Hey, since this morning, whatever I type as a “reading” answer gets accepted as correct. It only happens for readings, incorrect meaning answers still get marked incorrect.
Has this been happening to anyone else?
I am running a lot of extensions (Open Framework, Open Framework Additional Filters, Self-Study Quiz, Leech Trainer, WaniKani SFW, WaniKani Review Order and Wanikani Double-Check)
But I can’t work out if an extension (or which extension) is causing it.
The real thanks should go out to everyone who was trying to figure this out earlier (in this forum thread). I had this problem too but had been mostly ignoring it, since it was marking the skipped items as correct instead of incorrect, and I showed up just after the fix was announced in that thread. Lucky me hehe.
And also thanks to the script creator/maintainer for fixing it! I believe it’s @rfindley and @est_fills_cando that work on it.