📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲

so. I’ve been reading a lot more sporadically. part of it is that i went on vacation for a few days and was exhausted when I came back. and then I had to catch up with reviews, and clean up from vacation. I did end up finishing the first volume of happiness, though.

been reading nhk articles, ABBC, and most lately tile world chronicles.


:cherry_blossom: :teapot: Home Post (and Thread)


:sunglasses: 可愛いだけじゃない式守さん vol. 1, 6 last pages of the ABBC section of the week.

We’re learning more on Izumi, the manga is gaining some depth, that’s nice.


30 Jan | Home

Title Progress
不思議駄菓子屋1 8% - 10%
また、同じ夢を見ていた 4% - no change
  • Started this week’s reading of 不思議駄菓子屋1 for the Natively CBC on the train. Getting the gist of things while doing my pronounciation-only no-lookups read but still a lot of mysteries to grapple with when I re-read it later today.

:house: home post :house:
:calendar: 2024年1月29日 :calendar:

:question: Title Read today Currently at Notes
:orange_book: 奥日光 2 episodes 61/62
:kimono: 舞妓さんちのまかないさん 2 chapters 110/261

I’ll answer tomorrow when I’ve finished it :smiley:


:bookmark: Home post // Jan 29 :bamboo: :snowman_with_snow: :evergreen_tree:

・サイレント・ウイッチ VI (5% → 17%)

I’ll have to remember to calculate percentages manually now to avoid interference from irrelevant story preview.

Anyway, we’re off to a great start. There’s a new character and it was hilarious how much he reminded me of Nijisanji’s Kanae: A super friendly extroverted soft boi young man who just wants to make friends. As a super farmer/gardener, he’ll give you a carrot as a token of friendship and goodwill :carrot: (Kanae is not a farmer btw)

Illustration looks like he could be Suletta Mercury's older brother:


yeah that’s just suletta with a chest bind lol


January 28th!
Today I read 2 chapters of スーパーの裏でヤニ吸うふたり - just one more chapter to finish this volume now. :slight_smile:

January 29th!
Chapter 155 of Shadows House today. Definitely packed an emotional punch. Going to be thinking about it for a while, I think.

(Home Post)


:green_heart: January 29 :bamboo:

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about early cherry blossoms and how you can see some blooms in Okinawa in Jan/Feb. :cherry_blossom:

JoJo :dagger: was fun. I’m noticing so much more this time when reading. For example, the passage of seasons and things Araki sensei included that didn’t make sense to me the first time, but now I read it and can see the thematic connections. Little things like weather or even small actions by characters.

I had to wait for a little bit and was able to get another chapter of Stake :vampire: in. It toned down the edginess of the first volume’s finale, which is nice. Things are progressing alright in a somewhat tropey but less obnoxious way.


:dragon: :red_gift_envelope: 1日29月 :red_gift_envelope: :dragon: (Home Post Link)

I kinda forgot about tracking english reading, but I also haven’t been doing that much. Mostly just digging through stuff I’ve already read looking for quotes or answers for questions n stuff.


  • about an hour of hitting the random button on anarchist library and reading whatever came up - it’s one of those sites that I only remember exists like maybe once a year, but it’s always fun to read on whenever I do. Huge variety of texts from different times, places, social movements, etc, so there’s always something to learn from. Of the stuff I read today, I enjoyed this and this one the most. I also learned today that they actually have a japanese library now! I am not really at a point where I can read this kinda stuff in japanese, but it’s good to know it’s there.
  • 祈りのアナーキー | 無政府主義図書館 (Japanese) I did try hitting the random button on the jp site until I got something that wasn’t translated and looked short enough to try out, and then got almost immediately shut down :sweat_smile: Both in a language and an ideology sense, i just don’t know enough about things are being referenced. Like I know some vague things about christian anarchism, and can guess off of that, but it’s really just guessing. This is even more niche reading than aozora stuff, so probably not worth adding anything to natively or trying to grade it because I would almost surely be the only person trying to use this as learning material :laughing: Plus, a lot of the older writing on anlib is probably also on aozora
  • ときめきメモリアル arrived today, and so I booted that up and tried to start playing around with it - apparently you can’t save a ps1 game on a ps2 memory card! you have to go get a ps1 memory card and plug it into the ps2, for some reason. So i’ll have to return to this tomorrow, but lost my minimal progress today

I was planning to read some manga today, I pulled out a few volumes that had bookmarks in them on the shelf to try to finish them up before the end of the month, but we’ll see if I actually get around to it :laughing:


Jan. 29, 2024

Today I finished chapter 11 of my grammar textbook. Just one chapter left (and an exercise booklet in the back) and then I can start my other textbook!

I opened Bookwalker to read the next chapter of Choko- chan, but got distracted and read the 20 page sampler of Bocchi the Rock instead… :sweat_smile: Not that I understood most of it, but I was like “oh, I know someone who loves this. I wonder what it’s about…” Gets completely sidetracked from my intended task.

And then I finished it off with about 10 minutes of Ultra Sun in Japanese, but I’m too tired today to do more than that. The groundworks today was so muddy, it was like digging through fudge. (My journeyman’s words).


i think i’ve finally hit jpn overload for a bit after prodding away at this 不思議駄菓子屋 reading and getting halfway through a lookup run. though could also be just today was a weirdly busy day at work as well idk. need to rest for a while


Home post

Jan 29

  • ARIA - chapter 18, a short one
  • 花野井くんと恋の病 - chapter 34
  • ジョジョ - this week’s chapter 5

I’m curious to hear what little things you noticed, if you’re open to sharing! I know I definitely wouldn’t have thought about some stuff myself, like the weather, if it weren’t for the discussion questions.


:umbrella: :notebook: 1月 28日、29日 :memo: :umbrella:

Book Natively Progress Notes
:crossed_swords: BLEACH Lv 28 43% → 76%
:dolphin: マグメル深海水族館 Lv 24 0% → 11%

Combo post ^^

I read quite a bit of Bleach yesterday and a little today - I’m not doing too many look-ups, mostly just soaking up the informal speech and letting context hold my hand through unknown vocab. Kubo’s art at this point in this series is a little rocky compared to where I know it will be several volumes later.

iconic moment

I also started マグメル at @pyororon 's suggestion for the “workplace setting” bingo category! An undersea aquarium being the setting for a workplace slice-of-life is way more appealing to me than an office setting, so I latched onto the recommendation immediately (¯▿¯) The art is so calming and I love learning the names for undersea creatures as a side effect of reading this story!

See you next time (´。• ᵕ •。`)

zoom back up to home thread


:man_walking: back to my home post

:star2: 01月29日 Read: Progress:
:candy: ふしぎ駄菓子屋 1 page (no lookups) 19/148 pgs
:crossed_swords: The Three Musketeers [eng.] chapter 8 97/704 pgs

Only managed one page of fushigi sweet shop with no lookups before I had to stop, still feeling dead from overloading jpn studies on friday HAHA

Not fushigi sweetshop killing us both :skull:


I’m happy I broadly understand and yomitan lookups are still easier than loads of manual lookups, but I think I’ve just hit my brain limit


So i bought like 6 volumes of Dungeon Meshi in English and tore through 5 of them in like 3 hours. It took me at least like… a month to just scan them in Japanese… oh well. At least my brain isn’t throbbing like I’ve got a psychic headache anymore.

4 more vols in JPN to ‘read’…

/edit I’m not sure if this is because it’s not my first time through, or because this is just how I read things in English, but I feel like I was appreciating the manga more in Japanese because I was forced to slow down to puzzle things out. In English I feel like I’m going through these chapters like a hot knife through butter and not getting as much out of them (besides, you know, understanding… but what good is that?)


Day 29

Home post

シークレット episodes 1-4. Probably not gonna finish all 98 episodes before my subscriptions expires on Saturday. But between this and The Neighbor, I was reminded why murder mystery, thriller, and suspense are my favorite genres to read.


I read 2 level N5 Watanoc articles.


Love the metaphors and can totally relate! Especially when reading something I’m not that interested in while something else is on my mind, I’m reading but it’s like I’m on autopilot and I find myself on a page but can’t even recall what I’ve just read the last one or two pages. :woozy_face: then I have to go back a few paragraphs or pages. It’s pretty bad… Don’t know if the same happens to you.

Well done on 6 volumes of Dungeon Meshi! I already have a headache just imagining it. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Jan 30

アフターダーク 2% - 5%

Still getting swamped by the amount of vocab I don’t know, but the language is easy so far.