I got to go to HPB today to sell a bunch of books, and I bought a few as well. I came across a Miyabe Miyuki novel, 東京下町殺人暮色, and decided to pick it up since I know at least one person in these challenges has been reading her books (don’t remember who, sorry; I’m generally good at recognition, not so much association).
I read 7 pages of 夜カフェ ch 8. I’d intended to read the whole chapter, but I got distracted writing fic lol
I thought about starting from where I last left off in this book, but I don’t really remember all that much, so I’m starting the whole thing over. Hopefully it’ll end up being a faster read than last time. Also, hopefully I actually finish the book this time around.
That being said, I only read two pages today. It was already late when i started reading, and I don’t want to be exhausted tomorrow. Still, I found myself remembering words that were new to me the last time I read this, so I’m taking that as a good sign.
I finally got around to setting up a buyee account today to order some more manga. Ebay is fine for getting used sets, but it can get kind of annoying finding stuff sometimes. Hoping the shipping isn’t too slow/expensive, but I ordered しろくまカフェ and 耳をすませば (which i only recently learned had a novel adaptation from this thread! It’s one of my favorite ghibli movies, so it’d be a crime for me not to try reading it). Still got plenty of よつばと!left so there’s plenty of time for them to get here though
Read chapter 35 and then took a nap, woke up and decided to do another chapter before I let myself watch the shows I wanted to watch this week. Didn’t really have any trouble with chapter 35, I really enjoyed the little 癒しの猫 she taped to her shirt. 36 was another one with some more terminology, mostly bike stuff. I enjoyed a lot of the 自転車屋さん’s quipping, he seems like a fun guy.
Good Words
癒す「いやす」ー to heal, to cure (oooh that’s where いやしけい comes from i see i see)
こぼれる ー to spill
やっぱし ー as expected; sure enough (やはり)
補助輪「ほじょりん」ー training wheels
髭もじゃ「ひげもじゃ」ー bearded
探す「さがす」ー to search for
ぴったり ー exactly, precisely
免許「めんきょ」ー license
修理「しゅうり」ー repair, servicing
Four pages today. If my workload begins to become overwhelming in the next week/next few weeks, I’ll reduce reading and Tobira to alternate days of the week instead of trying to do both daily. Better than unintentionally putting both on hiatus for some weeks or even months (which I’ve done before, multiple times .)
I was only expecting to be able to read two pages before getting tired since it’s late evening, but a lot of the dialogue was easy to follow, so I was able to speed-read a few sentences!
It quite challenging, but I have been making slow progress. I managed 4 pages in 20 minutes yesterday because I was looking up a lot of stuff and even took a while to research 横たわる and how it differs from the 横になる I am familiar with.
At least, I now get to see Horo. Google Translate built into Bookwalker for Android is quite useful for getting the reading, but the meaning is sometimes unknown English words, otherwise probably unreliable. I went by knowing somewhat not few words in advance, and guessing by Kanji (particularly for meaning), perhaps.
I barely scratched the cover of the physical book I bought this weekend.
The conversation has now gone on a massive tangent, even Master seems somewhat frustrated that his friend just won’t stop talking about ancient Greece. Saviour comes in the form of the doorbell.
Japanese found under the leaves
筒袖「つつそで」ー Tight sleeve (of a kimono/dress)
御蔭 = 御陰 (お陰)「おかげ」(Grace/benevolence of God/Buddha)
I read これ、なあに? from the Tadoku books. It was nice to find out what these items where called, but man I could not bring myself to focus today. Understood pratically nothing even though I saw some familiar words. Putting it on my ‘read again later’ list.
Finished week 7. Feels kind of amazing - if I have the time and desire to do so, I can read quite a few pages in a day. (Famous last words, haha. Can’t wait to be destroyed by other books.)
On an unrelated note, today was world mental health day. Hope everyone here, participants and lurkers, are having a nice day~
I finished reading 推しのラブ at the start of the month. I was reading it for the most part of last month each day but despite it being short it took me a bit longer because I don’t think it was too interesting. There wasn’t anything particularly wrong with it but it never really hooked me enough to have a long reading session.
The other day I started to read クロウカシス as my new VN and that one on the other hand has been phenomenal so far. I spent most of my weekend reading it. It’s a hard game to put down once you start. Given the setting I thought the difficulty might be on the higher end but outside of some keigo and obscure kanji usage, it actually hasn’t been that hard so far (I think Monkeys is still by far the hardest VN I’ve played). The art in this one is really good too, like all other Innocent Grey titles.
Priority: ミニスカ宇宙海賊 1. They got caught by the teacher who is really a pirate (as they both know) and are trying to make their excuses. Free choice: 硝子の塔の殺人. Learned some about the big announcement to come, and 一条 is beginning to build to the big moment of his own. Other: 君の名は. The comet has split. 三葉 in her own body is heading to try to persuade her dad. ダンジョン飯 4. Oh no I don’t know anyone’s names. The one dude is talking with that other dude about elves and the master of the dungeon. That one adventurer woke up and with two other adventurers is going places.
My one chapter a day happened today too against all odds. So tired today. I was only gonna read a few pages and next thing I knew I was at the end of the chapter. So I finished chapter 7. One more chapter than then I’ve finished volume 2. I should be able to hit that before my brother arrives for a long weekend visit.
As I mentioned yesterday, don’t know how much, if any, reading I’ll get done Thursday-Saturday, but at least I’ll be one volume closer to catching up with my own book club.
Today I read the next two chapters of Shadows House. I’m really enjoying the storyline and its all pretty mysterious so its always tough to convince myself to not read ahead!
Read part 5 of ジャックと豆の木, in which Jack goes back to the castle where the man-eating giant lives because he and his mother used up all the money they got last time. Jack finds out that the giant has a bird that lays golden eggs, and he steals one. Or, at least, he tries to, but the giant sees him and starts chasing him. What an action-packed story!
I did the thing again, where I listened → translated → read Japanese → compared my English translation with the actual translation.
I wanted to finish the whole volume last night, but sleep called. Funnily enough, I thought I could get 6h in and then maybe read a little more in the morning. unfortunately though, I fell back asleep after my alarm and only barely made it to work on time!
I didn’t post yesterday I did technically read a bit for class so I’ve got that going for me, also I think the worst of the semester is behind me so yay!! I’m still tired and recovering from that lmao so just a few pages of ブルーロック, but I’m excited to hopefully be able to read more consistently
I read a bit more of 異世界の名探偵 today as I’m pretty mentally tired and needed something easy. Every time the token bully character shows up (ボブ) I mentally picture Gary from Pokemon. I guess that’d make him しげる though.
Also I know I already mentioned it but voting is going on for the Mystery Book Club! I’m currently dying from suspense just from the vote itself. The next person to vote could break the tie or turn it into a four way tie
October 10th: 魔女の宅急便 (not even a percent → still not even a percent)
Read one page today. Once again, I put off reading until bedtime, and even then I started after it should’ve been lights out. Not sure why I keep putting off reading until late. I think one of the problems is that I have a history of starting and stopping this book. I was obviously very into reading (and finishing) my volume of とつくにの少女, but I don’t have that same level of enthusiasm yet for this book. I’m still only right at the beginning, though, so maybe I just need a little more time. I’ll have to make more of an effort to read earlier tomorrow.