OOOOPs!!! It DOES work…I assumed it didn’t since the icons were missing!
Open Framework is updated with some icon fixes.
Double-Check is also updated.
Self-Study Quiz is NOT updated, but it still works on the dashboard and other pages that haven’t had FontAwesome removed yet.
Thanks a lot, it works now again!
See here:
But piggybacking on WK icons is exactly what you do in your updates. What do you say about this? I am not saying you are wrong. I just want to know your thinking on this issue. This will help me determine my own course of action for Item Inspector.
I hadn’t seen Scott’s statement, and I appreciate the intent, but it’s also true that any scripting on WK has to rely on the relative stability of WK, so every scripter has to draw his own line in the sand.
In general, my scripting decisions are usually a tradeoff between available time, up-front -vs- maintenance effort, and maintaining WK’s look-and-feel.
a. Right now, I don’t have spare time to spend on scripts, so I do the most expedient solution that I can to keep the most important scripts operating. I know I have a few ticking timebombs, but I’ll just have to deal with them as they come, until I have more time for a better solution. That’s the price of this being a hobby.
b. Up-front work -vs- long-term maintenance is a tricky topic. I’ve learned (and it’s logical) that scripts last longer without breaking if I rely on the backbone of WK. I look for the things that feel, in my own judgement, likely to be either relatively stable or easy to change when necessary. Developers always make choices to ease long-term coding, so once you get past the churn of early development/changes, code tends to settle into a relatively predictable pattern of change as long as you have the same developers. So, I use my own experience to decide what I think is going to maximize the efficiency of my efforts, and just expect a certain amount of need to react quickly to changes. Sorry, I know that doesn’t give a clear recommendation for making your own decisions, but it’s how I do things.
c. I usually try to maintain WaniKani’s look-and-feel in my scripts so that the integration is relatively seamless. So, reusing WK assetts is a logical choice, as long as I’m conscious of where/how they are likely to change frequently. It’s impossible to piggyback on someone else’s code without risking breakage at some point, unless you have the luxury of coordination. Without that (which I don’t expect), we just need to be able to react quickly to changes.
@prouleau I agree with all of @rfindley’s reasoning.
My recommendation comes for the stand point that many users of scripts tend not to understand why things break, just that they are broken. The line between what is WaniKani and what is a script is sometime blurry, and my preference is make clearer distinctions so that users of scripts know where to direct their questions.
@rfindley’s point a
is a very valid reason and I would do that same if I were in his shoes. His acknowledgement that this is brittle should be clear enough to any future reader.
Thanks for your update which was really weird for me.
So I went to Greasy Fork where I updated both files, but neither of them showed up in my user-script folder as shown below (both files are the original files I downloaded 7 months ago).
I searched my drives for these files and didn’t find any new files downloaded. So I went back to Greasy Fork and clicked on those files. Both of them asked if I wanted to ‘Reinstall,’ so apparently it did update without leaving any sign that it did.
Obviously, I went back to my Reviews and Lo and Behold…my icons are back So, why aren’t those two files updated with today’s date?
Like I said, weird…but it works Thanks!!!
If you are using TamperMonkey, scripts install directly into TamperMonkey, so I’m not sure what folder you are looking in.
Hmmmm, I am using TamperMonkey. But when I installed these user-scripts and TamperMonkey originally, I had to download the user-scripts and ‘activate’ them (memory fuzzy here) before being able to use them. So, either I did something that I didn’t have to do or something changed…
Moot point now, since it’s working. But if I install a new user-script in the future does that I mean I won’t have to ‘download’ an actual JavaScript file onto my computer?
Generally, TamperMonkey should always capture the Install/Reinstall event, but since it didn’t in your case in the past, it’s hard to say what it will do in the future. Do you remember if you tried installing the scripts before installing TamperMonkey? That might explain what happened.
Anyway, as you said, it’s working, so…
No I don’t BUT I’m guessing that’s what I did because that will FIT so nicely with what you’ve said. Anyway, I’ll note what happened this time to help me in the future.
Thanks again, for ALL that you do!
So, I have a simple proposal that would get rid of the script order issues for future scripts, making this a more end-user friendly framework to use, and also avoids some Chrome issues with access custom stuff on window if not using unsafeWindow.
In startup()
, assign an event to a higher level variable like:
ref_update_evt = new CustomEvent("wkof_ref_updated", { detail: global.wkof });
And then in doc_ready()
trigger it: window.dispatchEvent(ref_update_evt);
Other scripts can then have themselves set to run on document-start
and simply do something like:
window.addEventListener("wkof_ref_updated", (wkof_obj) => {
wkof_startup(wkof_obj.detail); //Passes window.wkof obj to func
This avoids most load errors then. BUT, for extra measure, after we create that custom event in startup()
, also do:
window.addEventListener("wkof_trigger_ref_updated", () => { window.dispatchEvent(ref_update_evt) });
That way, if a script is somehow loading after document-ready, or wants the reference at any time, they can simply do something like:
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("wkof_trigger_ref_updated", null));
Which will then cause their previous subscription to the “wkof_ref_updated” event to be called, giving them the reference and triggering setup.
Here is your script already modified for that. I’ve tested it in Tampermonkey and it works no problem.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Wanikani Open Framework
// @namespace rfindley
// @description Framework for writing scripts for Wanikani
// @version 1.1.11
// @match*
// @match*
// @copyright 2018-2024, Robin Findley
// @license MIT;
// @run-at document-start
// @grant none
// @downloadURL
// @updateURL
// ==/UserScript==
(function(global) {
'use strict';
/* eslint no-multi-spaces: off */
/* globals wkof */
const version = '1.1.11';
let ignore_missing_indexeddb = false;
// Supported Modules
const supported_modules = {
Apiv2: { url: ''},
ItemData: { url: ''},
Jquery: { url: ''},
Menu: { url: ''},
Progress: { url: ''},
Settings: { url: ''},
// Published interface
const published_interface = {
on_page_event: on_page_event, // on_pages({urls:[], load:func, unload:func})
include: include, // include(module_list) => Promise
ready: ready, // ready(module_list) => Promise
load_file: load_file, // load_file(url, use_cache) => Promise
load_css: load_css, // load_css(url, use_cache) => Promise
load_script: load_script, // load_script(url, use_cache) => Promise
file_cache: {
dir: {}, // Object containing directory of files.
ls: file_cache_list, // ls()
clear: file_cache_clear, // clear() => Promise
delete: file_cache_delete, // delete(name) => Promise
flush: file_cache_flush, // flush() => Promise
load: file_cache_load, // load(name) => Promise
save: file_cache_save, // save(name, content) => Promise
no_cache:file_nocache, // no_cache(modules)
on: wait_event, // on(event, callback)
trigger: trigger_event, // trigger(event[, data1[, data2[, ...]]])
get_state: get_state, // get(state_var)
set_state: set_state, // set(state_var, value)
wait_state: wait_state, // wait(state_var, value[, callback[, persistent]]) => if no callback, return one-shot Promise
version: {
value: version,
compare_to: compare_to, // compare_version(version)
published_interface.support_files = {
'jquery.js': '',
'jquery_ui.js': '',
'jqui_wkmain.css': '',
function split_list(str) {return str.replace(/、/g,',').replace(/[\s ]+/g,' ').trim().replace(/ *, */g, ',').split(',').filter(function(name) {return (name.length > 0);});}
function promise(){let a,b,c=new Promise(function(d,e){a=d;b=e;});c.resolve=a;c.reject=b;return c;}
// Compare the framework version against a specific version.
function compare_to(client_version) {
let client_ver = client_version.split('.').map(d => Number(d));
let wkof_ver = version.split('.').map(d => Number(d));
let len = Math.max(client_ver.length, wkof_ver.length);
for (let idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
let a = client_ver[idx] || 0;
let b = wkof_ver[idx] || 0;
if (a === b) continue;
if (a < b) return 'newer';
return 'older';
return 'same';
// Include a list of modules.
let include_promises = {};
function include(module_list) {
if (wkof.get_state('wkof.wkof') !== 'ready') {
return wkof.ready('wkof').then(function(){return wkof.include(module_list);});
let include_promise = promise();
let module_names = split_list(module_list);
let script_cnt = module_names.length;
if (script_cnt === 0) {
include_promise.resolve({loaded:[], failed:[]});
return include_promise;
let done_cnt = 0;
let loaded = [], failed = [];
let no_cache = split_list(localStorage.getItem('wkof.include.nocache') || '');
for (let idx = 0; idx < module_names.length; idx++) {
let module_name = module_names[idx];
let module = supported_modules[module_name];
if (!module) {
failed.push({name:module_name, url:undefined});
let await_load = include_promises[module_name];
let use_cache = (no_cache.indexOf(module_name) < 0) && (no_cache.indexOf('*') < 0);
if (!use_cache) file_cache_delete(module.url);
if (await_load === undefined) include_promises[module_name] = await_load = load_script(module.url, use_cache);
await_load.then(push_loaded, push_failed);
return include_promise;
function push_loaded(url) {
function push_failed(url) {
function check_done() {
if (++done_cnt < script_cnt) return;
if (failed.length === 0) include_promise.resolve({loaded:loaded, failed:failed});
else include_promise.reject({error:'Failure loading module', loaded:loaded, failed:failed});
// Wait for all modules to report that they are ready
function ready(module_list) {
let module_names = split_list(module_list);
let ready_promises = [ ];
for (let idx in module_names) {
let module_name = module_names[idx];
ready_promises.push(wait_state('wkof.' + module_name, 'ready'));
if (ready_promises.length === 0) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else if (ready_promises.length === 1) {
return ready_promises[0];
} else {
return Promise.all(ready_promises);
// Load a file asynchronously, and pass the file as resolved Promise data.
function load_file(url, use_cache) {
let fetch_promise = promise();
let no_cache = split_list(localStorage.getItem('wkof.load_file.nocache') || '');
if (no_cache.indexOf(url) >= 0 || no_cache.indexOf('*') >= 0) use_cache = false;
if (use_cache === true) {
return file_cache_load(url, use_cache).catch(fetch_url);
} else {
return fetch_url();
// Retrieve file from server
function fetch_url(){
let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.onreadystatechange = process_result;'GET', url, true);
return fetch_promise;
function process_result(event){
if ( !== 4) return;
if ( >= 400 || === 0) return fetch_promise.reject(;
if (use_cache) {
} else {
// Load and install a specific file type into the DOM.
function load_and_append(url, tag_name, location, use_cache) {
url = url.replace(/"/g,'\'');
if (document.querySelector(tag_name+'[uid="'+url+'"]') !== null) return Promise.resolve();
return load_file(url, use_cache).then(append_to_tag);
function append_to_tag(content) {
let tag = document.createElement(tag_name);
tag.innerHTML = content;
tag.setAttribute('uid', url);
return url;
// Load and install a CSS file.
function load_css(url, use_cache) {
return load_and_append(url, 'style', 'head', use_cache);
// Load and install Javascript.
function load_script(url, use_cache) {
return load_and_append(url, 'script', 'head', use_cache);
let state_listeners = {};
let state_values = {};
// Get the value of a state variable, and notify listeners.
function get_state(state_var) {
return state_values[state_var];
// Set the value of a state variable, and notify listeners.
function set_state(state_var, value) {
let old_value = state_values[state_var];
if (old_value === value) return;
state_values[state_var] = value;
// Do listener callbacks, and remove non-persistent listeners
let listeners = state_listeners[state_var];
let persistent_listeners = [ ];
for (let idx in listeners) {
let listener = listeners[idx];
let keep = true;
if (listener.value === value || listener.value === '*') {
keep = listener.persistent;
try {
listener.callback(value, old_value);
} catch (e) {}
if (keep) persistent_listeners.push(listener);
state_listeners[state_var] = persistent_listeners;
// When state of state_var changes to value, call callback.
// If persistent === true, continue listening for additional state changes
// If value is '*', callback will be called for all state changes.
function wait_state(state_var, value, callback, persistent) {
let promise;
if (callback === undefined) {
promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
callback = resolve;
if (state_listeners[state_var] === undefined) state_listeners[state_var] = [ ];
persistent = (persistent === true);
let current_value = state_values[state_var];
if (persistent || value !== current_value) state_listeners[state_var].push({callback:callback, persistent:persistent, value:value});
// If it's already at the desired state, call the callback immediately.
if (value === current_value) {
try {
callback(value, current_value);
} catch (err) {}
return promise;
let event_listeners = {};
// Fire an event, which then calls callbacks for any listeners.
function trigger_event(event) {
let listeners = event_listeners[event];
if (listeners === undefined) return;
let args = [];
for (let idx in listeners) { try {
} catch (err) {} }
return global.wkof;
// Add a listener for an event.
function wait_event(event, callback) {
if (event_listeners[event] === undefined) event_listeners[event] = [];
return global.wkof;
// Add handlers for page events for a list of URLs.
let page_handlers = [];
let last_page_loaded = '!'
function on_page_event(config) {
if (!Array.isArray(config.urls)) config.urls = [config.urls];
config.urls = => {
if (url instanceof RegExp) return url;
if (typeof url !== 'string') return null;
return new RegExp(url.replace(/[.+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&').replaceAll('*','.*'));
}).filter(url => url !== null);
if (config.load) {
config.urls.forEach(url => {
if (!url.test(last_page_loaded)) return;
// Call page event handlers.
function handle_page_events(event_name, event) {
if (event) {
last_page_loaded = event.detail.url;
} else {
last_page_loaded = window.location.href
page_handlers.forEach(handler => {
if (!handler.urls.find(url => url.test(last_page_loaded))) return;
if (typeof handler[event_name] === 'function') handler[event_name](event_name);
let file_cache_open_promise;
// Open the file_cache database (or return handle if open).
function file_cache_open() {
if (file_cache_open_promise) return file_cache_open_promise;
let open_promise = promise();
file_cache_open_promise = open_promise;
let request;
request ='wkof.file_cache');
request.onupgradeneeded = upgrade_db;
request.onsuccess = get_dir;
request.onerror = error;
return open_promise;
function error() {
console.log('indexedDB could not open!');
wkof.file_cache.dir = {};
if (ignore_missing_indexeddb) {
} else {
function upgrade_db(event){
let db =;
let store = db.createObjectStore('files', {keyPath:'name'});
function get_dir(event){
let db =;
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readonly');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
let request = store.get('[dir]');
request.onsuccess = process_dir;
transaction.oncomplete = open_promise.resolve.bind(null, db);
open_promise.then(setTimeout.bind(null, file_cache_cleanup, 10000));
function process_dir(event){
if ( === undefined) {
wkof.file_cache.dir = {};
} else {
wkof.file_cache.dir = JSON.parse(;
// Lists the content of the file_cache.
function file_cache_list() {
// Clear the file_cache database.
function file_cache_clear() {
return file_cache_open().then(clear);
function clear(db) {
let clear_promise = promise();
wkof.file_cache.dir = {};
if (db === null) return clear_promise.resolve();
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readwrite');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
transaction.oncomplete = clear_promise.resolve;
// Delete a file from the file_cache database.
function file_cache_delete(pattern) {
return file_cache_open().then(del);
function del(db) {
let del_promise = promise();
if (db === null) return del_promise.resolve();
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readwrite');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
let files = Object.keys(wkof.file_cache.dir).filter(function(file){
if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
return file.match(pattern) !== null;
} else {
return (file === pattern);
delete wkof.file_cache.dir[file];
transaction.oncomplete = del_promise.resolve.bind(null, files);
return del_promise;
// Force immediate save of file_cache directory.
function file_cache_flush() {
file_cache_dir_save(true /* immediately */);
// Load a file from the file_cache database.
function file_cache_load(name) {
let load_promise = promise();
return file_cache_open().then(load);
function load(db) {
if (wkof.file_cache.dir[name] === undefined) {
return load_promise;
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readonly');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
let request = store.get(name);
wkof.file_cache.dir[name].last_loaded = new Date().toISOString();
request.onsuccess = finish;
request.onerror = error;
return load_promise;
function finish(event){
if ( === undefined || === null) {
} else {
function error(event){
// Save a file into the file_cache database.
function file_cache_save(name, content, extra_attribs) {
return file_cache_open().then(save);
function save(db) {
let save_promise = promise();
if (db === null) return save_promise.resolve(name);
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readwrite');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
let now = new Date().toISOString();
wkof.file_cache.dir[name] = Object.assign({added:now, last_loaded:now}, extra_attribs);
file_cache_dir_save(true /* immediately */);
transaction.oncomplete = save_promise.resolve.bind(null, name);
// Save a the file_cache directory contents.
let fc_sync_timer;
function file_cache_dir_save(immediately) {
if (fc_sync_timer !== undefined) clearTimeout(fc_sync_timer);
let delay = (immediately ? 0 : 2000);
fc_sync_timer = setTimeout(save, delay);
function save(){
function save2(db){
fc_sync_timer = undefined;
let transaction = db.transaction('files', 'readwrite');
let store = transaction.objectStore('files');
// Remove files that haven't been accessed in a while.
function file_cache_cleanup() {
let threshold = new Date() - 14*86400000; // 14 days
let old_files = [];
for (var fname in wkof.file_cache.dir) {
if (fname.match(/^wkof\.settings\./)) continue; // Don't flush settings files.
let fdate = new Date(wkof.file_cache.dir[fname].last_loaded);
if (fdate < threshold) old_files.push(fname);
if (old_files.length === 0) return;
console.log('Cleaning out '+old_files.length+' old file(s) from "wkof.file_cache":');
for (let fnum in old_files) {
console.log(' '+(Number(fnum)+1)+': '+old_files[fnum]);
// Process no-cache requests.
function file_nocache(list) {
if (list === undefined) {
list = split_list(localStorage.getItem('wkof.include.nocache') || '');
list = list.concat(split_list(localStorage.getItem('wkof.load_file.nocache') || ''));
} else if (typeof list === 'string') {
let no_cache = split_list(list);
let idx, modules = [], urls = [];
for (idx = 0; idx < no_cache.length; idx++) {
let item = no_cache[idx];
if (supported_modules[item] !== undefined) {
} else {
console.log('Modules: '+modules.join(','));
console.log(' URLs: '+urls.join(','));
localStorage.setItem('wkof.include.nocache', modules.join(','));
localStorage.setItem('wkof.load_file.nocache', urls.join(','));
var ref_update_evt = null;
function doc_ready() {
wkof.set_state('wkof.document', 'ready');
function is_turbo_page() {
return (document.querySelector('script[type="importmap"]')?.innerHTML.match('@hotwired/turbo') != null);
// Bootloader Startup
function startup() {
global.wkof = published_interface;
// Handle page-loading/unloading events.
if (is_turbo_page()) {
addEventListener('turbo:load', (e) => handle_page_events('load', e));
} else {
ready('document').then((e) => handle_page_events('load'));
// Mark document state as 'ready'.
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
window.addEventListener("load", doc_ready, false); // Notify listeners that we are ready.
ref_update_evt = new CustomEvent("wkof_ref_updated", { detail: global.wkof });
window.addEventListener("wkof_trigger_ref_updated", () => { window.dispatchEvent(ref_update_evt) });
// Open cache, so wkof.file_cache.dir is available to console immediately.
wkof.set_state('wkof.wkof', 'ready');
What script order issues are you having?
As long as you set Open Framework as the #1 script in TamperMonkey, and all scripts that use WKOF make use of the built-in load events:
function load_menu() { ... }
function load_items() { ... }
…that is sufficient for most cases I’ve encountered so far. Internally, this is just registering callbacks, very similar to your custom event listeners.
What script order issues are you having?
It’s not a specific issue, it’s about end-user ease of use. Requiring people to read about sorting script order and go do that, instead of just having these be a simple click, install and be done is a burden that can easily be solved for better usability, and avoid posts asking why it’s not working.
If the script order is not manually set, then wkof
does not exist.
Having this cross-script event allows scripts using the framework to simply receive an event when WKOF is actually defined and available, not just setup.
The event is able to pass the wkof
object reference to other scripts, instead of trying to rely on a global window variable.
I think the Apiv2 module may be broken?
Specifically, this line:
let apikey = page.querySelector('.personal-access-token-token > code')?.textContent.trim() || '';
seems to no longer be valid, the enclosing class seems to have been changed to api-tokens__token-value
I’ve worked around this by using wkof.Apiv2.spoof()
in the meantime.
I suddenly got this pop-up in WaniKani:
However, I already had created tokens way back. Did something change?
Edit: taken out personal info. I’m so dumb…
Just FYI
Since edit histories are always viewable, if you haven’t already, I would recommend deleting the previously visible key, creating a new one, and then relinking everything as needed.
Already did it, but thanks for your tip! Oh, man, I feel so dumb…
Good suggestion, thanks!
I’ve posted a fix that can fetch an existing API token.
Unfortunately, the token generation process also changed, and I wasn’t able to get a ‘submit’ to work properly via Open Framework. I don’t have time right now to troubleshoot it, so users that don’t yet have a token will need to generate one manually. After that, Open Framework will work fine.