I got a bit fed up with clicking the little symbol at the bottom right of my screen every time I wanted to switch between the hiragana and English alphabet and found some pretty nifty hotkeys, so I wanted to share. Here you go!
Alt + Shift = Shift between all your keyboard languages options Alt + Caps = Set Japanese writing to Katakana input Ctrl + Caps = Set Japanese writing to Hiragana input Alt + ~ = Switch from Japanese alphabet to English alphabet
I got these from here if you want to look at the other nifty hotkeys. I hope I made your day a little easier.
I’ve actually found these to be reversed for my IME. Alt + Caps gives me hiragana, while Ctrl + Caps gives me katakana.
Also, while Alt + Shift does switch between my keyboard languages, it doesn’t give me any indication that it’s done so (I spent a couple minutes trying it but not sure if it was working because there wasn’t a visual cue on my screen for the switch before realizing it just didn’t have one). I use Windows + Space to swap between my languages because it gives me a nice little pop up to show the languages I have and which one is currently selected (very handy for anyone with more than one IME installed).
But thanks for the link to the others, I’ll check it out!
For me works like this (Microsoft IME):
English + Alt + Caps => Hiragana
English + Ctrl + Caps => Hiragana
Hiragana + Alt + Caps => Katakana
Katakana + Ctrl + Caps => Hiragana
Hiragana or Katakana + Alt + ~ => English
Also helpful, at least with Google IME, hitting F7 while typing will convert hiragana to katakana, I find it easier than switching back and forth between modes!