📚📚 Read Every Day Challenge - Winter 2024 🎍☃🌲


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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-01-28 :books: 本好きの下剋上第一部1 :orange_book: Jr Novel :arrow_forward: Chapter 9
:page_facing_up: 13 pages
:boar: デジモンサヴァイブ :video_game: VN :arrow_forward: Prologue
2.5 scenes

So firstly today I read another chapter of the 本好き novel, getting about halfway through the first volume of the junior version (the LN volumes are split in two for the junior versions, so this is like 25% through the first LN volume).

Then feeling a bit bad about how I’ve been neglecting it, I got back to Digimon Survive and made my way through Professor Infodump’s scenes, getting out the other end into… the opening credits. So I guess I’m done the prologue now.

On the one hand it feels bad to be like 6 hours in and just through the prologue, but on the other hand, after that I played through in English to where I got in Japanese and it even took me an hour in English and cutting short all the voiced lines with text skip. 1/6 of my English reading speed is about where I am with manga too, so I’ll take that.


i’ve started reading some eng manga before bed and yeah lol it’s so funny, getting through a jpn volume is like a 1.5 hr challenge and the same volume in eng is, like, 10 min or so. oh well, the only thing you can do is - read!


Yeah, the last English language manga I read was Fukaboku / Love Me For Who I Am. I finished it in 45 minutes. I don’t mean I finished the volume I was reading, I mean the entire 5 volume series.

This is part of why I don’t read much manga in English, they’re more expensive here (€20/volume) and I just tear through them too quickly.

I think people who read more English manga tend to stop and enjoy the art more, but my brain just goes “words words words, next page, words words words”


Jan. 28, 2024

I read chapter 2 of チョコっとちょこちゃん. It’s simple enough that it feels like it should be easy, but I definitely rely on the art in the panels to know what’s going on. I’m so impatient to level up my reading skills. I want to read so much stuff and I can’t yet.


the prices are killing me lol. i haven’t really been buying eng manga for a long time but future-facing i’m basically only going to be buying stuff I find very difficult in japanese like Dungeon Meshi or a fighting game manga that has a shittonne of FGC slang. (it’s also weird - okay, not weird, but very inconvenient - that digital english ebooks/manga is still like $20 or whatever)

On the upside, I can offload a fair amount of some of my eng manga second hand on marketplace and clear a bit of space (and immediately spend all the money on more manga, but them’s the breaks)


I read the third Crystal Hunters. It’s really simple, but I’m enjoying the series, so I’ll finish it.


Home post

Jan 28

  • ARIA - chapter 17. Reading my physical copy of this reminds me that reading physical manga once in a while sure feels pretty nice
  • 花野井くんと恋の病 - chapter 33; starting volume 9

:green_heart: January 28 :bamboo:

Seasons :snowman_with_snow: was about language said around this time of year to help encourage people not to get a cold. I feel made fun of >:|

Smoking :smoking: was so-so. We got a new character but I’m not a big fan of the interactions between him and Sasaki so far. Like something just feels off.

Yesterday was great aside from a runny nose until I went to an arcade and saw jojo plushies. Of course I played for them and my excitement seemed to really aggravate my condition. About halfway through grocery shopping (last stop), my nose ran so much that I had trouble breathing. Today my nose is mostly better although my head is super congested. Hoping to be as right as @smellslikerain tomorrow ;p

Also forgot to read JoJo yesterday so I’ll be doing that today lol


If it’s any consolation, the cold weather here has been absolutely dreadful, especially when I’m walking on campus for 10 minutes and then go into a blistering hot building which makes my cold nose run, and then I go back outside and it freezes my nose once more, so by the end of the day I’m mildly congested…


Day 28

Home post

The Neighbor episodes 1-12 (finished) Gonna get the most out of Satori Reader until my subscription expires next weekend :muscle:



:open_book: Back to my home post

Even more Kiki! I’m really happy I managed to read most of the week, even with my health going a noticeable downward trend.

What I don’t like is that most of what I read was dialogue. The rules for that are so hard, I’m suffering! ichi.moe save me…


25 Jan - 28 Jan

:books: My home thread

Title Pages read Progress Status
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 6 88-176 176/176 finished
ふらいんぐうぃっち vol. 7 0-88 88/176 reading
鋼の錬金術師 vol.10 100-182 182/182 finished
ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 vol. 5 103-118 118/256 reading

I had a bit more time for Japanese this week, but I think that I mainly spent the extra time on watching anime (with English subs…) :slight_smile: Still, happy with my reading progress.


Jan 29

アフターダーク 0% - 2%

Despite having to look up a lot of words on each page, I love the descriptions of Tokyo at night in this book already!

Since it’s clearly lack of vocabulary that’s impairing my reading speed, I should probably quit being lazy and begin vocab study again soon…


Jan 29

I might read more later today, but so far I’ve read the weekly Stoic journal page. Today basically about the modern mindfulness movement of being in the present moment. It talked about putting future and past to the side, since neither belongs to you, you only have now. And tangentially mentioned worries/fears/anxieties related to those. You can only deal with what is in front of you.

For most of my twenties I was absolutely stuck on anxiety about past, present, future, all of it. And I’m better now, yay!, but I had a lot of anxiety at the start of this year. Reading that passage though made something clear to me. I was extremely anxious about the present moment, perhaps +24 hours at most. (I had that extreme cold—for my area—come in and for over a week my pipes were in danger of freezing. In fact, they did twice, but thankfully not long enough (?) to burst. Phew…) But it was anxiety very much anchored in the present moment, and figuring out how to keep my pipes warm enough until the extreme cold ended.

Very different from a lot of my other anxiety. This one routed in very real and imminent problems, rather than conjurations of my mind.

@pm215 I just remembered that the Zelda OoT randomizer standard tournament in is on again, it is that time of year! I’d completely forgotten. Not only do I have many qualifiers from late last year to catch up to but the matches have also started. Not that I’m planing to watch every qualifier nor every match, but I have some fun watching ahead of me!

I can’t remember if you liked random settings too, but I noticed I’d also missed some streamed RSL matches from season 6 that apparently happened fall last year. I’ll be catching up on that too. I’m so glad they upload all their streams to youtube, since Twitch always makes my computer twitch lol (Twitch always makes my computer run hot).


29th jan

home post

another ouran chapter down (38? round there), first 10 pages or so were pretty difficult and then after that it was almost what i’d describe as easy! it’s a miracle! manga randomiser time again, it initially gave me a light novel (which i’m avoiding for now cos those feel like big projects) but second time was ()たい(ふく)がある, which is about a woman gaining the confidence to go out in the clothes/style she actually enjoys (in this case lolita fashion). it’s…unsubtle, to put it lightly, but an easy enough read so i’ll keep going. some more pages of the bakumatsu book too

two nhk articles today (this one and this one), another granblue chapter, plus the entries on のことだから and のみ in aDoIJG

words that stood out:

(つぼみ) - bud (flower etc.).

ぱっつん - straight-cut bangs (hairstyle)
誹謗(ひぼう) - slander, abuse. was part of 誹謗中傷(ひぼうちゅうしょう) which is similar but is specifically baseless slander (it seems)


Yep, I have been watching various races (both standard and RSL) as and when their timing syncs up with my schedule. I have the tail end of an RSL match to watch this evening, in fact (saw the first part live yesterday but it went on a bit long and it was getting late in the evening).


:raccoon: :snowflake: :books: January 29 :books: :snowflake: :raccoon:

銀の笛と金の毛皮 :notes: :deer:
Progress - page 67/67

That’s this story complete! Onto the next one tomorrow.


Jan 29, Mon of Week 5 of Q1 2024

  • いちばんやさしい世界史の本 Ch.4 [126-129/258]


Words of the day
  • (こぼ)す = to spill
  • ()()む = to be busy
  • 事故(じこ)る = to have an accident. Verb form (colloquial) of 事故(じこ).
  • ペーパードライバー(.) = person who has a driving license but little or no experience actually driving; “paper driver”. me too.
  • バン(.) = van :oncoming_automobile:
  • ロータリー(.) = a meaning is roundabout :oncoming_automobile:
  • (まわ)(まわ)って = going through many places. Also (めぐ)(めぐ)って.
  • 言質(げんち) = a pledge; commitment
  • 搾取(さくしゅ) = exploitation
  • 焚刑(ふんけい) = punishment by burning to death. The word isn’t in the IME. First Kanji is from ()く or ()(). Also, 刎頸(ふんけい)(とも) is a different means.

Book highlights

ジャックリーの乱 = Jacquerie - Wikipedia. This rebellion became known as “the Jacquerie” because the nobles derided peasants as “Jacques” or “Jacques Bonhomme” for their padded surplice, called a “jacque”.
ワット=タイラーの乱 = Peasants' Revolt - Wikipedia (Wat Tyler’s Rebellion)
ボニファティウス8世 = Pope Boniface VIII - Wikipedia
フィリップ4世 = Philip IV of France - Wikipedia
教皇のバビロン捕囚 = Avignon Papacy - Wikipedia (Babylonian captivity of the Papacy)
教会大分裂 = Western Schism - Wikipedia (大シスマ)
ウィクリフ = John Wycliffe - Wikipedia
フス = Jan Hus - Wikipedia

プランタジネット朝 = House of Plantagenet - Wikipedia
ジョン王 = John, King of England - Wikipedia
シモン・ド・モンフォール = Simon de Montfort, 6th Earl of Leicester - Wikipedia
カペー朝 = Capetian dynasty - Wikipedia
三部会 = Estates General (France) - Wikipedia. It had a separate assembly for each of the three estates (clergy, nobility and commoners).


Home Thread // January 29th, 2024

I just noticed that I’ve been writing the wrong date the entire time :joy: I don’t know why, but this always seems to happen to me in the first month of the new year lol

Anyway, I read two more chapters today of Aryn’s rescue, and hope to be able to read an NHK Easy Article tomorrow!



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Date Name Type Amount Time
2024-01-29 :transgender_symbol: 放浪息子3 :green_book: Manga :arrow_forward: Chapter 18-19
:page_facing_up: 54 pages
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 40m

Started volume 3 of 放浪息子 for some reading in bed, and got 2 chapters in about 40m. Poor MCs