A warm welcome to anyone that wanna watch a show about food appreciation where the main characters encounter people on many walks of life where food means something important to them, all the while trying to create the Ultimate menu for a magazine they work for.
Tips for late arrivals:Watch episodes 1& 2 that explains the basic premise of this series. Then jump ahead to where we are in the watch schedule. You can go back later to the older episodes.
Start Date
Episode names
Week 1
7th June
Episode 1-2
究極のメニュー & 士郎対父・雄山
Week 2
14th June
Episode 3-4
野菜の鮮度 & 活きた魚
Week 3
21th June
Episode 5-6
そばツユの深味 & 幻の魚
Week 4
28th June
Episode 7-8
炭火の魔力 & 接待の妙
Week 5
5th July
Episode 9-11
寿司の心 & 料理のルール & 土鍋の力
Week 6
12th July
Episode 12-14
ダシの秘密 & 手間の価値 & 横綱の好物
Week 7
19th July
Episode 15-17
日本風カレー & 直火の威力 & もてなしの心
Week 8
26th July
Episode 18-20
鮮度とスピードー & 氷菓と恋 & 食卓の広がり
Week 9
2nd August
Episode 21-23
包丁の基本 & 板前の条件 & 牛なべの味
Week 10
9th August
Episode 24-26
中華そばの命 & 舌の記憶 & 食べない理由
Week 11
16th August
Episode 27-29
激闘鯨合戦(前編) & 激闘鯨合戦(後編) & 旅先の知恵
Week 12
23th August
Episode 30-32
うどんの腰 & 鮎のふるさと & ハンバーガーの要素
Week 13
30th August
Episode 33-35
新妻の手料理 & あわび尽くし & トンカツ慕情
Week 14
6th September
Episode 36-38
スープと麺 & にんにくパワー & ビールと枝豆
Week 15
13th September
Episode 39-41
暑中の味 & う真夏の氷 & 技巧の極致
Week 16
20th September
Episode 42-44
大豆とにがり & 青竹の香り & 女の華
Week 17
27th September
Episode 45-47
香港味勝負(前編) & 香港味勝負(後編) & 黄身と白身
Week 18
4th October
Episode 48-50
母なるリンゴ & 牛肉の力 & 究極の作法
Week 19
11th October
Episode 51-53
レモンと健康 & 魚の醍醐味 & お菓子と夢
Week 20
18th October
Episode 54-56
江戸ッ子雑煮 & しょう油の神秘 & 飲茶
Week 21
25th October
Episode 57-59
フォン・ド・ヴォー & ふるさとの唄 & 飯の友
Week 22
1st November
Episode 60-62
キムチの精神 & 非常食 & 大地の赤
Week 23
8th November
Episode 63-65
愛の納豆 & サラダと美容 & ぼけとつっこみ
Week 24
15th November
Episode 66-68
椀方試験 & ボクサーの苦しみ & 卵とフライパン
Restart on January 3rd
Week 25
3rd January
Episode 69-71
再会の丼 & 玄米VS白米 & 骨のない魚
Week 26
10th January
Episode 72-74
代用ガム & 豆腐の花 & 黒い刺身
Week 27
17th January
Episode 75-77
北海の幸 & 臭さの魅力 & ペンションの名物
Week 28
24th January
Episode 78-80
究極のメニューVS至高のメニュー & 究極VS至高 黄身の実力 & 根気と自然薯
Week 29
31st January
Episode 81-83
潮風の贈り物 & 究極VS至高 生きている米 & 究極VS至高 対決!!野菜編
Week 30
7th February
Episode 84-86
不器量な魚 & 下町の温もり & 家族の食卓
Watch schedule paused!
Week 31
14th February
Episode 87-89
不思議なからあげ & おせちと花嫁 & 究極VS至高 餃子の春
Week 32
21th February
Episode 90-92
究極VS至高 対決!!餃子編 & 真冬の珍味 & 洋食屋の苦悩
Week 34
28th February
Episode 93-95
究極VS至高 エイと鮫 (前編) &究極VS至高 エイと鮫 (後編) & 及第ガユ
Week 35
7th March
Episode 96-98
江戸の味 & ばあちゃんの賭け & 食は三代?
Week 36
14th March
Episode 99-101
父のコロッケ & 贅沢な献立 & もやしっ子
Week 37
21th March
Episode 102-104
丼VSのり巻き & グルメ志向 & 二代目の腕
Week 38
28th March
Episode 105-107
五年目のパスタ & 思い出のメニュー & 海のマツタケご飯
Week 39
4th April
Episode 108-110
梅干しの雨 & 杜氏と水 & 柔らかい酢
Week 40
11th April
Episode 111-113
料理と絵ごころ & ほうじ茶の心 & 涼風そうめん
Week 41
18th April
Episode 114-116
古酒(クースー) & スパイスの秘密 & 新しい企画
Week 42
25th April
Episode 117-119
禁断の鳥 & 挑戦精神 & 日本の根っこ
Week 43
2nd May
Episode 120-122
ジャンボ茶碗蒸し & 命と器 & 辛し明太子
Week 44
9th May
Episode 123-125
究極VS至高 対決!!スパゲッティ & 恥ずかしい料理 & 年越しうどん
Week 45
16th May
Episode 126-128
タイのタイ & 二人の花嫁候補 & カジキの真価
Week 46
23th May
Episode 129-131
ピザの横綱 & いわしの心 & 究極VS至高 菓子対決!!
Week 47
30th May
Episode 132-134
天日の贈り物 & 猿蟹合戦 & カレイとヒラメ
Week 48
6th June
Episode 135-136
究極の披露宴 (前編) & 究極の披露宴 (後編)
Vocab list
Shirou Yamaoka is a 27-year-old journalist, tasked with creating an “Ultimate Menu” for Touzai News Yuuko Kurita is a 22-year-old journalist, tasked with creating an “Ultimate Menu” for Touzai News Yuuzan Kaibara is the founder and director of the exclusive “Gourmet Club”
People at Touzai News 東西新聞社 Kinue Tabata (co-worker and friend of Kurita) Noriko Hanamura (co-worker and friend of Kurita) Toio Tomii (deputy director of the arts and culture department) Hideo Tanimura (director of the arts and culture department) Koizumi Kyouichi (editor-in-chief of Touzai News) Daizou Oohara (the publisher of Touzai News)
Other recurring people Toujin Touyama a famous ceramicist and gourmet Ryoko Touyama much younger wife of Toujin Touyama Nakamatsu a police inspector Seiichi Okaboshi a talented young chef and owner of a restaurant the main characters frequent Tokuo Nakagawa the head chef of the “Gourmet Club.” Kyougoku Mantarou a wealthy businessperson and a gourmet Ryouzou Okaboshi the younger brother of Seiichi Okaboshi, who works as a chef at Kaibara’s “Gourmet Club”. Natsuko a female sushi chef Seisaku Arakawa a photographer Stan Black an American tofu researcher (and aspiring Rakugo performer) Tatsu-san a homeless man
I’m watching
I’m watching, but I’m a bit behind
I don’t plan on watching
I’m dropping this show
Discussion Guidelines
Don’t post spoilers! Please use spoiler tags for major events.
(Just use common sense and be respectful of other people who might have watched less of the story).
Please mention which episode you’re talking about as it helps during discussions.
There are no stupid questions! Ask away! Even if it seems minor, we’re all here to learn!
(this post is a wiki so add whatever you like ^>^)
First OP: YOU / Megumi Yuki 結城めぐみ
Second OP: DANG DANG 気になる
OST playlist with time-stamps in the details!
Here’s also an Oishinbo TV special, with the voice actors dressed up as their characters! Yamaoka is played by Kazuhiko Inoue while Kurita by Mayumi Shō.
this is the old post that I’ve put under a summary tag, so please leave it as it is. ^^
@anon26278845 sorry for jumping the gun, but we’ve already started in on this show, so making a thread made sense. なんかすみません!
Oishinbo taught me a lot of food related words. Like the word for liver: 胆 【きも】 (n) (1) liver, (2) courage, spirit, pluck, guts, (P) which they eat in the first episode? using the liver of a ??? fish. I forget what it was called.
No need to apologize I actually really appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to create another thread
The more we expand the merrier
Plus anyone who wasn’t initially into Escaflowne now has another option to pick from
I’m going to try to watch Oishinbo too so I can join in the discussions~
The title sounds like 食いしん坊(くいしんぼう), which is literally ‘glutton’. Hahaha. I don’t know if I’ll watch it (probably not), but the title alone makes it sound fun.
Yes! I actually haven’t thought much about what the title means. 美味しんぼ isn’t a real phrase, but 食いしん坊 is glutton; gourmand according to Jisho. Not sure how 食いしん/美味しん works grammatically to mean “that eats a lot”/“that eats delicious food”. I guess what I’m asking is what しん means in this context?
It also related to greed, but gluttonous desires are one special case in which it’s used as well.
I guess the idea of 美味しんぼ would therefore be something like ‘someone who really likes/wants delicious food’? It seems that there are other ん坊 expressions out there, like:
甘えん坊、おこりん坊 etc
Basically, it would seem that し is part of the adjective stem, and ん is just a transformed の or something added for euphonic purposes. (Here’s one answer in Japanese that I think does a decent job explaining how it might work: 食いしん坊の「しん」はどういう意味ですか??食い辛抱が語源だったら... - Yahoo!知恵袋)
I do love how much this show is a time capsule of sorts. I know it’s manga and as always that means the show isn’t realistic, but you can still get a feel for aspects of Japanese society of the past. I think that’s one of the great aspects of this show. And I like the main characters of Yamaoka and Kurita! <3
As for ep 8, well, I started in on it, but ended up having to other stuff. The theme of frugality and the excessiveness of certain food establishments and food culture in general is an interesting one.
Thanks!! Though I don’t know which one is the first chapter ^^>
It’s pretty confusing, as it doesn’t clarly say “CHAPTER ONE!!!” or at least put an 一、ニ、三...
Edit: AHH! Now I get it. I have to choose the [ENG subtitles] ones, which do have the numbers there, and then just turn the subtitles off xD
Yamaoka and Kurita are both journalists at this food/Japanese culture magazine. They’ve been charged to create an Ultimate Menu of the best dishes ever basically.
About ep 8. Well, in the beginning they talk about various incentives to raise money to help people in Africa. And the plan they come up with, is to get this big company to give money to charity - where the CEO is a know frugal person. Which would boost other companies to follow suit, as even the frugal guy is willing to give money to charity. But the CEO stipulates that he might wanna get treated to a great meal before that happens. Which brings in Yamaoka and Kurita, who are also to write something about it. (we never really see them write stuff in this series though ).
But, yeah, that’s why they wanna treat this person to a great meal. ^^’ (but who gets upset by the wastefulness from the first place they bring him to…while the free samples brings him true joy!)