thats a great idea! I’m away right now, so can I leave it to you?
(just turned that post into a wiki)
Sure! I’ll see what I can do
Edit: Ok, we’ll have to ping everyone who entered their goal as 100% burns.
@Naphthalene @elynchbell @Loafer @auruille @kitsunensei @rawrdinosaur @Emiloow @Zakarius
Hello, I tagged you since you put 100% as your goal. We need you to edit your entries since we have split the leader board into two categories; one for the goal of levels and the other for burns.
Please enter your appropriate progress along with your goal. Feel free to put your entry in the other leader board, as well, when you’re done editing. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask us!
@Alkivia Moved you to the other leader board for burns
Thank you for moving me as well, I feel favoured
Haha, I was only sure about our entries, so I figured I should move yours while I was at it
Level 7! Keeping up with the pace!
Dumb question, how do you find your burn percentage other than by calculating it?
That’s a good question!
@Pep95 made a userscript that’s perfect for checking burns ← [click to install script]
First time updating the leaderboard! Not sure why the badge next to my name here says level 7, but I actually just got to level 8 a couple days ago.
Log out and log back in again. That will fix your badge.
I have now fixed my position in the leaderboard.
Heyo all, new guy here. Is this group still open to join?
Welcome! Everyone is welcome to join our group
I can add you to the list, since you need to be a “member” on the forums to be able to edit wiki’ed posts.
If you click your profile you can see that you’re still “basic” level. It doesn’t take much for it jump to the next level though, just browse and hang around in the forums.
Now, this is a relatively new group so it’s a bit messy with the leaderboards and not so many active people around. And also because the goal is further into the future than other similar threads.
But yeah, you’re very welcome to join us
Edit: Added you to the leader board with the levels. Do you have any team you’d like to join?
Awesome thank you!
I’m down to hang with the tree people!
I imagine a bunch of Ents from Lord of the Rings living there.
Does that mean that you’d like to join this team: 木星 (The tree planet - Jupiter)?
We only have planets as teams here, but I’m sure there might be tree people on the tree planet!
Yea my bad that’s what I meant
No problem Then I’ll add the tree planet to your entry
Another level and some good burns although I am slowing down as I collected some unburnt leaches.
I’d like to join. Not a member yet, so if someone would be kind enough to add me to the list…
Evueimeimei 木星 level 60 x days joined: 1 current: 1
Just added you! 頑張って!