Thanks for the reminder. I was on tablet when I saw it, and forget about it by the next time I got to my PC.
Some more issues:
- The input doesn’t shake when you submit an empty answer, kana in the meaning question, or English in the reading question.
- I also had it interact strangely with Jitai once, but it seems to have fixed itself on reload, so maybe there was a timing issue. I’ll keep an eye on it.
What’s the difference between this script and “Close but no cigar”? I can see that the version of @rfindley has a lot of options and that’s great, but how much different is it from Close but no cigar?
This one added the “close but no cigar” functionality afterward. It’s primary purpose is to allow you mark wrong answers right, or right answers wrong, or try to retype an answer if you made a typo but want to make sure you really know it.
I seem to get an error when I try to run this script. What am I doing wrong? I simply press the javascript download and click on execute.
Nevermind, I realized what I should do. Thanks for the script!
[2.0.11] - Fix response to bad input (empty answer, non-ascii in English, ascii in Japanese)
This also fixes the duplicate SRS notification at the end of the session.
Hey! I’m doing my reviews and when I type in an answer, the bar doesn’t change to red or green, it just goes on to the next item. I can only figure whether I got it right by checking the percentage on the upper screen. Besides, because the next item is already displayed right after I typed an answer, I don’t have enough time to click on “Item Info”. So, even if I can guess that my answer was wrong, I can’t check the correct answer on the spot.
It goes back to normal when I deactivate this script.
I’m having the same issue :o
I’m also having this issue. Interestingly, if you click the right arrow, it reloads the whole page.
We updated our javascript. The update changed how we reject invalid inputs (when to “shake”). This probably broke Double Check.
- Reading answers: any ASCII detection will shake
- Reading answers: any character not cjk punctuation, hiragana, katakana, zenkaku present will shake
@viet I know this has been brought up before because of the fragility of this script, but do you guys have any near-term plans to add this type of Double Check functionality of even just a way to demote items outside of reviews? By near-term I guess I’m wondering if it’s on like a 3-6 month roadmap or anything like that.
I turned on vacation mode until we can get a fix.
I’ll take a look tonight. Double Check relies on WK’s “answerChecker” to report what it thinks is good/bad/close/invalid.
You’re awesome. Thanks for all you do with this plug-in!
[v2.0.12] - Fix answer checking after WK update
I tested this with spaces before and after readings and meanings, and it worked fine. Interestingly, I don’t think I’m actually stripping the spaces in my code, so it appears to be doing it in either WK’s code, or in Wanakana, which is the IME they use.
Works like a charm, tyvm <3
You’re amazing (and your scripts as well). Thanks a lot
I’m having an issue. Suddenly now when I hit enter if it’s correct, it goes automatically to the next item without any delay. This is the only script I use that manages delays and double-checking, so I suspect this one is making it do this.
I checked the settings. delay_period: 1500, It’s ok.
Something wrong?
[EDIT] This is definitely a new error. I disabled this script, and now it works perfectly. @rfindley I think you made this script, so I ping you!
seconding, additionally, it doesn’t display the green vs. red cues. only started happening yesterday for me, was trying to figure out which script it would be, looks like this is it