The previous question was about the ~nin counter (I do not have Japanese IME on my pc, please accept romaji), and it was just marked as wrong and I moved on. On the next question, I got this warning. I don’t remember it being a thing, but is this error a script messing up with things, or just a WaniKani bug?
Small edit: Advanced a bit on reviews, and it seems like the review wasn’t actually marked as wrong, just the incorrect animation played. the item came back, and when I wrote it correctly, instead of going down one SRS level, it was marked as correct. Pretty weird thing haha
I assume a script. Double-check maybe? There was a recent update for a bunch of new warnings, so I can see it not playing well with scripts that interact with reviews, written before they were added.
My guess would be any script that changes the basic sequence of a review, such as anything that has lightning mode (quick advance to next item without hitting enter), or something that automatically opens the information upon an incorrect answer. The WK hint may get pushed ‘out of the way’ and not play until you get the next item.
the only script I have similar to this is one that immediately pops the correct reading/meaning on the bottom, but it doesn’t open the items and doesn’t interfere with warnings (at least from what I remember, I might be wrong).
This is most likely a script thing, so if you could try doing your reviews without running any scripts, that’d be helpful. I think someone on the main announcement thread for our latest Shakes mentioned the Double-Check script.