Hi! That was a fast reply haha
Oh, the “missing” I was referring to was the Genki 1 series by TokiniAndy here, meaning, the video only covered the Grammar part of each Lesson. Actually, I have been thinking about this since I posted, and it seemed like, he takes only a part of the lesson, in this case, the Grammar part.
Correct. In the Genki Website, it’s more extensive here.
But I think it makes sense that the Grammar part is the one Andy discusses in his videos since there are nuances that are explained better by someone articulating it, instead of reading it from the book. Or maybe I’m just lazy to read lol
The question now is, is it better to watch the 1hr30 (full stream) videos or the ones with no chat (30 mins). Haha Did you feel like you learned more with the longer video since he was answering questions/reading the comment section as he went along the lesson?
Thank you!
I think I went for the versions with no chat
but I would suggest try the long version and just cut to where it stops being useful for you!
Thank you so much! Hopefully, in a year or two, I’ll be posting my own Lv60 post too hehe
Congratulations again!
Congratulations! I can see that you are super disciplined when it comes to language learning. The fact that you really like it shines through in this post. Thank you for it! It’s definitely going to help a lot of people!
Hope you stick around here!
One of the best posts I’ve ever read. I’ll pick some ideas and incorporate them into my habits. Thank you very much for improving my studying journey!!!
Ps: do you recommend buying the lifetime subs for WK? I’ve got the feeling that once I reach the target level (45-60), I’ll still enter WK just to refresh knowledge until the end of times 
Thank you! I can of course only speak of personal experience but I am really happy I bought the lifetime
that way my speed for doing WK was only dictated by how comfortable I was with learning and not with “how past I should complete in order to pay as little as possible”.
Also, I’ve seen plenty of people resetting to level 1 after completing level 60 and doing a new run to refresh their knowledge (I don’t think I want to do that myself, I prefer to use the time on reading than on reviews).
If you want to get the lifetime you should wait for the usual-end-of-the-year-sale (in a big more than 3 months), you can get a monthly-subscription until then and if there is unused time in your subscription it will be refunded, see the details on last year’s post
Thanks for the insightful answer. I’ll probably buy the lifetime subscription at Xmas.
Have a great day and congratulations for your huge achievement!!!
Btw, did you take JLPT? I just noticed that you indicated those guides/levels in your table of contents. If you haven’t done it yet, are you going to? And which JLPT level would you take in your current state?
Good question 
I haven’t taken a JLPT and I am not planning on taking one. The reason is simple, I feel like I’m running on limited time already of how much of studying Japanese I can do per day, and I don’t believe it would be helping me towards my goal (being fluent in reading in Japanese). It would rather take time away from it (from what I read around the forum from people taking it, it takes some studying for the exam specifically to pass it, especially for the higher ones). Of course there are also people who pass JLPT without studying for it.
If I was to self-assess myself though, I think I would pass N5 or N4 without studying anything. N3 I could possibly fail, especially the listening part as I haven’t focused a lot on it, and N2 I think I would definitely fail as I don’t have enough practice yet for reading without crutches.
If you want to assess yourself there are some onlines tools for it (haven’t tried them myself, because again, so little time already
but I’ve seen plently of people here using them):
Ohh, okay I got it. That makes sense. I forgot there’s still the listening and speaking part of the language skill.
Still, it’s incredible what you could do now!
Thanks a lot for the links, too! I’ll keep this topic of yours as one of my forever opened tab in my browser lol

Happy that it can be of any use!! Have fun with your studies!!
I just saw this post, congratulations!! Thank you for always being on this forum and spreading motivation 
That write up is amazing!
I especially like the looks of
I didnt have a good one for the PC
Thank you!
Your post is terrific. Usually I come around the forum every couple of months to gain some motivation when some days are harder than usual, but your write up resonates so much with me that it may have brought me more than what I was asking.
I won’t talk about me here, this is not appropriate, but I will do it in a study log. Because from all the excellent advices, tools and links you gave here, you made me realize I need to get out of my solo learning journey and join a community.
Thank you again for this wonderful comprehensive list that many of us will keep an eye on.
And thanks for the Taxi citation, I didn’t expect that 
Mwahaha I knew from your username already that there might be chances that you were a fellow countryman and hence possibly a connoisseur
now I just had to go and rewatch it:
Thanksfully our learning of Japanese didn’t stop there :o
Thank you for your post, super happy that it inspired you! Looking forward to seeing you around here and have fun with your studies!
I wanted to ask about this. Today I leveled up to Lv3, and I thought I’m done with the radicals, kanji, and vocab of Lv2. But I still had some vocab left over from Lv2. And maybe it’s just me, but I was thinking I’d only level up when I am done with all three in a level. Like, I wanted everything done within a level before leveling up. After reading the WK guide to level up, turns out it wasn’t that way.
So now that I’m learning I want a planned level up, is this the workflow you did?
- Learn the radicals first, pass them until they are Guru-ed
- After the radicals are guru-ed (or idk, in the middle of reviewing them for guru), start on the Vocabulary
- Learn the kanjis, pass the reviews, and level up once they are Guru
Thank you!
Wow this is an awesome guide and so inspirational! Congratulations making it to level 60!
Yes exactly:)
I’ve been doing this every level and it’s a bit funny how it works with the levels not completed.
For example even now, when I guru’ed the kanji level 59, I got level 60. That’s when I made this post. But that also unlocked all the vocabulary level 59 linked to those kanji, plus kanji for level 60, plus some vocabulary from level 60.
So right now I am clearing the vocabulary from level 59 and 60. Then I will pass the kanji from level 60. That will give me some more vocabulary for level 60 and when I’ve cleared them I will finally be done with all the lessons on WK! (as it won’t unlock a level 61)
Haha that’s so weird. Normally, one would think they cleared everything in the level once they “level up” haha. But thanks to this, I can now plan the level ups, rather than get surprised that I’ve leveled up.
By sheer luck, barely in time, nearly missing the call. I simply could not allow myself to not write anything at such occasion — despite how awkward it may be for someone like me. I am obliged to congratulate climbing to the top of this hill.
Pray, forgive, I am no good with words. I shall leave it at that. I wish your journey to continue ever upward.