You don’t. The Great Crabigator bestows you one when you’ve entertained him sufficiently.
Also, don’t ask about Sect names. That is the first rule of Sect names. When you ask for a Sect name, bad things happen.
But in the current FAQ, there is no mention of sects.
Does this mean the moratorium on sect name inquiries has been lifted? Are we free to ask about sect names now? Has the crabigator turned over a benevolent new leaf? Asking for a friend.
(And if not, technically, this was a question asking about asking about sect names, not actually asking about sect names. Technically.)
My understanding is that sect names aren’t used anymore. Discourse, the forum platform we are using right now, offers a similar functionality, so I think they phased it out.
If I may ask, how do you still have access to the original FAQ and guide? There are some parts of it that I have been dying to see and I can’t because they’re not in the Knowledge base.
I was looking at my WaniKani profile and it still says Sect Turtles. So I searched the forum and found old posts about sects, and @Leebo quoted the FAQ and I just copied it from his quote.
Or photographic memory. But that can’t be true because I’m kind of terrible at WaniKani.
Oh wow, I didn’t even notice that. The profile page is part of the old site, so it’s probably still connected to the sect system somehow. That’s so cool. On the forums, now that they’re using Discourse, you can choose between different titles if you’ve earned them, but on the old forums you only had that one sect name. Sect Turtles is the one that means “hey, this person is a subscriber”. I think Guppies was the one that free members had, those were the basic ones. IIRC the lifetime members also had a sect, but I can’t for the life of me remember it, since I earned Crabigatorism I’ve forgotten about it.
This wasn’t the case when I joined. I got lifetime as soon as I made this account, which was Dec 31 2016, and I was Turtles until I got my current sect. Though I don’t know about what happened before that
You might be right. It’s been so long ago there’s many things I don’t remember. The sad thing is, I can’t even picture in my head how the old forums even looked like. I forgot it completely I can’t even remember if we had color coding on the levels like we do now. sigh
What kind of bad things happen when you ask for a sect name? I’ve been a part of the turtle sect for 5 years, I want to move on and experience new things