How'd you get your sect name?

the stories behind sect names are often hilarious and i want to know them all.
haha no way i’m doing this to figure out how to get myself a sect name what are you talking about there’d no way i’d do something like that

seriously though tell me i find your stories fascinating.


I was like maek poast and then he was like maki tiltru and then ??? Then after that we were both like ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ


I got mine by subscribing to Wanikani…

Aleithian said... I got mine by subscribing to Wanikani...
 Are you sure you aren't a kuma in disguise?
jpoetzel said...
Aleithian said... I got mine by subscribing to Wanikani...
 Are you sure you aren't a kuma in disguise?
 Secrets within secrets within secrets. 


Hi Shotgun Lagoon

To be honest I have no i idea why i was the lucky one but i am thankful and would like to keep it. 

Here is the story

A few days back i posted a chat topic named ‘changing profile name’. When I chose my first profile name I assumed that the profile names could be changed with ease ( I was also really eager to try WK out after watching the you-tube vid on Rosetta stone by Tofugu).  I received a reply on the chat advising me to email Some commotion arose when other WK disciples posted on chat saying that they tried and got no reply. Koichi himself cleared hosed away those flames of commotion. I wanted a change of my profile name but they gave me halifax extra. When Koichi read my email he was probably thinking…’ how in the sekai did that baaaga think of hd00056,. hd00056 does look like one of those ridiculous windows live account recommendations.

The secret revealed . hd00056 is my university username. 

I know right, I need to get out more :S


jpoetzel said
 Are you sure you aren’t a kuma in disguise?


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I was born in the light of the Crabigator, my game was given to me by our forefathers, blessed in the light I was, forever to shine as one of his disciples, he said…

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I got it from a fortune cookie.

The fortune cookie writers were very uninspired so I’m certain others got the same one.


This topic I created. I was sharing a methodology I used to increase the effectiveness in which I memorized kanji.

There were a lot of nay sayers, but when I had time to do this I was annihilating kanji/ levels. Every single item I learned using this method was burned with zero difficulty because it maximizes the SRS effectiveness. I plan to get back into this pretty soon.

Ryosuke said... This topic I created. I was sharing a methodology I used to increase the effectiveness in which I memorized kanji.

There were a lot of nay sayers, but when I had time to do this I was annihilating kanji/ levels. Every single item I learned using this method was burned with zero difficulty because it maximizes the SRS effectiveness. I plan to get back into this pretty soon.
 So reading through your method, the first stage is basically this: at level 22 (say), make a deck of flashcards for level 23 kanji. While following the WK SRS system for level 22, practice the lv 23 kanji in my spare time using the deck. When level 23 comes along, I'll have already offloaded some of the learning process to the deck, and can blast through WK faster. The idea, then, is that the deck serves as a sort of kanji pre-school. Is this right? At 23, I then make a lv 24 deck. I also throw in kanji I'm having trouble with, and if I want, lv 22 kanji.

I got mine by getting banned 6 months


You were banned? What happened?!

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GreenWarrior said... You were banned? What happened?!

 You never heard the story? It's hilarious.

Ohhh don’t you tease me -_-’

hdturtleburner said... Hi Shotgun Lagoon

To be honest I have no i idea why i was the lucky one but i am thankful and would like to keep it. 

Here is the story

A few days back i posted a chat topic named 'changing profile name'. When I chose my first profile name I assumed that the profile names could be changed with ease ( I was also really eager to try WK out after watching the you-tube vid on Rosetta stone by Tofugu).  I received a reply on the chat advising me to email Some commotion arose when other WK disciples posted on chat saying that they tried and got no reply. Koichi himself cleared hosed away those flames of commotion. I wanted a change of my profile name but they gave me halifax extra. When Koichi read my email he was probably thinking..' how in the sekai did that baaaga think of hd00056,. hd00056 does look like one of those ridiculous windows live account recommendations.

The secret revealed . hd00056 is my university username. 

I know right, I need to get out more :S

My sect name came from this thread. I had sent an e-mail to and never received a response. I had figured it got lost or my e-mail did not deliver it. My e-mail is challenged at times. After the issues with this thread, I laughed out loud when I saw the sect name. Koichi had responded and asked about the e-mail he had never received and I thought had been sent.  Looking back now, the sect name will always remind me of this funny little exchange.

OK now I am really curious @Apraxas - HOW did you get that sector name!? >:V

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I got my sect name by doing nothing to get noticed.

Aleithian said...
Ryosuke said... This topic I created. I was sharing a methodology I used to increase the effectiveness in which I memorized kanji.

There were a lot of nay sayers, but when I had time to do this I was annihilating kanji/ levels. Every single item I learned using this method was burned with zero difficulty because it maximizes the SRS effectiveness. I plan to get back into this pretty soon.
 So reading through your method, the first stage is basically this: at level 22 (say), make a deck of flashcards for level 23 kanji. While following the WK SRS system for level 22, practice the lv 23 kanji in my spare time using the deck. When level 23 comes along, I'll have already offloaded some of the learning process to the deck, and can blast through WK faster. The idea, then, is that the deck serves as a sort of kanji pre-school. Is this right? At 23, I then make a lv 24 deck. I also throw in kanji I'm having trouble with, and if I want, lv 22 kanji.
 This pretty much sums it up.
Ryosuke said...
Aleithian said...
Ryosuke said... This topic I created. I was sharing a methodology I used to increase the effectiveness in which I memorized kanji.

There were a lot of nay sayers, but when I had time to do this I was annihilating kanji/ levels. Every single item I learned using this method was burned with zero difficulty because it maximizes the SRS effectiveness. I plan to get back into this pretty soon.
 So reading through your method, the first stage is basically this: at level 22 (say), make a deck of flashcards for level 23 kanji. While following the WK SRS system for level 22, practice the lv 23 kanji in my spare time using the deck. When level 23 comes along, I'll have already offloaded some of the learning process to the deck, and can blast through WK faster. The idea, then, is that the deck serves as a sort of kanji pre-school. Is this right? At 23, I then make a lv 24 deck. I also throw in kanji I'm having trouble with, and if I want, lv 22 kanji.
 This pretty much sums it up.
 It's an interesting idea. Maybe I'll give it a try for a few levels, see how it works. I've tried reordering my queue recently to prioritize kanji and it failed abysmally. 
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