📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

July 22 :blossom: Home Post

Today was a バディミッションBOND day for sure; a lot happened as always! It’s funny, I picked up バディミッションBOND after trying out Nightshade again and being like “nah, I don’t wanna deal with the language in this” and now I still am actually :joy: I’m really unfazed by samurai-type speech now though lmao, so that’s cool.

BOND stuff!

Well モクマ and チェズレイ’s whole situation got summed up pretty well:

Yeah!! They’re both pretty broken people who have been through a lot, but they’re working through it and helping each other to be more themselves in their own way! モクマ really nailed what I like about it huh; their dynamic is definitely complicated but they really do have a unique understanding.

And then there was チェズレイ with his old sayings again:

And アーロン immediately being like “oh it’s about モクマ then huh,” he knows lmao. He embarrassed ルーク in front of スイ again rip (this time featuring a very good puppy also!!):

Yeah he whistled for ルーク to sit again :joy: and the puppy got really excited so アーロン voiced their thoughts :')

…and then things got messy.

I knew I didn’t trust this man, when the character whose eyes are always closed opens them you know know you’re in for it :joy: but uh yeah things are bad! He tried to kill スイ but fortunately モクマ anticipated that and had チェズレイ pretend to be her, and we already know he’s good at playing dead. But also… he killed イズミ’s son? Yikes; he’s real twisted for sure. I’m still not entirely convinced there’s nothing else up with イズミ’s mystery son who’s supposedly dead, but I don’t think the timing works out for it to be ルーク so :man_shrugging: But モクマ found out and was trying to attack フウガbut タンバ jumped in front of his sword and… yeah. That’s what モクマ’s been wrecked over all this time :sob:

Absolutely terrifying :laughing: congrats!!!

Ahh congrats!! Finishing a project like that is always super exciting :grin:

Aw I’m sorry, I hope things get easier for you soon :sparkling_heart: but these challenges are open and flexible for a reason!

Congrats!! It certainly sounds like a challenging read; the power of reading stuff you’re interested in :sparkles:


Debating finishing Bunny Girl Senpai today. It’s the last chapter but will probably take me about an hour to finish.

Update: I will finish tonight!


Day 21

Sliding in under the wire with two more pages read from カリスタルハンータズ本2

Actually did some lessons today! :crabigator: is unappreciative…


:spiral_calendar: Day 22: July 22nd :deciduous_tree: :leaves:

Friday means book club day.

spacer:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: からかい上手の高木さん Volume 7 (57% ➨ 67%)

spacer:bust_in_silhouette: シャドーハウス Volume 1 (7% ➨ 15%)

spacer:broom: ふらいんぐうぃっち Volume 11 (51% ➨ 71%)

spacer:tangerine: orange Volume 1 (52% ➨ 60%)


Day 22 :heavy_check_mark: :cyclone:

~ 76-83%

Finished the second story as mentioned above, and started the final story. While I’m still enjoying the book, looking at the calendar of this challenge makes me nervous: it’s too uniform (穴 only), and it’s looking increasingly doubtful that I’ll be able to finish another book during July like I had been planning.

The uniformity will change soon, anyway. Next week the IBC starts reading Tugumi, and I have been planning to join (still haven’t even bought the book, but). And of course there’s the Mystery Club at Natively starting at August 8. So next month’s table is going to at least have more color, if nothing else.


:sunny: :beach_umbrella: Memoria’s Summer Readin’ :beach: :sunny:

Day 23:

25 pages of ハピネス volume 3, which means I’m finished :confetti_ball: The ending made me want to continue, but it’s time to read something else. I think I have a plan for tomorrow, so that’s exciting.

In other news, I have so many WK leeches :sob: haven’t done any lessons in two weeks but I’m still at like 75 apprentice items. Gotta get better at using extra study to crush them…


:books: :video_game: :shallow_pan_of_food: :sunny: July 22

Finally went back to バリバリ and played for an hour, although I feel like I’ve lost my pace with it a little bit.

Then I tried to read some ビブリア but fell asleep again, and I didn’t even get to 1% read. I guess I shouldn’t start reading when I’m already sleepy :sweat_smile:


From here I am gonna give updates on my reading progress finishing Bunny Girl Senpai, (don’t worry, there’s only like 3 mini chapters left. so at max there will be 2 updates), but OMG you can cut the tension with a knife I am so ready to finish but also not ready at all. Cant believe they put this whole book into 3 episodes of an anime. I can considering not much is really happening as much as MC is thinking about things. UGH I’m not ready… okay back to reading.


Now on the last chapter. I’ll read it before bed. Kindle estimates that’s only about 16 minutes, but each Kindle minute is 2 real world minutes for me for whatever reason.


I’ve read over chapter 2 of Shadows house again. To Be honest, I think I understood most of it first time round, which is good, since I had 3 hours sleep last night and am feeling it!


:green_heart: Home :green_heart:


28 - 47

Maybe someday soon I’ll learn to start reading earlier in the day


23rd of July

Missed another day yesterday — was too tired and decided it wasn’t worth it to force myself. Today also wasn’t a great day in terms of productivity (which then affects my mood). I managed to read from page 119 to 122 (33 – 34%) of かがみの孤城 though. Hoping tomorrow will be better…


Finished 青春ブタ野郎バニーガール先輩の夢を見ない. I could finally read a book and have a complete grasp of what was happening. I suppose next is Tugumi, but I am definitely going to watch the anime now and wonder why I spent a week and a half reading a book that was covered in 60 minutes of anime. lol


Today: p. 75-83 of よつばと! Today’s highlight was Yotsuba shouting random inappropriate greetings - confusing to a beginning reader but very cute.

New stuff:

こりゃ: hey there; I say
さっさと: quickly, immediately
交換する (こうかんする): to exchange, to replace
売る (うる): to sell
お上がりたまえ (おあがりたまえ): welcome; please come in
おまがいです: sorry to bother you
るすばん: staying at home
戻る (もどる): to return
怪しい (あやしい): suspicious, dubious
思われる (おもわれる): to seem, to appear
動く (うごく): to move, to operate
引っ張る (ひっぱる): to pull


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Beach Resort: Date 20220723 :beach_umbrella: :raccoon:

Tanuki Scroll of イオンクラフト :flying_saucer:

Random article - Ion Crafts: using ion winds to make objects fly - or, the magic behind flying saucers. There’s been some pretty cool experiments into it, especially in the past few years now that tech is more advanced.

:beach_umbrella: Japanese found in the sand :beach_umbrella:


正負「せいふ」ー Plus & negative; positive & minus; + & -
非対称「ひたいしょう」ー Asymmetry
アルミ箔「あるみはく」ー Aluminium foil
誘電分極「ゆうでんぶんきょく」ー Dielectric polarisation
羽根車「はねぐるま」ー Impeller


Day 23 :heavy_check_mark: :cyclone:

~ 83-100% :tada: :star2:

And…done! I finally had a luxuriously lazy day, the kind I had been wishing for all summer. And of course I devoted most of it to reading. I quite liked the last story, it was generally lighthearted and the mystery only made a small appearance at the very end. The second and third story were very much two chapters of the same story though, not separate stories at all.
So, that’s my first Akutagawa prize winner concluded. I enjoyed it a lot, and it was a very straightforward read language-wise. It had its difficulties, but nothing too bad. Makes me feel confident about tackling some more Akutagawa winners later on.

Now the only question is what to start reading tomorrow. :smiley:


Home post :bookmark: July 23rd :sunny:

・詩的私的ジャック - JACK THE POETICAL PRIVATE (87% → 89%)

I think the super nyoom from yesterday spent all my fuel :rocket: :joy: So tired today. Accidentally stayed up for a few more hours after posting last night, totaling into 19 hours of awakedness… Not at all recommended. Instead of reading, I was struck with weird ideas like “do burn reviews” so I did 400 before calling it quits.


Got around to reading eventually tho! Even if just a few pages :+1:


Today I read 2 pages Short Stories in Japanese: New Penguin Parallel Text. This book seems to be very helpful in improving my understanding of japanese written language. I always read the japanese text first and than I read the english translation to compare how much I actually understood.

I also read three pages of Shin Kanzen Master Reading N2, slowly I get better and better at picking the right answers.


July 23rd!

Today I read the next chapter of Teasing Master Takagi-san, and then started Volume 4 of Mitsuboshi Colors. Both were fun to read, and I enjoyed learning some nature-related vocab from Mitsuboshi Colors.

(Home Post)


i’ve been quite busy, and quite tired these last few days. appointments, hiking, getting ready for vacation, travelling… i haven’t read much, and fell asleep while reading every day :sweat_smile:

but that’s all good, and now i’m in marrakech, and it’s too hot to do anything (midnight, and still well above 30C). luckily, i don’t have to do anything either, so plenty of time for reading by the poolside :wink: