📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

October 3 :maple_leaf: Home Post

I hoped to read more ブルーロック today but the sleepies hit hard, so it’s another counting-what-I-read-for-class day!

Awww omg thank you, that’s so nice to hear :') it’s definitely been rough sometimes, and I miss the days of pouring hours in without a second thought, but I just try to remind myself that even the tiniest bit is better than nothing. It’s all progress :muscle:we got this!!



Caught up with 夜カフェ today! I read ch 2-7, which is about 72 pages of text. Ch 6 and 7 were both emotionally difficult for me to read, 6 on behalf of Ryouma (eating the somewhat burned piece of yakitori so none of the kids would have to be stuck with it, but that still being the wrong thing to do and the girls getting mad at him; not handling Risa-chan in the park correctly and the girls getting mad at him even though it’s not like they did that much better themselves…) (the neurodivergent relatability is coming out) and 7 on behalf of Hanabi because of the weirdness going on with Tina and Hanabi starting to feel out of place and unwelcome. When I saw that ch 8 was called ケンカ, I wasn’t expecting anything to happen until then, but I guess that’s just when things come to a head and we finally get an actual confrontation.

I’ve noticed with this book that for the most part, I know the majority of the words (some of them I don’t know or have only a vague idea of but can pretty much figure them out from the context and don’t bother looking them up; some of them I do know but it takes me a bit to make the connection due to the lack of kanji) and only have to make the occasional lookup, but then there’ll be random pages where I’ll have to look up every other word it feels like, and they’re not even necessarily the cooking or crafting pages…

I also read the 4-pg prologue of Stage of the Ground, because of course I did lol. Before the story, we get several pages of full-color illustrations by Hinota to sort of introduce the main characters and the story, and they’re so pretty. And the cover page of each chapter aside from the prologue and epilogue has a profile for a different main character, which is nice. Anyways, I’m back to feeling like I’ve gotta look up like every other word lol probably doesn’t help that this is my first baseball series.

I read one chapter of HQ vol 30 as well.

あの2番の子 大人しそうなのに…

lol, nope, Suga’s just as feral as the rest of them (if not more), he’s great

Some vocab of note:

波風を立てる (なみかぜをたてる) [expression, 一] to make trouble; to make waves; to cause discord
裏返る (うらがえる) [自ラ五] to break into falsetto; to crack; to squeak; to croak; to quaver. I can definitely see how we get here from another of its meanings, “to betray; to double-cross.”
またぞろ [adverb] yet again
なあなあ [noun, の-adj.] compromise; collusion; give and take; not making a fuss; closing one’s eyes (to). Often as なあなあで.
立ち居振る舞い (たちいふるまい) [noun] movements; behavior; bearing; manner; demeanor
どん詰まり (どんづまり) [noun] dead end; end of the line

Oh, this is super relatable. Even with all that I’ve been reading, my 積読 count has increased to 150… (Wasn’t I just getting close to 100??) At least the amount I can comprehend without having to go back over it and/or look stuff up has increased, and my recognizing more kanji tends to make lookups go faster, and my stamina for reading in Japanese has definitely increased, so I am able to read more compared to a year ago, but I still don’t think my actual reading speed itself has increased significantly yet, and it’s frustrating as hell. It’s torture not being able to read everything I want to read! あぁ、ほんとに活字中毒ですね……


:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

October 3rd:
:orange_square: とつくにの少女1(35% → 50%)

Halfway through the volume! That story せんせ reads to シーヴァ offered some insight into the lore of the story. せんせ also told a bit of a lie, getting this sweet little girl’s hopes up over her aunt. :worried: Soldier characters appeared for the first time, and I learned more about the village that the two main characters visited earlier in the volume. I have an idea of what’s happening regarding the spooky thing せんせ found in yesterday’s reading: I think that people in the “non-cursed” country/maybe other areas are becoming cursed, not from touching someone with the curse, but maybe from something else, and when that happens, the soldiers are ordered to execute them. There are several volumes after this one, so I don’t know when I’ll find out if I’m on the mark or not.


03 October 2022

:house: Home Post

  • Chainsaw Man (Chapter 15)

Busy day. Apparently, my understanding of 魔人と悪魔 was close to how people describe the difference. 悪魔 is inherently an evil thing, a word not present in Japan until the introduction of Christianity, and subsequently, the idea of devils as Westerners understand them. 魔人 is more tame, closely along the lines of “supernatural” for us. So not inherently evil, but definitely separate from a normal 人.


:jack_o_lantern: October 3rd :jack_o_lantern: (Home Post Link)

Read chapters 24 and the 休憩 chapter of よつばと!Back to mostly easier stuff in these, especially in the 4-koma chapter. Laughed quite a bit when よつば described where she was from as just “to the left”, and when 恵那ちゃん was doing some more reading about 地球温暖化. I didn’t think this series would be teaching me about 二酸化炭素の排出, but here we are :laughing:

What a diligent little student!

Edit: I couldn’t connect to wifi to launch any games on my switch at the hotel I’m staying at, so I read a bit more よつばと!(ch 25) poor 風香ちゃん… really just can’t catch a break


Started reading 竜殺しのブリュンヒルド because I cant read 青ブタ at the moment. Its fantasy so theres a lot more look ups like usual. Its interesting and I guess based on actual mythology. Ill probably get back to 青ブタ tomorrow since today I was busy doing other things.


Oct 4, Tue of Week 2 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

I finished HUNTER x HUNTER Vol.8, but I might not buy the next volume; watching anime with listening and generated JP sub only.

Although reading isn’t the priority for this season, it would be nice to build a reading habit. I feel that anime with (accurate) sub is quite similar to manga, although manga may have more details and more explanations (which might be walls of text). Nonetheless, after finishing the anime, I might continue reading HUNTER x HUNTER and Yurucamp, for instance.

When I have less series required to read, I might focus on other series, or read less picture’d books, like novels and documentaries. Nonetheless, less pictures mean I might need more mental focus… (Not to mention I am still a struggling learner.)


Oct 4

かがみの孤城 44% → 45%

Somehow I’m still keeping the streak! 4 pages today.


Day 3 : Didn’t quite manage to get my hour in yesterday but still read about 20 pages of Harry Potter & finished off volume 10 of Detective Conan so not too bad!


Technically I read something today, but it was 2 pages of Spy Family and a few lines of Tugumi.

I usually read in the evening. I’ve been trying to arrange a house sitter for the end of the year (I often use junior doctors doing a term at the local hospital). So I’ve found one, she can’t do the first week, but her parents can house- and cat-sit that week. Her dad is driving past tomorrow and wants to visit. House is a mess! So I’ve been trying to tidy in between work this evening.


:lady_beetle: Home :lady_beetle:

October 4

148 - 178 (end)

Finally finished that volume! The author’s notes say that it’s now both a cat and music manga, so I feel more validated about dropping it. Like it’s nice and cute, but when I started reading, I was only interested in the cat aspect. Tomorrow(?), I’ll probably start vol 7, although I’m taking JoJo to work too because I have the protector for that size manga (Ojisama is too big and therefore stays at home).

62 - 88


Not me wondering how you got diacritics on your boxes :flushed: :joy:


My man. xD we’re basically doing the same thing. Granted I that with light novels. I need to get a manga sized one.


:ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:Those book protectors are everything. If the shounen manga sized one didn’t cover most of my books, I’d have a whole bunch in different sizes


Just gotta be the coolest catboy


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Autumn Onsen :hotsprings: :raccoon:

20221004 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 41.29% :bangbang:

Wagahai-cat awakens from his slumber to a noise, the mouse?! He quickly hides himself and prepares for Operation Nezumi.

Even the masterful strategy of Operation Nezumi isn’t enough for these crafty invaders, they are too quick, too small, and he is too tired. More sleep is needed. After rest he will definitely be able to catch a mouse.

But なに - a surprise attack in his sleep, how dare they interrupt naptime! Wagahai-cat flees in fear of his life as the monstrous beings lurk in the darkness.

This also concludes chapter five, which was a really fun read, probably my favourite chapter so far.

:fallen_leaf: Japanese found under the leaves :fallen_leaf:


小癪「こしゃく」ー Impudent; cheeky
摺鉢「すりばち」ー Earthenware mortar (mortar & pestle) (also: すり鉢)
蹲踞「そんきょ」ー Crouching; formal crouch at the beginning of sumo matches


Slowly getting ready for the Autumn Challenge :smiley:

Home Post

This time around I will skip the calendar with the icons and instead post my page counts here weekly. (I hope :sweat_smile:)

This is the first week of October: [1]


Currently playing catch-up with the TUGUMI book club, but I was travelling with a friend which left very very little time as we had a lot to talk about :sweat_smile:

  1. weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday ↩︎


:fallen_leaf: Day 4, 4th of October :maple_leaf:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

I wanted to do something for my grammar understanding and didn’t have time to do textbook work today, so I read some of the provided reading on Bunpro. Only the first two lessons, and I kept misreading the furigana. I had to increase zoom levels to 200% before I could read them without squinting (さ and き my beloathed). I guess that’s one way to motivate myself to learn more Kanji.


On October the 4th I read:

Tadoku graded readers

山に行きました – にほんごたどく
メキシコの犬 – にほんごたどく
ディアさんの冬休み – にほんごたどく
がんばっているみなさんへ – にほんごたどく


Home post :bookmark: Oct 4 :fallen_leaf:

・ 本好きの下剋上 11 (26% → 32%)

Today’s chapter was hilarious, probably my favorite so far in the book: the part where Mayne imbues Angelica’s sword with magic power. I do feel a bit guilty for not getting any studies done tho, so here’s to a day on campus tomorrow! (And hopefully can manage to read book in the evening)

Nyehehe, I has successfully migrated my book tracking tables from doc to excel >:3

Main table

Table of challenges