Got lifetime, finally!
Hey Everyone! I am seeing some users upgrading to lifetime and then being returned to a free account. If you are one of those people and you are still having the problem, please reach out to and include your WK username and/or email we will do our best to reconcile it!
Until then, happy studying!
-Nick at WK
I was all alone with those Kanji piling up… and I really did not know how to get around it… I mean my world was besieged by unkonwn Kanji and mysterious vocabulary… and as the crabigator said one third of the lifetime is for free… I signed up…
Thanks for the great welcome, everyone btw. … maybe you can put me down again please, so I can do my reviews, maybe?
Thank you for the sale!
I had seen in the thread about testing the sale that PayPal would be available for the actual sale. Am I missing it? All I see is stripe.
Hey AndrewD2! If you would like to pay via PayPal, please reach out to us at and we can get the process started for you, if you are a non-US resident! Happy studying!
-Nick at WK
Thank you for all the beautiful work you are doing to demystify kanji. Hope to see something similar for Chinese too. Is there any chance that you will have the 50% annual sale too? If so can we have an estimate? Thanks again for listening to me.
Purchased lifetime! Thank you.
Thanks Jen!
Hi, we don’t do an annual sale for any of the other plans! We sometimes happen to send out discount codes to some users around this time, which is probably why you might have confused the lifetime sale for that.
Hello and thank you for answering.Is there any chance for such a code this year?The lifetime is alas quite expensive for the foreseeable future…I don’t mind waiting a bit more. Last year there were posts about it and so I thought to ask.
Thank you again for taking the time to answer me.
Not sure yet! Just note that your previous subscriptions won’t count towards lifetime in the future, so while it may seem expensive now, if you’re on annual or monthly for the next few years, you’ll probably end up paying more than the lifetime price now.
I understand,but it will allow me to continue for the moment and not stagnate. At least the not sure part gives me some hope.Here in Greece prices for essentials are on a very big rise so language learning is a bit of a luxury right now.Again, thank you for your time!
That’s understandable!
That’s why I ended up buying the lifetime subscription.
Is there an ETA on how long it takes from paying a Paypal invoice to when the Lifetime sub goes into effect? I saw some people having trouble with being put back into a free account, so I wanted to know whether I’m hit with the same problem or just have to be patient.
As PayPal is a manual process, we usually ask users to confirm to us when it has been paid so that we can upgrade them as soon as possible, which I’ve just done for you now, so you should be all good to go
First time writting anything in here. Just got the Lifetime, even though it’s a bit expensive for a student, WaniKani deserves it and it’s the only source that is able to teach me any kanji and have fun while doing it. Thank you!