Lost connection to WaniKani

Why does this issue affect others more than others? I haven’t had a timeout in about 5 days now, and before that, it only happened a handful of times.

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I haven’t gotten an error message. Didn’t know that there was a bug.

Yes, this happened to me several times yesterday.

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It should be more or less back to normal now.


I can do reviews without problem but anytime I start the quiz for my lessons I am redirected to the start of the lesson again!! Any thoughts on this?

Try disabling scripts that affect the lesson session. One of them is probably causing a reload of the page.

thanks, that was it… how could I know which script was causing the error?

I’d turn them all off, then one by one add them back in and test.


Might be time to unpin this :pushpin:

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Thanks for the reminder. I’ve unpinned this.

I think the ones we know for sure from other users who emailed us are ‘WaniKani Hide Context Sentence’ and ‘Niai Similar Kanji’.


I figured you can use uBlock/adBlock to zap the black overlay away, and proceed with the reviews normally ! It happened to me like 4 or 5 times, and this worked pretty well. Still annoying, but at least “fixable”…

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:crabigator: :boom:

When you have userscripts that can happen, just wait a minute…

Or are you too fast at doing reviews? O.o

Are you using the WaniKani External Definition script v. 0.5 or older? That one likes to produce this error…

You can find a newer version here:

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