My Journey of 368 days (+ The Ultimate Guide for WK šŸ“– )

Haha, thank you so much for your kind words :smiling_face:

I see being in Japan as exposure on steroids. However, that doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t get fit without them :wink: hehe.


Sorry about digging up this old post. Just going throughā€¦

What I do when I level away from my computer (I mis-remembered one Kanji too many just last week and leveled at 3pm at workā€¦ :sweat_smile:) is put the order of new lessons on shuffled in the WK menu, and just re-load by going back to the menu if thereā€™s no radical. If there is, I learn it, skip the rest, and then only answer the radical ā€˜reviewā€™ correctly, before backing out to re-load again. Kind of a convoluted process sometimes, but I really do not want to deal with review avalanches.

If I manage to get all but 3 of the radicals, I Ieave it and do the rest later, when I can re-order, since that is usually the cut off for the 90% needed to pass. Unless Iā€™ve got more free time and WK was kind to me and I still have patience for that. Usually thereā€™re more useful things to do.

Btw, @jprspereira, the number 1 thing that helped me from your guide is definitely the knowledge about the WK lvl up workings. Both the intervals, as well as the unlock order of items. Makes everything plan-able and gives me the motivation I need to actually show up regularly.

A close 2nd is the re-order script. Makes everything much less of a hassle. (Even if Iā€™ve only used it since lvl 8 when I got a notebook. So much less of a hassle. :smiley:

Thank you!


Yeah, thatā€™s a good way of making things work haha. A bit of work though xD Do you use Android or iOS? Because of Android, this is the method I used when Iā€™d level up and only have access to a phone:

You surely seem to have established a very good schedule around WK. Your level doesnā€™t stop going :point_up_2::muscle::grin:

Yeah, the reorder script gives more power than I would like to (donā€™t get used to order your reviews by level plz), but for lessons, itā€™s life changing ^^

Thank you so much for coming back here and letting me (us) know of how youā€™re doing \o/


The lesson filter script may be something to add to the guide. It only applies to lessons and it even lets you adjust the batch size on the fly. (For example, if someone only have 3 kanji/radical left they can change the batch size and get the quiz after 3 things instead of their usual batch size)


That was my main takeaway too. Wouldnt have started using WK without this guide.


Ohhhh, I wasnā€™t aware of this! Yeah with this feature, I feel like I can completely substitute it with the reorder for the structure. Thank you so much for the rec :grin: Iā€™ll be doing an update pretty soon, so Iā€™ll make sure to add this suggestion :v:

Also, thank you so much for always sharing the guide. It means a lot to me :slight_smile:


I added this feature a few months ago for the exact reason @SoraR mentioned. Itā€™s really handy for avoiding awkward batches of one or two items.


Yuuup! I wish I had this in my time :sob:

Basically I have no reason not to use this one to teach schedule on the guide \o/


Hi, I just made a script to graph the workload and here it is. after decemberā€™s reorder, a lot has changed. I noticed because in your graph lvl 20 has the most vocablary, but i was shocked to find that my vocaublary (currently lvl 20) isnā€™t that much.
I thought you may wanna update the one in your post with this one


Actually, itā€™s a graph which takes into account the SRS Intervals per item, rather than showing the amount of radicals/kanji/vocabulary per level (like yours does).

The idea behind the graph is to show that your review count (workload) increases tremendously due to earlier items coming back for reviews until they are burned, all the while learning new items.

Neat graph tho!


This :point_up:

It is! :grin: Thanks for thinking about the Guide :slight_smile: @abdullahalt


oh really? that wasnā€™t clear to me at all. thanks for explaining it


Iā€™ll review the text to make it clearer :slight_smile::v:


I just noticed that your graph goes beyond lvl 60, canā€™t believe I missed that :sweat:

No Iā€™m the one who should thank you for making the guide, I find it really useful and I saved it on my bookmarks as a reference

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You should add some straight lines or something to guide which dot is which level :slight_smile:
Adding SRS simulation to show actual workload on a nicer graphic would be neat too, but itā€™s not the easiest thing in the world :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah thatā€™s too much work and Iā€™m, like, super lazy

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I get you, I did something like that in excel, but with a simulation of leveling up, how many days to do that many lessons, timing all of that (obviously with manual input lesson wise, it was long), and the amount of items in a given SRS stage day by day, all I gained was wanting to kill myself and Iā€™m not even sure it works properly lol.

PS: OpenOffice sucks, LibreOffice best girl.


That being said, it is still an old (and incorrect) graph. There are at least two more recent versions I am aware of. Both were made before the update and thus are also wrong.


I knoooowwwww, but thereā€™s no way I know how to make one :rofl: I already struggle enough with messing with excel/google sheets :eyes:


This is now linked in a welcome email from WaniKani :ok_hand:


恓悓恫恔ćÆ realdurtle, how goes your kanji studies?

I wanted to give you a bit of a preview of whatā€™s to come. Especially right now, when everything is so slow, itā€™s nice to look ahead to see what youā€™ll know and when you could potentially know it.

  • Level 3: When you finish Level 3 (the final free level), youā€™ll know around 80 kanji and 200 vocabulary words. That, amazingly, is around how many kanji most beginner Japanese classes learn in a whole year. You can get there in a couple weeks if you do your Reviews as theyā€™re available.
  • Level 5: 97.50% of the kanji that Japanese 1st grade elementary students need to know, and 78.48% of the JLPT N5 kanji. Think about it this way: 1st graders take a whole year to learn this many kanji. Itā€™s possible for you to get here in a month.
  • Level 10: 98.73% of the JLPT N5 kanji, 75.90% of the JLPT N4 kanji, and 88.75% of the kanji that Japanese elementary school 2nd grade students have to know. You can get here in 2-3 months.
  • Level 15: 86.00% of the kanji Japanese 3rd grade students have to know and 67.50% of the kanji that shows up in Japanese Twitter. You can get here in 3-4 months.
  • Level 20: 76.00% of the kanji that appears in Japanese news websites, 74.5% of the kanji that comes up on Japanese Wikipedia, and 85.46% of the kanji that comes up on NHK Web Easy News.
  • Level 30: 88.83% of the JLPT3 kanji and 88.50% of the kanji that Japanese elementary school 4th graders should know.
  • Level 40: 83.11% of the JLPT2 kanji, 86.83% of the kanji found in Japanese books, and 90.61% of the kanji that Japanese 6th graders should know (yeah, we skipped a grade).
  • Level 50: 98.05% of the kanji found on Japanese news sites, 53.49% of the kanji in JLPT1, and 96.92% of the kanji found on Japanese Twitter.
  • Level 60: 84.78% of the kanji that Japanese 9th graders should know, 78.81% of the kanji found in JLPT 1, and 99.21% of the kanji found in Japanese books. One user got here in 368 days.
    Iā€™ll say it over and over again. To get to any of these levels is simple. Sit down. Do your Lessons. Do your Reviews. Do them even when you donā€™t want to, especially on your birthday. If you do that incredibly difficult-but-simple task, youā€™ll make constant progress.

This is the last email youā€™ll get from me for a while, unless you level up (then see you on Level 2! :wave:). Keep doing your Lessons and Reviews as they become available. If you run into any trouble, be sure to check out the onboarding series in our knowledge base. It contains everything you need to complete Level 1 and get out of the boring slow zone.

If you have any other questions, weā€™re also here for you. Go ahead and put in your address book and email us anytime you have trouble. Or, reply to this email! Weā€™ll get back to you soon.

Good luck on your studies!

Koichi & the WaniKani Team

P.S. Thereā€™s a lot of really interesting stats about WaniKani over on Check it out if you want to see more.

I got this with a new account i made for the B4 riddle not even ~2 days ago. I surely didnā€™t get that one when i created this account 3-4 weeks ago.


OMGAADDDDDD jumps with excitement :heart_eyes:

Thank you so much for letting me know! Things are getting serious now :rofl: I better give the guide a new update asap :3