📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Nov 8

人間椅子 27% (page 9)

The percentage change was sort of odd today, but I’m at 27% now I think? I also reread one page, not realising I’d read it previously.


8/11 4 pages おばちゃんたちにいるところ, 6 pages シャドーハウス

If I read a few more pages of the former tomorrow, I’ll have finished last week’s reading (my font size is different so my page number differs from the official count). I’m finding it very slow going but I think it’s improving.


Nov 8, Tue of Week 7 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • はたらく細胞 (Cell At Work) Vol.1, from start to Ch.1 page 18

Actually page 20 on Bookwalker, but the book club said 2 + the original page number.

It has been a while since I have to look up vocabularies in JP definitions as well (in Yomichan, with some settings I can hover inside the popup). I don’t know how ABBC book club would work (absolute beginner as well). It probably depends on how deeply you read it, but then Kanji knowledge for guessing? Anyway, good luck.

I am not sure how much I could pick up vocabularies via listening, and that can be a problem when thinking about it.

I peeked at 秋の牢獄 to around 4%. Actually, I probably have read this one before, but I remember nothing of it, and …no e-book - where did I even bought it? I think I remember No.6 a little more, but then, next to nothing.

Outside is noisy here, today, because of Lok Krathong Festival (a full moon festival to worship river goddess). Well, it has been silent for two years before, because of COVID-19. (Another truth is COVID-19 spreads more during the past month, but no strict quarantine, nor serious damage so far.)

I find it a little hard to focus right now.


:fallen_leaf: Day 39, 8th of November :maple_leaf:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

In today’s DrDru story, a genie asks three people their desires. One wants to go to America, one wants to go to Italy, and the third wants to be with the other two, negating the first two wishes…


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Autumn Onsen :hotsprings: :raccoon:

20221108 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 70.25% :scroll:

Much to Wagahai-cat’s surprise Master is fascinated by the nonsense letter and thinks it to be profound, so he reads it again and again.

:fallen_leaf: Japanese found under the leaves :fallen_leaf:


横風「おうふう」ー Arrogant; haughty // or, read as「よこかぜ」ー Crosswind; Side wind
主旨「しゅし」ー Meaning; point; gist (also: 趣旨)


November 8th
:maple_leaf:Home post:maple_leaf:

Aria: the masterpiece volume 1 – progress report
Yesterday: read up to page 101
Today: read up to page 113; finished chapter 3

Sigh, sometimes daily plans change last minute and thus I had even less time for reading today than anticipated. At least I managed to finish chapter 3 which I’ll count as an achievement – albeit a tiny one.

Some words of note

滝 (たき) waterfall
冒険 (ぼうけん) adventure, venture


08 November 2022

:house: Home Post



November 8 :heavy_check_mark: :open_umbrella:

体育館の殺人, 9-15%

This week’s reading of 体育館の殺人. I don’t know if it’s my mood today or the direct comparison to other books I’m reading at the same time, but it felt pretty unexciting. It’s still the beginning in both books, so it may be too early to talk, but while Eugenia seems to have all the richness, depth and complexity of good literature, 体育館の殺人 feels like a riddle in a crossword magazine in comparison. I’m likely being way too harsh. I’ll keep reading, of course. Riddles are good fun too, they just lack emotional depth. But you can’t have everything.


:books: :video_game: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: November 6

Tiny read of わたしの幸せな結婚 (13% → 14%).

:books: :video_game: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: November 7

Had been a while since I’d read from so many different sources in one day. I started reading ユージニア’s free sample to see if I’ll officially join the bookclub and read a couple of those sub-chapter thingies. I played ルーパーズ for half an hour and read some わたしの幸せな結婚 (14% → 17%).


I think it’s worth noting that 体育館の殺人 is aimed at kids. Or is young adult fiction perhaps. The genre can be enjoyed in its own right, but it’s a very different overall feel than something like ユーギニア. Some days something like that is good, sometimes it’s not. Hope you feel better soon!

Also ユーギニア also feels like such a gem of a book so far, my other readings all pale against it. :sweat_smile:


I’m so happy y’all like it so far! It’s my nomination and as you know, one can never really know in advance how a book will turn out and how it will be received by the club members. This doesn’t keep me from nominating, mind you :sweat_smile: but of course it’s encouraging to hear that it was a good pick. Also, it is a bit of a crazy story how I learned about the book, so I thought maybe that foreshadows something about the book as well :wink:

in case you want to know

Last year or so, I zoom-attended an interview with Ursula Gräfe, the German translator of Murakami Haruki and other Japanese authors. The interview was conducted by Nora Bartels, who works at the Mori Ōgai memorial site in Berlin and who works part-time as translator of Japanese literature. Towards the end of the interview, Nora Bartels mentioned that she was working on the translation of a book by Onda Riku. She didn’t give the name of the book but she described it a little bit, and I got curious and started to look at some descriptions of Onda Riku books, coming to the conclusion that she must be working on Eugenia. As I liked her description, I nominated the book for the ABC. When her translation was published a few months ago, my suspicion was confirmed :blush:


Home post :bookmark: Nov 8 :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:

・本好きの下剋上 12 (44% → 64%)

Wild stuff started happening and suddenly I reached the epilogue at 57%. That’s way too early, so I had to check whether the next book is the start of a new part/arc. The answer is affirmative.

Spoiler: First Charlotte is about to be kidnapped, then Rozemayne is the one getting kidnapped. Things were getting real frantic. Luckily, Bonifathius came to the rescue as did Ferdinand. Who knew that the grandpa adores Rozemayne to the point he enters berserk mode when something happens to her? :joy: I did not. It’s absolutely hilarious the amount of physical strength this man possesses, he’s literally not allowed to go near the super frail Rozemayne cuz she might die. Then we suddenly have a two-year time skip :exploding_head: But the epilogue continues where things left of from another point of view, so that’s neat. But there’s bound to be consequences from a sudden two-year time skip, like not growing at all while in coma? Not good, not good… Another thing I found hilarious tho, Angelica becoming Bonifathius’ apprentice. What a combo, it’s perfect :joy:

I randomly remembered the meaning of じょうろ just as I was looking it up. Was a bit mindblown, it’s not often I come across that word :joy: (It means watering can!)


I’ve been reading more オトメ*ドメイン and it’s been fun so far. There is a 中二病 type character though and they are so hard to understand, even the MC made an off-hand comment about not quite understanding what they’re trying to convey :sweat_smile: Outside of that one character the reading has been going along pretty smoothly.


Today I read 4 more pages of Konosuba. They are trying to recruit new party members but the only person showing up is a small girl with a big hat.
After briefly introducing herself she asks if she could have something to eat.
Poor girl I would of course offer her something to eat right away.


November 8th!

Today I read two chapters of Flying Witch, and finished Volume 2.
I had a bit of a tough day today, so some chilled out chapters about magical snacks and picking wild plants were exactly what I needed :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


:lady_beetle: Home :lady_beetle:

November 8

人間椅子 20-24%

I worked on cleaning and winterizing my apartment and by the time I got to a stopping point, it was late at night. I’m hoping to finish winterizing today. I’m going to wash my kotatsu blanket before putting it out and I still have some cleaning to do. Being warm>reading


I finished reading the first story in 秋の牢獄. 45 pages on the ipad. Apple Books says that took me 143 minutes, so ~3 minutes a page. Judging by the page number difference (paperback is 224 pages, mine is 171) I’d say I kept a pretty good reading speed there.

I also read an article one of the book club members for ユージニア linked. It was 7 pages to click through but was a very interesting read.

I also had to write a decent amount of Japanese today (correspondence and practice) so mentally I’m :melting_face:

I still need to do my listening practice though :joy:


Home post

Day 38:

Priority: :houses: 青桐.

Free choice: :mag: 硝子の塔の殺人.

Extra: :black_joker: 遊☆戯☆王 1.


:maple_leaf: :turkey: November 8th :turkey: :maple_leaf: (Home Post Link)


  • Tae Kim 200 → 209 – levels of uncertainty, things that happen unintentionally. More expressions I’ve encountered and noticed quite a bit before. Kinda hard to avoid stuff like nominalizing こと and ~ちゃう/~てしまう when reading literally anything.
  • からかい上手の高木さん chapter 15, 16 – chapter 15 was the first time I’ve read a full chapter of manga and not needed to look up a single word, I think. Not gonna claim I had 100% comprehension of all the grammar and nuance, but I didn’t see any major nouns or verbs that I felt like I couldn’t get most of the gist of just from the context or didn’t know. I also noticed 高木さん uses もん as a casual feminine way to add emphasis today, and also had just read about it in Tae Kim. He describes that tone as “very feminine and cheeky (in a cute way).” This tracks 100%.
Good Words

放課後「ほうかご」ー after school
居残り「いのこり」ー working overtime, being kept after school
油断「ゆだん」ー negligence


November 8 :maple_leaf: Home Post

A lot happened today :joy: I started out with some マミヤ which I’m still really enjoying; I still have no real idea what’s going on but I’m certainly interested to find out. I also read some more ブルーロック and oh boy was that an eventful one, I’m very excited for upcoming events :eyes:

I also had Japanese Club at school today and at today’s meeting one of our professors guided us through the beginning of Hatoful Boyfriend? :joy: A very interesting time, but it was cool to help guide some of the students who don’t have as much reading practice through “real-world” (it’s Hatoful Boyfriend, how real can it be lmao) Japanese! :grin: Also definitely a good confidence boost on my part haha :wink: