鋼の錬金術師 1 🦾 (IMC) - Week 5

鋼の錬金術師 1 :mechanical_arm:

Intermediate Manga Club
Home Thread

Week 5 31 August 2024
Chapter 4
Start page 141
End page 183
Pages 42
Previous week Week 4
Home Thread 鋼の錬金術師


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Time for what’s sure to be a completely uneventful train ride.

Though, Team Mustang finally shows up. Unfortunately, most of them go unnamed in this chapter. (Fun fact: they’re all named for military vehicles or weapons.)


… How have I never noticed that?? :joy:

Finally, we get a rank I know.



Ah, I’m relieved, this chapter was easier to read than the previous one :slight_smile:
Pretty funny too! Thanks for introducing me to 鋼の錬金術師 @Jiell !

Question about this chapter

Wild romaji appears again. Can’t make out all the letters, can someone help?
I think I can decipher that much:


Konnani hiroi kikanshitu ga aruka!! = こんなに広い機関室があるか!!

That gun safety, though - the guy on the left of the panel is pointing his pistol at his companion’s knees.

About names

I never noticed too. In my defence it seems they are US military terms. My first thought when I hear Mustang is about cars/horses :joy: I didn’t know that a plane named like this existed. Sources say the Roy’s team all named after aircrafts. It’s actually interesting if their purpose is correlating to the characters.


Ahh, I had similar (and confused cause why are they calling him colonel?!) reaction when I was reading 三ツ星 :laughing:

There's something about cats...


Well, I mean, in this one it’s simply tradition to have a blue-eyed cat as company president. It’s a good luck charm or somesuch.


There is some correlation I believe to functionality.

I understand they are all named after military things, but not necessarily consistently; Hughes for example I think is named after a specific vessel, not a class of vehicle etc, whereas Mustang and Hawkeye are named after planes.

Late series spoilers interestingly I just noted that Hawkeye has a character relationship spoiler in her naming theme…


Yeah, once the action started going it was much easier than the previous chapter.


I’m surprised by how little exposition/arc setting there was in this volume, it feels super “short” as a result even though it’s normal 単行本 format. The last two chapters were basically self-contained episodic stories. I’m not complaining, it’s just unexpected for me so early in a series.

Also it’s only with the final page and the reveal of the 焰の錬金術師 that I realized that 鋼の錬金術師 was not (only?) in relation to his metal body but rather that most of his alchemy centers around metal/steel. I really got baited by the fact that Alphonse is, literally, a “full metal alchemist” which is even pointed out in a joke in the first chapter.

I know that there’s probably going to be an offshoot club and I already have the 2nd volume so I will probably do it but I’m also a bit torn because I feel like I would enjoy this more in a year or so when my general vocab knowledge has improved a bit. It’s right at the edge of my abilities at this point, I have to do a lot of lookups and even the grammar is giving me trouble at times.


Same. In truth, I already dropped out after week 2, but I’m still in denial about it. I got too many other bookclubs as it is and somehow it’s always this one where I keep falling more and more behind, because it’s the slowest read for me. I guess I won’t join the offshot club and instead slowly read volume 1 at my own pace.


The omake is pretty cute by the way (and pretty easy to read).


Yay, I also finished the volume!

I knew nothing about Full Metal Alchemist before this except that it was famous. It hasn’t really grabbed me yet, but it’s so widely beloved that I want to stick with it a while longer. I agree that there is surprisingly little exposition/background info in this first volume, so I’m curious how much more we will get in the upcoming volume(s).

I also find it frustratingly hard to read at times. I thought my Japanese was fairly good by now, but heh, I guess not :smile: I’m hoping it’s just a matter of getting used to the writing style. I’m sure it will get better after a volume or ten :sweat_smile:

I could see this getting more fun as we spend more time with some of these characters. In this first volume, there was a bit much of a focus on bad guys who are (at this point) just “random” bad guys to me. I also have a feeling that this manga will find its groove a bit more as we go along.

On to volume 2!


Yeah, I’d say volume two is where you start to discover just what kind of story it is that you’re reading. :slightly_smiling_face:


Knowing the story already was a major leg up since i was basically just connecting plot beats and when i got stuck i could refer to my English copy. So yeah, this was definitely on the edge of my abilities - probably about a perfect level for this club i think


Do you think Dungeon Meshi is easier? According to Natively they’re both L31

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Marginally but I’ve been reading it for 11 vols now so I’m fairly used to the vocab and general direction. I think it’ll be okay with the vocab sheet, if i get around to filling it out


It’s worth noting in the remake anime they actually skip the latter two stories in this volume entirely, which might give you a sense of their overall narrative importance