Change an items SRS

Hi. Is there a script for changing the correct/mistake answers of a kanji? I moved reset my level and browsers since I last used this and forgot to reinstall scripts like WaniKani override. I fat thumbed a wrong answer and now have recent one of my kanji with a wrong answer that I actually knew.

I haven’t seen anything to be able to do this and I’m not sure if I’m just missing something or if there’s a restriction in place on this. I want to be able to fix this since now I can’t add things to the lesson pile that I should of and it’s showing non existant problems with remembering that kanji.

Thank you

i don’t use scripts so i’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for but i’ve seen a bunch of people mention the double check script and it sounds like that might be it?

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Sadly not. This is only for during a review. There’s a few things for this but I haven’t found anything for after a review.

If it’s just a single mistake… then just get it right the next time really… :slight_smile: Nothing to sweat about.

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Well ye but if the option exists to fix a typo, why not take it?

In the grand scheme of things, missing one item that you knew shouldn’t affect you too much, usually there’s flexibility in 2-3 kanji that you can miss and still level up on schedule. It throws off your review times, but I don’t worry about that too much. I used to use the override script, and I use it on mobile because I’m more likely to mistype something, but now when I mess up something on my computer I just roll with it, I haven’t seen too much of a negative effect.

I understand how it can be frustrating though, I missed a number of reviews yesterday that I knew because my puppy walked across the keyboard, it happens, but you’re still doing good work and learning. Focus on that instead of what you missed.

I’d be more inclined to agree if I wern’t reliving just how slow the early levels are :sweat:

I started doing WaniKani again because I’ve banned myself from youtube to be more productive and god the mornings are hell.

This is not what the guy asked though.

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I get it, I reset from the mid 30s back to level 1 after a couple of years break. It feels slow, I know how that feels, hopefully it’s just one kanji and it didn’t throw you off too much.

I still got the level up so it’s not put me back much. It’s just really anoying to have that one fake mistake and I figured there surely had to be a solution out there. The only person I’ve be cheating by changing it would be myself, which in this case I wouldn’t be because there’s a difference between what I meant to type and did type. Still looking for a definitive on if it’s a thing options are good.

No, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still be supportive. At least that was my intent, I hope it came off that way. I was trying to empathize.

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If you are familiar with APIs at all, the documentation is here and that’s where you could get a definitive answer:

If not, I’m trying to look through and see if there’s anything in there that allows it, but my guess is that there isn’t a way to do it.

I think there is no script to change the SRS stage of an item outside of doing review and lessons The API doesn’t provide a way to do that outside of doing the reviews and lessons therefore I think it is impossible to write a script to do this…

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Ah. Shame. Well thanks for the answer. Now I’m just going to stare at that kanji answer ratio in annoyance.

based on this, it looks like it’s not possible:

Creates a review for a specific assignment_id . Using the related subject_id is also a valid alternative to using assignment_id .

Some criteria must be met in order for a review to be created: available_at must be not null and in the past.

So, it keeps track of all of the answers you submit, and then the SRS is based on the most recent one. It doesn’t allow you to submit new responses until the assignment says it’s ready, so no way to change history, only move forward.

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