4️⃣ Quartet 2 - Chapter 10 (Quartet Study Group)

Welcome to the Quartet Study Group thread!

Quartet 2 Chapter 10

Wherever you come from, the past, the present, or the future, you are welcome to use this thread to discuss Quartet Chapter 10 and mark your progression (see poll below)!

Home thread: :four: Quartet 1 and 2 Study Group

Previous Chapter: Chapter 9

Next Chapter: Chapter 11


This chapter covers the grammar points:


Schedule for this chapter:

Week Start Date Focus
Week 13 July 13 :four: :open_book: (Quartet - 読む - Chapter 10)
Week 14 July 20 :four: :writing_hand: (Quartet - 書く- Chapter 10)
Week 15 July 27 :four: :speech_balloon: (Quartet - 話す- Chapter 10)
Week 16 August 3 :four: :headphones: (Quartet - 聞く- Chapter 10)

Audio files

Links to get the audio files:

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Participation poll

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Progression poll

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  • 読み物1 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物1
  • 読み物1 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読み物2 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物2
  • 読み物2 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読みのストラテジー16
  • 読みのストラテジー17
  • 文型・表現ノート
  • Workbook 読み物1 p.41 + p.42
  • Workbook 読み物2 p.43 + p.44
0 voters


  • モデル作文
  • タスク・書く前に
  • タスク・書いてみよう
  • Workbook 基本練習 p.45 → p.47
  • Workbook まとめの練習 p.48 → p.50
0 voters


  • 会話1・やってみよう
  • 会話1・聞いてみよう
  • 会話1・モデル会話
  • 会話1・練習しよう
  • 会話2・やってみよう
  • 会話2・聞いてみよう
  • 会話2・モデル会話
  • 会話2・練習しよう
0 voters


  • 聴解1
  • 聴解2
0 voters

Extra resources

  • Discord: Quartet Study Group, join us:
  • ToKini Andy video Chapter 10 Part 2
  • ToKini Andy video Chapter 10 Part 3
  • ToKini Andy video Chapter 10 Part 4
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Week 13! Chapter 10!

We start with reading as usual :slight_smile:

  • 読み物1 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物1
  • 読み物1 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読み物2 ・ 読む前に
  • 読み物2
  • 読み物2 ・ 読んだ後で
  • 読みのストラテジー14
  • 読みのストラテジー15
  • 文型・表現ノート
  • Workbook 読み物1 p.41 + p.42
  • Workbook 読み物2 p.43 + p.44

I have turned the pages a bit and seen what was coming in order to prepare this thread… and… what can I say… good luck

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Hotdog’s home post

  1. 結婚について30歳になるまで思いたくない。子供が絶対ほしくない。

  2. 他の多くの国の同じようにアメリカの出生率が減りつつあります。

  1. 国民に国民皆保険と育児休業をくれる、妊産婦死亡率を減らす、経済を直す、もっとも大切は子供は学校に入る時に子供に撃つことをやめて。

  2. 日本に行ったことがないのでいい答えないかもしれないけど、どちらかといえばたぶん私の国と同じように、社会に婦は常勤するおまけに家事と子供を育てることを予想されます。

  1. 私の国の失業率は高いです。政治家は一緒に戦いすぎる、国民のことに構うに時間がありません。

  2. たいてい店のドアの外と内に防犯カメラがあります。あとで泥棒の顔を見分けるために、録しておきます。

  1. 「格差」は曖昧な単語ので、質問が何を訪ねることがよく分からりません。社会で「格差」の種類がたくさんある:人種差別、所得格差、教育格差など、質問がどちらが訪ねることが分かりません。それにしても、格差を監視して直すのは政府の責任だと思います。

  2. わたしの国の政府はひどいです。国民に国民皆保険など学費援助など基本的なものを与えません。何も任せられません。



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~ものの example sentence 3

Can confirm. Only learned about サザエさん recently. It’s huge in Japan, there is a new episode every Sunday since 1969 and holds the record of the “Longest running animated TV series” in the world! (source: wiki)
Can also find plently of episodes on youtube, nice for listening practice. https://www.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEB&search_query=サザエさん

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I noticed the readings getting longer and longer, so I peeked at chapter 12 and, the final readings each take up all two pages :scream:

I also looked at the graphs from reading 2 and noticed the phrase どちらかといえば. It seemed pretty useful, and then I ended up using it just now to answer the last question for reading 1.

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Week 14! Time for writing :slight_smile:

  • モデル作文
  • タスク・書く前に
  • タスク・書いてみよう
  • Workbook 基本練習 p.45 → p.47
  • Workbook まとめの練習 p.48 → p.50

Felt like the readings for Chapter 10 brought back the difficulty I felt from Chapter 7. Definitely more manageable, I felt more tripped up by the more topic specific vocab than the grammar or general sentence structure. Though some of the larger nested clauses still trip me up haha. A lot more 4-character kanji vocab words in these readings. I guess to be expected for academic/analysis papers.

On a similar note, I always feel like my brain hiccups whenever I comes across longer sentences that end with stuff like ではないだろうか anyone else experience that? Like the sentence here


The tone in my head when I first read it is very declarative and flat, but the ending ではないだろうか suddenly shifts it to as if the sentence started off questioning with “Perhaps…?” or “Maybe…?”

Cause then I have to read it all over again to get the right “tone” lol


I don’t have a big issue with big sentences (anymore), thanks to reading a lot of Murakami recently. Also I get what you mean with those changes of tones, I feel like I’m getting used to that too!
For me the big issue with Chapter 10 is that I don’t feel any interest in these academic / analysis papers. Wondering if there are that kind of analysis to be expected from JLPT for example and if it’s training for that?


I do like academic papers, and I feel it really would be helpful to know all the vocab for interpreting statistics they introduce in this chapter. But the topics they picked for the readings are so dull. I tried to do the workbook exercises for Yomimono 1 yesterday, but couldn’t find the part where they talk about one of the questionnaire items mentioned in the yes/no questions and after rereading one page 4 times, I just couldn’t stand going over people’s responses to those dull questions again and gave it up.


Week 15! Time for talking practice :slight_smile:

  • 会話1・やってみよう
  • 会話1・聞いてみよう
  • 会話1・モデル会話
  • 会話1・練習しよう
  • 会話2・やってみよう
  • 会話2・聞いてみよう
  • 会話2・モデル会話
  • 会話2・練習しよう
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Oh no I still haven’t started writing :hushed:

Happy cake day btw :cake:


Finally started writing and, this one is actually fairly easy. I find it useful to use the outlines the book gives, then use the prewriting questions to fill in the outlines information. Then by the time I start the writing task it’s already halfway done.

I also noticed a small thing: in reading 2 line 41, the を超える grammar point is used, but it’s not underlined. I wonder if there’s a reason it’s not underlined, or if that was a mistake? Maybe I’ll ask the publisher about it.


Little late on the writing, but I also found it straight-forward. I tried using a source to backup some discussion for the second paragraph, but found out it wasn’t very good at backing up a point I was trying to make. Left it in since I guess I was trying to focus on the grammar and writing lol.



Source: The Changing Family Structure with Time | Home & Family | RADIANT - Ritsumeikan University Research Report


Last week of Chapter 10! Time for Listening!

  • 聴解1
  • 聴解2
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In listening 2, the answer to #2 is no, and I can’t figure out why. The topic 学費が高い大学に進学する is never explicitly mentioned, so we’re left to infer, and this paragraph points to the answer being yes:
例えば、所得が高い家庭は、子どもが将 来いい大学に入れるように小学生の頃か ら塾で勉強させたり、私立の学校に入れ たりするけど、低所得の家庭の子どもに じゅく はそういう機会がないんだよね。


I haven’t started the listening part yet but at least I’m caught up to it! Will reply with how I understand it whenever I get there :slight_smile:

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Hm yeah I agree with you.
I typed the question out to machine translate it to make sure I had understood correctly, here is it if someone needs it too:
Maybe we should ask a native? @Boodil do you still take Japanese lessons with a teacher?


Yes, but right now my class in the middle of a long summer break until mid-September.
I’m lagging 3 weeks behind, but just listened to L2 anyway, and I can’t see any reason why this item is supposed to be “no”, either.


I knew I had seen an Erratum somewhere. Found it now. But there’s nothing about Chapter 10 :person_shrugging:

Oh there’s another one

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I apologize if I’m butting in…I’m starting Quartet 1 and got curious about the later chapters (now that I have this group bookmarked).

About the answer to #2:

I thought 絵里 was just talking about 親の収人が高ければ高いほど、子供がいい大学に入る割合が高い傾向, rather than saying anything about the 学費 at those colleges they’re accepted into (I guess even if there’s maybe a correlation between 学費 and an「いい大学」).

Anyway, wow, there seems to be quite a jump in the difficulty level between the first and second books.