This has never happened before today, where it tells me to refresh while I’m typing something in. It happened 4 times today over the course of a couple of hours. Usually I get the time out thing if I haven’t typed anything for a while, but today it was happening while I was in the middle of typing the meaning/reading. When I reviewed the last item, it also told me I “lost connection”, and had to refresh.
Obviously not a big deal, but I thought I’d make a post about it in case it has anything to do with the new update or something. I use a vpn, but I’ve been using it for the entire time I’ve been on Wanikani, wanted to mention it just in case it’s relevant.
It’s been happening to me also, I’ve switched over to Flaming Durtles for now, and have set it to delay processing results so the impact is pretty much mitigated, and that I don’t suffer because my typing accuracy on android is garbage.
Similar issue. DIdn’t get booted out, but I did some reviews and then took a two min break and wanted to start new reviews, but it says WaniKani isn’t working.
I was supposed to SRS level some kanji this hour, anyone know if WK will exclude the hours lost due to this issue?
Same. Didn’t seem to affect the reviews themselves, if I had done one side but not the other, then it timed out, it still counted the one side as done. I didn’t have to redo any. It just kept timing out.
Yup, WK has been extremely unstable for the past few hours, at least since 1300 UTC here in central Europe. However, it’s not really that big of a deal, you just refresh every 10 reviewed items or so, but it’s not like you lose much progress, so it shouldn’t slow you down by more than 25%.
I’ve also had four or so timeouts this morning while going through my reviews.
I’m glad it’s happening on my day off as opposed to during my ten minute break at work that I would have on a normal weekday; it only really would have slowed me down then. I’m sure they’ll get it resolved fairly quickly.
Edit: I’m in the northwestern US at the moment, so I don’t know that it’s related to geography at all.