行本 coming out in March and April.

If this interests you at all, the currently free-on-Twitter chapters will be removed once the first volume is out. First time for me to see a series I’ve been reading since day one get picked up like this. :smiling_face_with_tear:


:notebook: :computer: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: February 12

Read chapters 13 and 14 of あなたも殺人犯になれる!, then played 逆転裁判 for about 20 min.


Home post

Episode 16, 17 and 18 of Sakura and Suzuki on Satorireader.

New words
  • のんきな carefree; careless; reckless; happy-go-lucky; easygoing; thoughtless
  • 大馬鹿者 「だいばかもの」great (utter) fool; complete idiot; absolute moron
  • 興味「きょうみ」interest (in something); curiosity (about something); zest (for)
  • 浮気 「うわき」extramarital sex; affair; fooling around
  • モテる to be popular (esp. with the opposite sex); to be well liked; to be pampered (spoiled, doted upon, etc.)
  • 手を出してきる「てをだしてきる」 to make a move on
  • 目に遭う 「めにあう」to go through, to suffer, to experience something unpleasant
  • ついつい unintentionally; unconsciously; by mistake
Thoughts about the series

I’m not a big fan of how they express their distrust of each other or insecurities by joking or teasing… I hope there’s not much more of these kind of interactions in the later episodes.


Dang, next Dungeon Meshi episode will cover three chapters… that means I’ll need to read two chapters from Vol 3 to be on-spec. Good thing I budgeted for this

After that I think I want to continue on with Ms Elf 4. I’ve left that series sitting for a while now and I want to get back to it, even if I have to pay full price per volume.


Feb 13

虐殺器官 2% - 3%

Read only three pages… hopefully can make more progress tomorrow.


Feb 13, Tue of Week 7 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.7 [200-203/258]

  • NARUTO Vol.19 end, Ch.164-171

Words of the day
  • (ついば)む = to peck. Just using Kanji surprises me, which is also just in 啄木鳥(きつつき) / 啄木(たくぼく).
  • 蟒蛇(うわばみ) = a large snake :snake:. An alternative word to 大蛇(おろち) or 大蛇(だいじゃ).
  • 幕開(まくあ)け = rising of the curtain; beginning. Also 幕開(まくあ)き.
  • 機運(きうん)(たか)まる = to gain momentum
  • (すく)み = deadlock. From (すく)む.
  • 常夜灯(じょうやとう) = an all-night lamp

Book highlights

林則徐(りんそくじょ) = Lin Zexu - Wikipedia
南京条約(ナンキンじょうやく) = Treaty of Nanking - Wikipedia
洪秀全(こうしゅうぜん) = Hong Xiuquan - Wikipedia, the leader of 太平天国(たいへいてんごく)
北京条約(ペキンじょうやく) = Convention of Peking - Wikipedia

江華島事件(こうかとうじけん) = Ganghwa Island incident - Wikipedia
甲午農民戦争(こうごのうみんせんそう) = Donghak Peasant Revolution - Wikipedia (東学党(とうがくとう)(らん))
下関条約(しものせきじょうやく) = Treaty of Shimonoseki - Wikipedia


13th feb

home post

another ouran chapter which finishes that arc! good for kyouya enjoyers, less so for me :sweat_smile: another chapter of No. 6 too, which is probably a little bit too difficult for me to be reading like this but i’m invested now damn it. only three chapters in the volume total, so should be done tomorrow. some more pages in the bakumatsu book, i’m out of the longer entries for a while now i think.

today’s nhk articles were this one and this one, plus the entries on (さい)に and さすが in aDoIJG

words that stood out

エール - yell (of encouragement), esp. for a school sports team. in the set phrase エールを(おく)
怒涛(どとう) - surging waves, tumultuous, turbulent. in the phrase 怒涛(どとう)(いきお)
ビリ - last (on the list), in last position, (at the) bottom

reply to MissDagger

it’s good! it took a little bit to get used to the style (it’ll introduce a few people, then an event, then some more new people etc.) but it’s pretty accessible imo. N3 grammar is more than enough, though there’s some old-fashioned phrasing sometimes (especially in the quotes, those are the hardest part in the whole book by far). a lot of the historical terms have short explanations given too (though not consistently for some reason??) which helps.

as a basic rundown i think it works pretty well! it can be very brief in places where it could probably do with expanding a bit, but what is there is interesting and conveyed well imo, especially the short anecdotes about each person. it reminds me in a good way of the DK books I read as a kid, if that’s helpful? the bookwalker edition has a very lengthy sample featuring entries from all over the book, if you want to try it out!

tl;dr i like it enough that i’m considering getting more in the same series


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: February 13 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

天狗笑 :japanese_goblin: :sunny:
Chapters: 3/3

This story is pretty short, it’s only three chapters, so I read it in one sitting.

It’s about some kids playing a game were they pull faces at each other and laughing means you lose. But their game keeps getting interrupted by a giant face that descends from the sky and laughs joyfully.


Home Thread // February 13th, 2024

Name Progress State Finished
The King’s Birthday 1/7 chapters (14%) Currently reading
Aryn’s wonderful world 6/6 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 12th Feb, 2024
Aryn’s rescue 24/24 chapters (100%) :white_check_mark: Finished 9th Feb, 2024

Today, I began the next story of the Tile World Chronicles, namely the only story that doesn’t use tiles: The King’s birthday! Since the chapters here are longer than in the other stories, I’ll proceed with one chapter per day here. So far, the story only consisted of dialogs and onomatopoeias, but I like it!

Apart from that, I also read all four NHK Easy articles for today (1, 2, 3, 4). It was quite interesting to read that they are now trying to transport food with drones :slightly_smiling_face: Perhaps I can get my food delivered with drones as well in the future? :thinking:


:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年2月13日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: Fujiki 2 episodes 15/41
:railway_car: 阪急電車 13% 100% 252 new words

Finished 阪急電車 :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:
And I followed Good Guy Jintor’s example and left a review on Natively :slight_smile:

Something about intimacy in Japan (in the East?) that I didn't know and learned from 阪急電車

I was surprised to learn that it’s common to take a shower before intimate moments.
While there aren’t any explicit scenes in the book, it’s mentioned twice (with two different couples) that the woman goes to take a bath. This apparently signifies that intimacy is about to occur.
I mean, wow for hygiene, but ouch for the spontaneity.

You are catching up fast, looking forward to reading your thoughts on it, when you are done!


:bookmark: Home post // Feb 13 :snowman_with_snow: :books:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VII (6% → 10%)

Sleep sounds good :sleeping: