Aanhlle's journey to the JLPT N1

Hey, so a couple of years ago I had a study log documenting my journey from level 1 to 60.
After about a thousand days or so, I reached level 60 and bid farewell to the Grab king.
During that time, I failed some, got some JLTP certs and went to Japan.

Recently there’s been an urge for me to get the JLPT cert N1 in July, though I’ve dreamt of it a couple of times but haven’t finished it yet. Clinching this certificate doesn’t mean much to my career or I’m required to have it. It just feels like a milestone to achieve and I like to challenge myself I guess.

I will be returning to use Wanikani (bitter-sweet memory comes back) as a tool for me to achieve this. So no more talking, I will just regularly update my status here.

Starting point: I had JLPT N2, but didn’t use much Japanese in my job nor in life. So pretty much the level for now is just over N3. I don’t aim to be N1 in speaking or writing, just get the certificate. Sounds not quite romantic but feels more practical.

The day I posted this is in early Feb 2024. Test date on July 7.
So, 5 months to go before the day.

edit 1: sadly speaking, I failed N1 on July 7, but I’m determined to reach the highest possible level of the JLPT. Let’s see how far I can go.


May the Great Cat of Purrseverance help you purrepare well and may the Great Cat of Exams help you pass! wricat


thanks, may te Catforce also be with you pal


There’s not much to do just reviewing the jlpt n2 grammar.
I read some advice that needs to consolidate some grammar and vocab first so here I’m trying to slowly pace in all that knowledge.
I’m not thinking of putting WK out of vacation mode yet. Not until I can settle all those Anki items due.


Today is the お正月 for people celebrating the Chinese New Year.
Guess what, I will learn/review more than 100 grammar points for N2 using Anki (and not forgetting most of them later, cause I’m using Anki haha).
Let’s see if I’m able to make it.

Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone.


2 hours later managed to review all N2 grammar.
Easy cake.
Now the hard part to maintain and keep learning, probably N1 grammar.

tbh, I’ve learned N2 N1 grammar before so not all of those items are new to me, but I still had some surprises.


Hey, I finished reviewing the JLPT N2 and N1 as well.

Can see that there will be more grammar items, but I will do the exercise along with reviewing and adding new grammar points to Anki. This helps to not dwell in theory too much and actually tackle those grammar questions. It also proves to be quite useful in reinforcing the grammar points.


Starting to do some drills.
I will try to finish about xxx questions for vocab in 3 days.
Not sure about the amount of number, but try to do 200 questions per day.

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Been reading books since the year started. It’s a lot more fun than studying. Started watching more dramas, variety shows, and anime as well which all vary in difficulty. I am just gonna do this until December. I think this is my year. July I will do the N2 regardless.


I’m glad you find it fun.
I think the experience would be quite satisfying when we love what we do, especially learning a language.

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The N1 listening portion has scarred me pretty bad so I will spend the next year lamenting over how unprepared I was for the final 2 questions and try to find more situations where someone just dumps information on me and makes me have to pick between 4 unspoken options.



New week new me.
Done about 400 questions on Vocab.
Ive learned a lot of new expressions, words.
400 more to finish this week.

Ps: you might wonder how to not forget all of them? Use Anki.


dude just say my name

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anyway I just bought a very good prep material, highly recommended to anyone who wanna take the JLPT.


Also the clock is ticking!
Kumirei -sama has a very handy countdown thread, check it out.


Weeee, I’m on that screenshot! :smiley:


I finished all the kanji sections in the Tettei book.
Only got 60% for the final test. This should be the easy-to-take point section especially since I’m at level 60 of wanikani.
Well, I guess these words have meaning…


Happy Sunday!

I will be starting doing drills for parts 2 and 3 of the Moji-goi section.
Actually I wanna playing game so much, any DotA 2 fanboy here?


I’m halfway through part 2 of the Tettei book.
It’s a very good book and highly recommend to anyone who wish to brush up their vocab knowledge for JLPT N1.
Jia you~


I’ve done 720 questions from the Tettei book.
About 500 questions to go.
Have learned a lot and I think my vocab knowledge is getting better.


How do you use Anki for grammar cards? I’ve seen people talk about it but I don’t really see how that would work. A cloze card like on bunpro? (Not a fan.) A sentence with the grammar point in question on the front and the meaning/explanation/application on the back?