📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

:house_with_garden: Home post


  • 原神

Back to FFXIV and a bit of 原神 today. A bit challenging but I survived.


:fallen_leaf::maple_leaf: October 5 :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: home post link🏡

I’m short on time today, so I just read the first part of ジャックと豆の木 (Jack and the Beanstalk) on Wasabi. I listened to the recording of the reading and tried to translate it by ear, then read the actual text in Japanese and looked at the translation.



Ah, the intermediate book club is starting later than I thought. I thought it was toward the beginning of the month, not at the very end. Well, I dunno if I’ll be able to finish any novels before then though (except for 夜カフェ if I end up reading ahead again). I have 5…

(And then, saying that, I don’t read any books today. Whoops.)

I watched ep 2 of 不幸くんはキスするしかない! (and, in non-reading news, watched ep 3-5 with ENG subtitles since that was the last with JP, though it annoys me to no end that this is one of those teams that Westernizes it by having the characters use given names in the subs even when they use surnames in the original, and of course they drop honorifics too. But unfortunately, I can’t keep up half the time without subs yet). I don’t know if this one was actually easier than the first or if I just cared less today, but I didn’t have to go back and pause quite so much today.


:jack_o_lantern: October 5th :jack_o_lantern: (Home Post Link)

Was driving for almost 8 hours today but still found a little time to read chapter 28 of よつばと!Very cute chapter. Glad that みうらちゃん is finally starting to play nice. Not too much else to say, except that I continue to really appreciate a lot of the paneling and background details in this series, especially in outdoor settings.

Some lovely panels

Good Words

飽きもせず (あきもせず)- untiringly, persistently
シュークリーム - Cream Puff
エコロジー - ecology


:books: :maple_leaf: softlyraining’s spooky book stack :jack_o_lantern: :open_book:

October 5th:
:yellow_square: とつくにの少女1(62% → 81%)

I spent such a long time on my homework today…I mean, that’s kind of what I get for putting it off, but, ya know. :weary:

ANYWAY, that clearly didn’t stop me from reading more of this manga. :laughing: Good news! I’m no longer intensely worried about little シーヴァ! せんせ came and protected her from the, and I kid you not, PLETHORA of arrows shot her way. Now, I will say, one of the soldiers tried to argue against the idea of shooting at her, but they were swiftly given a talking to. As it turns out, the arrows didn’t really injure せんせ much at all, though the darling child sustained a slight injury to her leg (from tripping, not from an arrow).

Also, as they were walking home, せんせ held one end of the umbrella while シーヴァ held the other, and it was like they were holding hands! How PRECIOUS! :face_holding_back_tears: I just…nothing bad’s allowed to happen to them, okay?


October 5 :maple_leaf: Home Post

Today’s another one of those sleepy days where I just count what I did for class :joy: I’m in a ブルーロック mood though, hopefully I can read some more tomorrow!


:books: :video_game: :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: October 5

Even less time than usual so I could only manage to read a little 狼と香辛料 (17% → 18%).


Oct 6

かがみの孤城 47% → 48%

Five pages today. There’s been a lot of dialogue in the last few pages so it’s easier to understand. I listened to an instrumental album while reading, which made it super relaxing!


06 October 2022

:house: Home Post

  • Chainsaw Man (Chapter 17-19)

Accidentally edited this post instead of posting a new one. Whoops.


I just finished my first Satori Reader Series “Sakura and Suzuki” :two_hearts: I enjoyed it I thought it was a cute story.

I kept looking up words even the ones I’ve already learned on Wanikani so I have to be consistent with my reading to reinforce what I learn.

Next series 聞き耳ラジオ

Home Post


I haven’t met him yet because I started a new character not so long ago and then I didn’t play with it for a while, but judging from the Japanese voice acting and if I remember correctly other people’s experience, he’s actually not so bad to understand in Japanese as compared to English. I’ll need to come back and confirm it once I meet him, but I think it’s mostly just です・ます forms and other formal expressions and vocabulary. While I’ve been learning English for a very long time, I’m not an English native speaker so I don’t know this 100% sure, but the difficulty of Urianger’s speech in English comes from the fact that he uses obscure, old English that is barely in use nowadays outside of specific types of literature, right? Understanding Urianger in English was a challenge for me at first for sure. I think in Japanese he doesn’t use any super obscure language, he’s just overly polite and scholarly, using keigo with everyone, even with friends and companions he’s known for a very long time.

Again I’ll need to report back soon and see if what I said holds true or not :joy: so take it with a grain of salt. There are characters I fear a bit more than Urianger ;-; .


:lady_beetle: Home :lady_beetle:

October 5

start - 9

Got home late and almost forgot to read anything


Been working my way through Satori, alternating between the Jam Maker series and the Dialogs. Did a bit of math, to finish the currently published material (not future published) I’ll need to read 5 articles a day which isn’t bad. They’re fairly short and I don’t have to spend time looking up vocab in a dictionary.

I’m also about 40% through 本好き V1 manga. Been saving key words to learn before I get to the LN.

On an unrelated note, I just hit 50% burned on wk!


…which just shows how slow I’ve been haha. I’m actually planning to stop lessons at 45 to focus on reading and solidifying N3 grammar and vocab for a while, and pick it up next year, so I’ll def join a winter session if we have one! :smiley:


On October the 6th I’ve read (so far):

  • Today’s NHK Easy News
  • Took some more notes on わんわん探偵団。
  • Played some more 二ノ国。
Tadoku readers

やせうま – にほんごたどく
吉四六さんの話 ~舟のお金~ – にほんごたどく
野ばら – にほんごたどく
手ぶくろを買いに – にほんごたどく
しいたけ – にほんごたどく


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Autumn Onsen :hotsprings: :raccoon:

20221006 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 43.06% :fried_egg:

Too hot to nap and no food, the only thing left for Wagahai-cat to do is spy on people and listen to their human conversations. Though master is kinda boring… he just sleeps all day and everyone else just keeps talking about how hot it is, poor Wagahai-cat.

:fallen_leaf: Japanese found under the leaves :fallen_leaf:


御茶漬「おちゃづけ」ー Rice with tea poured on it (also: お茶漬け)
寄木細工「よせぎざいく」ー Wooden mosaic work; parquetry; marquetry
麦藁「むぎわら」ー Wheat/barley straw

玉子 = 卵「たまご」(egg) (the reading finally makes sense)


:fallen_leaf: :books: October 06th update

Didn’t have much time during the weekend or on Monday, so I ended up reading a few NHK Web Easy articles while on trains. In the past two days I’ve read half of the second volume of とつくにの少女 and plan to continue today :slight_smile:

Some words/phrases I've encountered

遅かれ早かれ 【おそかれはやかれ】- sooner or later
心細い 【こころぼそい】- helpless
捨て駒 【すてごま】- sacrificial pawn
避難 【ひなん】- taking refuge
円安 【えんやす】 - depreciation of the yen
These are quite dark…


:fallen_leaf: Day 6, 6th of October :maple_leaf:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

Another free book on Tadoku, this time about the color red ( (あか)い・・・). A bit more words and unknown vocabulary, so no additional book today.

It was cute how the pictures showed a story while the narration was focused on pointing out red things.


Home post :bookmark: Oct 6 :fallen_leaf:

・ 本好きの下剋上 11 (32% → 35%)

So tired I decided I couldn’t read spicy wolf tonight, so I went for honzuki. Might be due to a tiny lack of sleep from staying up longer than usual last night. Spent a bit too much fuel on finishing week 5 of book club :rocket: :sleeping: Two steps forward, one step back, but progress is progress I guess xD


:maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :snowflake: :christmas_tree: October 6 :christmas_tree: :snowflake: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:
Home Post

耳をすませば :black_cat:

I’d planned to start reading Orange today, but I’ve been short on sleep for a few days now, so my brain was way too tired this evening to try and get into that. Instead I read about half of next week’s reading for Whisper of the Heart, and then tomorrow I plan to finish that. It would then leave me with a whole week to get back into Orange and make some progress. ^^


October 6th!

Today I read the second half of chapter 2 of 耳をすませば.
The story isn’t quite capturing me, which I’m surprised by since it features books and cats and that basically sums up my interests :grin:
Its still a nice read, I was just expecting to really love it!

(Home Post)