📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

That style of font is my biggest Japanese-gaming pet peeve :upside_down_face:


Ooh we’ve got some font fun today :eyes:

Looks to me like ツンキャラは純粋(ピュアネス)守る鎧だねアイアンヴァージン。

Ooh yeah I looked it up and I’ve definitely seen that font before, I don’t remember where but it sure is a funky one :joy: I assure you you’ll get used to it though, I have faith haha


Tsun-character is indeed an armor to protect pureness(純粋) – Iron Virgin, Keima. I am not sure of the context?


:maple_leaf: :turkey: November 3rd :turkey: :maple_leaf: (Home Post Link)

Still feelin a lil funky but was easier to do work today than yesterday.


  • からかい上手の高木さん chapters 5 and 6 – I’m now past the stuff I’ve already read and into new stuff! Enjoying this series quite a bit. Pure cute “romance” comedy, which is a little shift from よつばと!There’s no real stakes here, but in a different way. I enjoy this style of 日常系 as well, but I tend to like the stuff without romance/romantic subtext a little more. No complaints though, it is undeniably and certifiably really stinkin cute :tm:.
  • Tae Kim 151 → 158 – all sorts of stuff for making requests. Good clarification between negative commands like 食べるな and polite requests like 食べな (as shortened 食べなさい). I think i’ve definitely gotten those grammar points confused when reading before.
Good Words

空き缶「あきかん」ー empty can
間接キス「かんせつきす」ー indirect kiss (…wonder how many times i’ve heard this without seeing it)
距離「きょり」ー distance, range
日直「にっちょく」ー class duties

EXCUSE ME WHAT I wonder if that means ヤンダ’s choice drink in よつばと! was supposed to be even more of a joke than I thought :joy:

Whoops, hit wrong reply button sorry!



クールドジ男子⑤ got here today! I only got 6 books this time (since I also got the 2.43 夏祭り acrylic stand set), but it’s funny that they all ended up being the same larger page size. Also, I’m sad that Bookmeter (and I assume Amazon too) still doesn’t have an image for CDD5.

Today I started reading the first story in おばちゃんたちのいるところ, reading 4 pages. I’d wanted to read more, but I started reading this one late, so I’m too tired lol

I finished 僕らの食卓 today. I love it so much…


:eyes: Not sure if you’re aware, but we actually have a book club for Takagi-san here on the forums! Feel free to drop in if you ever have any questions, or just to chat!

End of shameless plug, and back to lurking


November 3 :maple_leaf: Home Post

I went wild and finished up volume 9 of ブルーロック and then proceeded to read all of volume 10 :joy: I didn’t mean to, I really shouldn’t have but I just had to know what happened. And oh boy was it something :eyes: I’m very curious to see what will happen now, so onto my new volumes!! :tada:


I finished reading クロウカシス today! Overall it was a pretty good story but definitely suffered from a lot of pacing issues in the middle I think. The ending and how the mystery was solved was very satisfying though. Usually a lot of mystery genre stuff I read in the medium has trouble with writing good endings but I liked this ending a lot.

My main issue with the game is the route system though, you have so many choices on what you can do it can be confusing. Its setup like a detective solve the mystery type VN so having the freedom is nice but there were like 4 endings I couldn’t get even with a guide :sweat_smile: There’s multiple guides for the game and there’s a lot of inconsistencies between them on what you’re supposed to do to get certain endings and the 4 I’m missing I couldn’t get no matter what. I got the true ending at least which is the most important one but I almost always 100% complete VNs so it is a bit annoying to be missing a few character routes.

Now that I’m finished with that VN, I’ll probably spend all of tomorrow scrolling through VNs trying to find something new that catches my eye


:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

November 2nd・November 3rd:
:red_square: 魔女の宅急便 (14% → 16%)
:red_square: おばちゃんたちのいるところ (0% → 4%)

Mostly living that “tiny read” life. I don’t know if blazing through Conan made me want to slow down, or if there being a deadline for finishing Conan helped motivate me further to read. :thinking:

Kiki’s off and searching for a place to settle down in. She’s hoping for a city, which I sympathize with. (I’m definitely more of a city person than a suburb/countryside person.) I also started reading おばちゃんたちのいるところ. I saw there was a book club, and I had wanted to read the book for some time. I make no promises about staying on track with the club, but I’ll try not to be too far behind, at least.


:books: :video_game: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: November 3

Didn’t read the previous day as a kind of break (and I wasn’t sure what to read either) but today I got わたしの幸せな結婚 on a whim as I’d seen it recommended by a few people in here. At some point I became unable to buy Rakuten books with my non-Japanese card and I’m done paying for books that I can only read in a specific app and may one day disappear, so I tried amazon.jp and it took a few tries to get it right but eventually I was able to purchase the book, download it and convert it to .epub so I can do quick lookups with rikaikun (yes, this is 100% legal). I’m satisfied with this option because I’ve always found it appalling when as a paying customer you get a worse and more inconvenient product than if you were to straight up pirate it. Makes no sense to me.

Anyway, digression over. I started わたしの幸せな結婚 and plan on reading it without deadlines, just for fun, since reading 狼と香辛料 on a hard deadline was a bit stressful.

わたしの幸せな結婚 (0% → 6%)


Edit: Obs! I am talking about the font in Harvestella, not about the screenshot above from @saidahgilbert.

I wonder what it is trying to convey? Like why pick such a weird font? Or maybe it is a purely aesthetic choice. I don’t know enough about Japanese fonts to know if they carry some kind of genre stuff (like on book covers the font choice often accents the genre, at least if looking at like US covers and probably UK covers of books, can’t speak for other markets).

Oh for sure. After I figure out what character it is, it gets readable, but it makes me wonder. Fonts are usually picked to be readable, why is that considered readable? Or is the standard different for the Japanese game development scene. :joy:


:maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :snowflake: :christmas_tree: November 4 :christmas_tree: :snowflake: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:
Home Post

夜カフェ2 :cake:


Four pages of chapter 11, then all of very short chapter 12 and the atogaki. I skipped reading the recipe because I had no interest in it for now.

Since I also own volume 3, I will read it at some point, but not right now. Tomorrow will be the next chapter of Orange and I probably don’t have time to finish it, so will be Sunday too. Then I will either read the first week of 神さまがまちガえる with BBC or tackle some Loopers first. I haven’t decided how I wanna do it.

Might play some more Harvestella later too. I’ll see how the day goes. :blush:


It’s clearly a brushstroke based kind of font design. Looking at the text and counting the syllables, the lines are 5-7-5-7. So I think the font choice plus the red ‘signature seal’ box thing (which I’m guessing is a character name) are coming together to make it a parody of a poem (complete with the sound effect thingy at the end). If it was in an anime I bet they’d have it recited by a narrator in a formal style…


I was talking about the font in Harvestella, not the screenshot from saibahgilbert.

This is a screenshot from Harvestella that has both the な and そ. I find it much more readable today, apparently a little exposure and a night’s sleep made it easier, but still weird.


Whoops, sorry, lost track of the conversation thread there. Yeah, that’s just kind of annoying, especially for big chunks of text like that. Maybe it’s like where some people inexplicably like to use Comic Sans? :slight_smile:


I guess it could be. Can you imagine a whole game with comic sans though? I might just nope out of that. :joy:


Main Post

On November the 4th I:


Nov 4, Fri of Week 6 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • かがみの孤城 (上) 38% => 44% (Ch.3 July)

Escaping from reality, or more correctly said, longer-bearing past. Not that many new vocabularies.

I read in two sections, each at a time, in two sessions, actually.

  • Death Note Vol.5 Ch.37
Yotsuba is here.


Actually quite some text, but if only a chapter at a time, I can deal with it in one batch. No problemo.


:maple_leaf: :turkey: November 4th :turkey: :maple_leaf: (Home Post Link)

Played a buncha trombone champ and made sure to eat right and get some exercise yesterday and now I feel mostly back to normal. Sometimes brain stuff is very not easy to fix, but it really is nice when the simple stuff just works.


  • Tae Kim 158 → 166 – all numbers, counting, and time stuff, I think entirely review
  • からかい上手の高木さん – chapter 7, 8, 9 + おまけ, finishing volume 1!
  • ブスに花束を – I also saw this was getting an anime adaptation soon so I quickly read through it in English (only like 40 chs, it’s super super far behind the jp release). The translation was rough, but it was pretty cute so I might add it to my japanese reading list. Looks somewhere maybe a little above ホリミヤ level-ish (a bit of slang, and some more text density, but still has furigana) from flipping through the preview on bookwalker.
Good Words

ドジ ー blunder
心臓「しんぞう」ー heart (shoulda known this one from aot, probably)
状況 「じょうきょう」ー situation, sate of affairs
ど忘れ 「どわすれ」ー a lapse of memory
愛情表現「あいじょうひょうげん」ー expression of love
観る「みる」ー to watch (見る form)
片思い「かたおもい」ー unrequited love
容赦「ようしゃ」ー leniency
何時もより「いつもより」ー more than usual
付き合う「つきあう」ー to go out with

Translation is hard, it's ok



Yeah! I wasn’t sure how far the club had gotten, but looks like not as far ahead as I’d thought. I’ll probably hop in once I catch up (should be pretty quick, I think), and then can go back and do some closer re-reading along with the club’s chapters as that progresses :smile:


Reminds me of the font in Monster Hunter: World

You get used to it very quickly though so don’t worry :slight_smile: . I think it’s relatively common in fantasy settings as a device to pull you out of reality and into their own worlds. It seems to me like a stylistic choice for immersion, like even if it’s Japanese it makes it feel a little like the world’s “unique” language or script and you’re not really reading something from Earth but from another place. I personally like it a lot, any chance to experiment with different fonts is always super fun.