πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:raccoon: :cherry_blossom: :japanese_castle: :books: Tanuki’s Blossoming Book Fortress :books: :japanese_castle: :cherry_blossom: :raccoon:

Thanks again @windupbird for being the reading host! :raccoon:

I’ll be continuing from the previous thread and reading ζ–°ζ›Έε€ͺι–€θ¨˜ by 吉川英治, currently on Volume III.

ε›› 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:fish_cake: :carousel_horse: :tea: :violin: :japanese_castle: :pinching_hand: :v:
:mountain: :japanese_castle: :crescent_moon: :scroll: :crossed_swords: :deer: :crossed_swords:
:canoe: :hammer_and_pick: :sun_behind_small_cloud: :wood: :pray: :japanese_castle: :rock:
:japanese_ogre: :shinto_shrine: :crescent_moon: :horse: :scroll: :fire: :japanese_castle:
δΊ” 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:crossed_swords: :sake: :japanese_castle: :email: :drum: :dagger:
:teapot: :japanese_castle: :triangular_flag_on_post: :axe: :sake: :wood: :crossed_swords:
:crossed_swords: :fire: :boom: :tea: :evergreen_tree: :shinto_shrine: :carpentry_saw:
:hole: :pill: :tiger2: :japanese_castle: :coin: :tooth: :scroll:
:canoe: :deciduous_tree: :chopsticks: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
ε…­ 月
ζ—₯ 月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土
:ship: :bed: :rice:
:horse: :wind_chime: :japanese_castle: :fire: :maple_leaf: :mountain: :wind_face:
:japanese_castle: :sunrise: :japanese_castle: :crossed_swords: :placard: :blossom: :deciduous_tree:
:spiral_notepad: :shinto_shrine: :bowing_man: :tea: :seedling: :crescent_moon: :sailboat:
:canoe: :star: :sunny: :crossed_swords: :bow_and_arrow: :mount_fuji: