The WaniKani Sale doesn’t officially start until Dec.20th, but we’re running a live test of our sale page until the end of the day (4PM PST). If you can’t wait another 12 days to give the Crabigator your offerings , come test out our sale page and purchase the discounted Lifetime early!
While you’re in the middle of upgrading to Lifetime, it’d be very helpful if you can check the following:
Does the page work / look okay on your browser?
If you’re logged in and have an active monthly or annual subscription, does it show the prorated price? As in, you should get an estimate that’s less than the standard sale price of $199.
Note: If you paid via Paypal you won’t see the prorated price, though, and will need to email in ( to upgrade with proration applied.
If you go through with upgrading ( warning: it’s real and WILL charge your account, so don’t do it unless you actually want to upgrade), does it work? Did you get charged the correct amount and are you Lifetime now?
Here are a few of the sale page variations you can try.
So, I tried variation 1, and everything looked good! I did have a prorated price on the page of $154 instead of $199.
I went through the full upgrade right now, though I would say, it was a little confusing being redirected to my subscriptions page and from there, seeing $199 as the cost of Lifetime until I actually clicked on it. Made me a little hesitant to continue and felt like something was wrong. I mean, I did figure it out, but I’d think that might happen to other people, too?
It also took me to a blank subscription page after I pressed the last purchase button, but it seems it worked, after I refreshed.
Checked the other variations too, 1-4 all look fine and show $199 now. I guess that’s expected enough when I already have lifetime. Should’ve checked before, sorry! 5 looks fine but wants me to sign up rather than displaying a cost, for what that’s worth.
I went through the full upgrade right now, though I would say, it was a little confusing being redirected to my subscriptions page and from there, seeing $199 as the cost of Lifetime until I actually clicked on it. Made me a little hesitant to continue and felt like something was wrong. I mean, I did figure it out, but I’d think that might happen to other people, too?
Thanks for the feedback @Daisoujou. Yeah, the proration just shows at the bottom and the sale price is the same for everyone.
Looks and works fine! I successfully upgraded to Lifetime using my personal credit card
My prorated amount was $3.55. The subscription was $199 so I paid a total of $195.45.
I am not sure if I should have seen a different prorated amount based on other folks comments. Either way, what a great deal. Thank you for letting us purchase early
The proration amount just depends on what your plan was before you upgraded. Looks like you were on monthly and you had about 12 days left before the renewal date so that proration amount is correct!
Dangit, I’ve been bamboozled! I was told this wasn’t a cult, and the robes were just for aesthetics!
…Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound I guess. I’m definitely taking long enough, this lifetime membership is gonna pay for itself! Plus, the robes are super comfy, actually.
Two things though:
The button to get the lifetime subscription (on variation 1) didn’t really do anything, it just sent me to my subscriptions page, it might be more intuitive to show the subscription change popup immediately (with the lifetime plan selected I suppose).
Then when I completed my purchase it just showed me a blank subscriptions page until I refreshed. Minor enough, but possibly confusing for people.
I’m using Chromium on Linux with uBlock Origin enabled, by the way. Might be useful info to have.
I tried var. 4 and was informed that my credit card had expired. I changed my credit card and continued via the account subscription menu because that is were I was let to. Everything worked from there, but I’m not sure if this is still a result of var. 4 or a totally different way that you didn’t want us to try. If so: I’m sorry.
Var. 4 did show the prorated price based on $ 199, if that is any help.
I signed up…
I used option 3 (but I clicked on all of them and 1-4 all looked good and showed the prorated price).
I’m using my android mobile (so the mobile version of the site is good).
Well, there goes my money. Here’s to the start of my journey to level 60. Even though I did buy it before I reached level 4, I can already feel my Kanji improving from doing tests on Discord with Kotoba (I did it before I found WaniKani and I was awful, now I can do the entire N5 test on the bot super easily).
The checkout was pretty simple, was redirected to the subscription page and it worked fine.
The quote in your post that I first replied to looked like it had been copy pasted (not a real quote). But since you tagged the person they still got notified, so I guess all is good.
I looked at all the variations on Firefox and they looked fine and I was getting shown the prorated price.
I upgraded using variation 1 and had the same issue as Daisoujou, where I got taken to a blank subscription page after I clicked the button to purchase. Luckily I’d seen their post and refreshing the page made it show up with Lifetime membership and the expected payment. The blank subscription page is confusing though.
Even if 1 dolar = 13.67 TL at the moment, I bought lifetime. Thanks for trying this early. The way things going in Turkey it’ll be 20 tl ten days later
Whatever, I think this has been a good investment
I was on trial mode and it gave me the price of 199$ so I think everything works fine with 1st variation