DanMachi Volume 1 Week 7

DanMachi Home Thread

Start Date: March 23
Week 7 Reading: Page 69 - end of page 79 (11 Pages)
Last Section: ちゃっかりしてるよなぁ…。
Word List: FloFlo
Previous Week: Week 6
Next Week: Week 8

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0 voters


On to the 8th week, this week is 11 pages because they have dialogue going on for like 2 pages…
who am i even telling this to lol

Btw does anyone know how to make the small hiragana? Like the ぁ in なぁ


I might try to join in again because #covid19. I fell off the wagon, but that is what wagons are for, right?


Now all two of us can read together! Or maybe 3-4 of us :sweat_smile:


Sounds good. I can probably catch up in like … a day or 3 if this surge of motivation lasts. I think Napth already read the whole thing, so maybe he will stop by and chat.


You guys are fast. Napthalene-san was on like volume 4 a few weeks ago if im not mistaken


Haha, Napth probably understands it all though. I just guess for the parts I am unsure and hope that reading a lot will eventually make up for my guessing. :upside_down_face: :turtle:


Same here, although im so far in the deep end that a hard page might take me 15 minutes :cry:
Actually its not that I read that slow but it takes me a while to search up some of the kanji I dont know, and also I like putting everything in the dictionary for assurance. It wastes so much time…


Yeah, I feel like it took like…2 or 3 hardish books with some serious effort to be able to read a bit more lazily and still understand them for the most part. I should probably go back to putting in a bit more effort though. Dictionary use can be tiring. Have you tried floflo-ing? I feel like that helped a bit when I did it consistently. I am trying to do it again now…We will see how that goes.


I was cramming flo-flo (still have 2 tabs open) but now that im rushing the fast levels on wk(500 reviews today lol) i am getting too flooded with new words and kanji already… Ive had to slow it down. Also the review on floflo too… I have like 150 there rn.

Definitely using it though, I finished the 3+ freq and have learned 840 danmachi words :grin:

Its reassuring that you read a few hard books to get the hang of it, honestly ive only finished Zenitendou before this, but I should have been reading more…


Haha. Yeah, I started too late, and I remember the end of wk and the cramming and flooding. I have flooded SRSs so many times. I need to learn how to do this in a more stable way… :rofl: :turtle:
All the way through Freq 3 is pretty solid. Part of my issue with floflo is that I like perfectionism and there is a bar that reaches 100% if you do all the freq 1 words. That always leads me to do irresponsible word adding when I have extra energy.


There may be more than one way (and it may depend on your IME/configuration) but you can try with an “x” before whatever small vowel you need, it works for me at least…
(Works with katakana as well)



Thanks it works perfectly!!


I finished volume 5 yesterday. Story-wise, google sensei tells me I have just finished the first season of the anime plus some OAV apparently, if that tells you anything.

That’s hard to measure, but around 99% comprehension? (~1 unknown word every 100 words). I usually go by unknown words per page, but since some pages are basically covered in screams in this book, it’s a bit less reliable.

But it also helps you get better! As time goes on, it will get easier and easier.

I second that recommendation! I learned ~3k words with Floflo, specially tailored to my needs (by virtue of being the words that I often come across) and it really helped bring my reading to the next level.
It can be tedious at first, though, so don’t just add everything in there, just words with high enough frequency. If a words is going to show up 10 times+ in the book you are reading, it makes sense to learn it. If it shows up only twice? Eh, two dictionary look ups aren’t that bad.
Just saw you are already doing FloFlo. I should probably read everything before replying eh?


Im having some trouble with a few vocab words that arent showing up in Jisho or with rikai-kun recently, such as 被撃. It seems to me to mean attack, and read “higeki” but after searching every way for those two kanji together I couldnt find it on jisho.

In the end I had to search up 被 by radical because it wouldnt bring it with 撃. By the time I finally got the word together as 被撃 now its not showing in the dictionary. Jisho also doesnt have a meaning for 熱練度 (which google translate says in chinese means enthusiasm, and I think it makes sense for japanese too maybe).

Any way I can reliably search japanese words? Honestly getting tired of jisho.

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You haven’t found it because it’s gamer speak, not standard Japanese.
That being said, 被 as prefix means to suffer something. For instance: 被害 (suffer/receive an injury) 被災 (suffer a disaster) etc.

There’s nothing you can do about this kind of vocabulary but learn it from exposure :confused:


Are there no dictionaries for this kind of “gamer speak” or words like onomatopoeia? Kinda like these goblin/monster noises?

I dont really get how this is gamer speak and its a word in a novel but not in the dictionary… Is there not something like an urban dictionary for japanese? In the way that pretty much any english word not in dictionary.com should be in urban dictionary, like slang words.


Not sure. I guess it’s just because the meaning is obvious to a native?
There’s a dictionary at niconico 動画, but like urban dictionary, it is user maintained, so it can be lacking or biased.


Thanks for the help so far and link.
Unless im doing it wrong I think it found no meaning for 被撃… But I get pretty intimidated by japanese websites so im not too sure.

Anyways I will try to just get used to them and infer the meanings as you said.

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When all else fails, just pretend you understand and move on. It feels almost the same, if you have a good imagination… :wink: :turtle: :upside_down_face: