Also, I very carefully and cautiously want to recommend the reorder script.
It allows you to change the order in which review or lesson items are shown. This is especially helpful when you are aiming to go at maximum speed. With this, you can easily put the items of your current level at the front of your review queue.
However, a few warnings first!
- Only start using this script when you’re already a few levels into Wanikani (let’s say 5-6-7 or something)
- Be sure that you also do your other reviews! I have seen people bury themselves in old reviews, causing them to burn out. Always finish your reviews.
- Never use them for lessons. People use them to skip vocabulary, but once again, people end up with lesson piles of 1000+. Simply make sure that you never use it for lessons.
Also, this is not really a script, but really informative and fun to look at.
Over time, it will show your progress for every single kanji, and show how your Apprentice, Guru, etc. items grow over time.