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Another option: Frieren Volume 4 vocab on Manga Kotoba sorted by page number: link here. Also see this comment for how to adjust the url to view the pages for a week’s worth of reading
More details if you don’t know about it: Manga Kotoba is an incredible resource created by local legend ChristopherFritz. The site has frequency-based vocabulary lists for all volumes of Frieren and thousands of other manga. Accounts are free and making one enables tracking words and many other features. You can ask questions about it here.
Frieren vocab roots: there are many names that derive from German words. Here is a page that looks into those roots
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He’s clearly holding a scythe. In Japanese-my native language dictionary 鎌 translates as sickle/scythe. I wonder why Jisho has only sickle not sure what to add to the vocab list
Interesting, English lesson! I thought a sickle was a small skythe, I googled it and it seems the defining feature is often discussed as the handle. I have no idea to be honest! … don’t worry too much. adding sickle/skythe to the sheet at least gets the idea across
Sickle and scythe are for different things so there’s no point to make small scythe or big sickle, you just won’t be able to work with them.
Scythe particularly requires you standing in full height.
So whyyyy this 鎌 is so small?! I hope we’ll get some answers about his brother’s love for tiny things in some volume
I’m really happy to be reading along with you all, once again. I had some trouble with this chapter, Sein’s text in particular. Is he speaking in a more philosophical manner, or in longer sentences? I think I have to pay closer attention to sentence-end particles like な to interpret the sentence as a whole.
Really enjoyed the flashback, as always. Fern and Stark are cute together. And Sein commenting that he’s really stuck with a party of three children.
It’s great to see so many people who caught up joining!
Fern's gesture
(edit: ignore me, see Belthazar’s response)
On the cover, I noticed Fern is the only one facing us, and I looked closer and noticed her fist raised. Is that a gesture of solidarity, eg from the time it was originally published?
It was challenging for me, too, although I have to say overall I’ve found Frieren more challenging since volume 3. Someone more experienced would have to comment on Sein’s speech whether that is more philosophical, I don’t know much about distinguishing those things, whether just the musing な is enough to give it that flavor.
My biggest challenge in this chapter was all the set expressions using familiar words but with a different nuance in the expression. I still have to read each chapter twice intensively to really get everything to fall in place
This was hard to parse because I hadn’t seen 冷たくされて used for cold behavior before and 流せる for letting something slide. Without the overall context I would have struggled to sort out the subject and direction of action, eg, that he means at his age he can let such cold behavior slide to a certain extent.
It’s not a huge leap to guess these things, but they sure do slow me down.
Fern/ Sein talk
I didn’t think Fern was so immature before? But I guess the point is getting used to interacting with guys her age. That was nice how Sein helped Fern realise a couple hypocrisies in her behavior, like how she didn’t like that Sein is experienced with women yet that’s exactly the cause of Stark’s behavior, or that she values a selected gift so much yet she had Stark pick his out.
You say you didn’t know that Frieren but we don’t believe you! And from Hinmeru’s face when he sees the ring we think he knows the significance as well (he even gave it to you on one knee…)
This has been an interesting way of telling a love story between these two. He’s been dead for about 28 years, and their adventures were 50 years before that, but we slowly keep getting these little nuggets from their history together. I wonder how much more will be revealed?
Also a nice English word - 花言葉- floriography - not come across that word before!
Seems like the nuance of this particular version of やる means something like "to manage/to be able to manage something ( in this case being an adult suppose).
Ill go check the “Dictionary of japanese learners grammar” series next. Perhaps i’ll find something about it in there.