So, lessons come in chunks of 5 items and I can quit after any 5. i get that.
But there are often instances where, say, I want to get all of last lesson’s vocab done in a batch, or all of the new kanji and I don’t want the 1, 2 or 3 radicals/kanji/whatever that may come along in my last chunk of 5.
Is there any way at all I can study, let’s say, 2/5 items and then quit the lesson there? That’d be super handy for me.
The scripts already mentioned will be your best option if you are studying at a computer you own.
However, if you’re using a phone, tablet, or work computer where you can’t install scripts, do bear in mind that lessons don’t have to come in batches of 5 - you can change that to any number between 3 and 10 in WaniKani’s settings, without the need for a script.
Sometimes this has come in handy to manipulate where a batch of lessons stops.