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Progression poll
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Probably! Funny. I totally ignored the biography box for this text, oops
Haha I did see this one though. Especially funny with 所所 in a row.
Also in a previous book I read someone had a job title with 16 kanji:
Sometimes I ignore them and sometimes I don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Tokyo, fire department, chemistry, uhh… machine-move-center-squad (operations squad?), special chemistry vehicle?” I would guess it has to do with cleaning up or otherwise handling dangerous chemicals
Yep, my brain is mush atm so I need a break, but once I proofread and edit I’ll get it corrected. I’m pretty nervous, there were a lot of places I struggled in, where I felt like I was getting the point across but not in the most logical or natural sounding way. But corrections are how we learn right
That’s always something! Sometimes I don’t even manage that and the people correcting get really confused / correct something completely different. Sometimes it helps if I include the English version of what I intended to say. Also some people correct only typo or ungrammatical things but sometimes people correcting really take the time to reformulate to something more natural (usually writing something in a way I would have never thought of in a million years), I love when that happens!