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I haven’t thought about anything FMA related in so long, they really balance the gags with the serious topics pretty well, and it’s a lot more gory than I remember (maybe the anime is a bit censored?)
Just finished this week’s reading, really enjoyed this chapter. The little bits of comedy work really well.
I did this week's reading in a cafe and I laughed out loud a little here
I can just hear the tone of voice this line was said in. I love Ed.
Maybe, maybe not a spoiler (for the og anime) but just in case
I was expecting to see the really creepy bird/human thing that Cornelo created to trick Rose into thinking he’d been bringing her dead boyfriend back to life, but I guess that was something that Bones just decided to add in in the first anime for extra spice huh? Always creeped me out that when I was younger!
I actually kind of want to rewatch the first anime a bit… My memory was it was quite good up until they outpaced the manga then it became really bad (much like most of bones original work lol)
From what I understand they made two animes: the original that diverges from the manga and later an other, “brotherhood”, that follows much more closely and from what I can tell has been extremely well received.
The original series already had some fairly significant detours from the manga even before the point where it started actually diverging. For starters, they also animated one of the spinoff novels.
The entire Lior sequence was one of the reasons I didn’t watch Brotherhood until five-ish years after it came out because I didn’t want to relive that horrid chimera part. And the 03 anime also extended the SPOILERS Nina part into something extra long and excruciating. Turns out all of those issues were from Bones and either non-existent or far shorter in Brotherhood
In general, if you haven’t watched Brotherhood and are very sensitive to manga spoilers, I recommend waiting to watch it until you’ve satisfied your curiosity for the manga. While Brotherhood is very faithful to the manga, it does move around the order of a few story parts, so you’ll see late-manga things early in the anime and vice-versa. It could reveal slightly too much if you like to stay totally free of spoilers.
Hmm… I’m pretty sure based on this start I want to get the whole collection, but looks like I should wait for a sale, else it’s about 550y a pop for the digital. I wish there was a way to see if there was a 20% off set ever offered on Bookwalker, but I guess I’ll just see if they do another major coinback thing or something at least. (It is a Squeenix manga though, not a Kadokawa, so I’ll have to see if they even offer it the next big sale they do)
This cuts deep Wolf’s Rain was one of the first shows I watched in secondary school and I still have much love for that show. (Sk8 the Infinity I also loved but just because it was incredibly daft)
Yeh, I remember that bit being particularily sad in the original, but I don’t know if it’s because there was more focus on it or because I was just a teenager. I’m currently watching through Brotherhood for the first time right now and that scene definitely didn’t hit as hard as I expected it to.
I have always been curios about that. I only ever watched Brotherhood, and found that scene with Nina not all that bad. Read the manga later on and found it much more emotional I think the manga spends more time on it than Brotherhood did. Did the first anime adaptation make that section longer?
The changes to Brotherhood are really minimal - and most of them are at the beginning. The chapter we read next week is (basically) not in the adaptation at all, for instance.
comment on weeks reading
Man, I forgot just how much fun I have with this series. I like how both Ed and Al want the other to get their body back first They really are such a likable Duo.
Which is kind of Alphonse but also pretty silly, one of them is not even noticeably handicapped when wearing clothes and seems to be able to live a mostly normal life, the other is a giant suit of armor…
And why isn’t Episode 1 listed? Is it special somehow?
EDIT: Oh the poster mentions it:
We instead got the useless ep 27 recap and boring ep 1 filler
Now I’m curious what kind of filler we could have for one full pilot episode given that the chapters we’ve read do a good deal of introducing the setting…