Yep, it’s yet another take on this. I tried to fit in with the new Wanikani styling, and let you pick between a more compact item type breakdown or the standard Wanikani one:
Most compact settings:
Most expanded settings:
Settings screen:
Detailed listings:
You can hover the compact icons for srs stages or item types to see the leeches.
You can install it here, but don’t forget to install Wanikani Open Framework first.
I did some more tinkering on this, so new features:
- Clicking a compact bubble will display a list of items in that category:
The list can be filtered by type and stage, and sorted by leech score, wanikani ordering, or time to next review.
- Mousing over the “Leeches” total will cause all subsections to display their leech counts. You can still mouseover an individual section to see just that section’s leech count.
I’ve pushed a quick fix for the script to make it work again with today’s WK dashboard changes. Some of the styling in the popup is not quite right as a side effect of the WK changes, I’ll take a look at that this weekend.
This is now fully updated for the WK changes. While it would if you loaded straight into your dashboard before from the quick fix last week, it will now also load after page navigation.
Bug report. The numbers in every row don’t add up to the total on top of the box.
Can you click into each box under apprentice to see if:
A: There’s any item in the detailed listing that doesn’t belong
B: Any items that are above your current level as a result of Wanikani content moves?
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How can I check whether an item doesn’t belong? What do you mean by doesn’t belong?
I have checked for movements and don’t see anything suspicious.
I checked for items whose type/stages don’t fit the description in the box and found nothing suspicious.
I have noticed the two rows (item type and detailed stage) have the same totals. It is the big total on top of the box that is wrong.
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The big total is calculated by Wanikani, and the smaller box totals are calculated by my addon. So if the totals are higher in the smaller boxes, it means my addon is counting items that Wanikani does not, so I’m trying to see why that may be. Can you send me a screenshot of your item listing for each of the apprentice tiers with the page size set to 50?
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Here they are
There are no radicals
Here are the kanji
For vocabulary I need two screenshots to have them all
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(Side note: Can you let me know what browser you’re using? That dialog should not look like that)
Ok, nothing stands out to me here, if you go to the settings for the widget and turn off “Compact Item Types”, it will restore the default wanikani calculated versions of the radical/vocab/kanji count and that might help me pinpoint which sub count is different.
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The browser is Chrome on Windows 11.
There is no settings I can see.
I refreshed my browser and the bug disappeared.
Had you just done reviews since first opening that tab? The addon loads your items on page load but might not have updated for your latest review session.
(if so, it should be a quick fix to move item loading from addon load to page load)
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No review no lesson. The bug is from the display right after I completed a batch of reviews. There were no review since at the time I made my refresh.
I checked for the settings and there are there after the refresh. I tried to turn off compact item types and nothing changes in the display.
Edit: I see you want reviews since first opening this tab. The answer is yes. I made reviews and that tab and then the bug appeared.
Edit2: There were over 60 items edited in that session.
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Yeah, settings changes currently only apply after a refresh.
If you look at your subscores, they’ve all moved as you’ve progressed items. Basically, this is a side effect of Wanikani’s change where previously moving from reviews to the dashboard was a new page load, and now it isn’t. But that’s enough info, I should be able to get a bugfix out so you get fresh data after reviews tomorrow. For today, you’ll just need to refresh the dashboard after reviews to see the latest data.
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Good. Thanks for the fast response.
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Will you fix the lack of menu item when displaying the dashboard page without a refresh?
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This appears to be a wanikani open framework bug - only the last script to register its menu icon after a page navigation is being displayed. Normally I can see 10 or so scripts that register menu entries, but after a navigation Item Inspector is the only one displayed. After doing some tweaking to match how item inspector loads its menu, there was still only item inspector displayed. If I disabled item inspector, then only my script was showing its menu item.
(I don’t think item inspector is doing anything to trigger this bug, it’s just item inspector loads a lot of data so is usually the last to try registering its menu item)
Ok, I think I have a solution, but I need to wait for some of my own reviews to come up to verify it, so I’ll release it this evening if that test is successful. For now though, need to get back to writing the code I’m supposed to be writing for my day job
I’ve now posted v1.1.4
It has the following changes:
- The stats are reloaded after page navigation
- Note: wanikani open framework caches data for 60s. If you have very short review sessions, this could mean that this script gets cached data back when it loads. If this fits you, I’ve added an option to clear wanikani’s open framework on navigation. It won’t be enabled by default, because if every addon did this, you would end up potentially loading the same data multiple times from Wanikani servers. And again, if you finish your reviews more than 1 minute after first opening the tab, the problem won’t affect you.
- The style change options (compact item types and always show total leeches) now take effect upon saving settings, rather than waiting for a page reload.
- The menu item should now persist after a page navigation. The styling in the menu looks a little messed up, but as far as I can tell that’s a Open Framework issue as I don’t touch the styling.
- I took a stab in the dark attempt at fixing the unstyled dialog, but I couldn’t reproduce the issue locally so I’m not sure if it did or not.
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