ルリドラゴン ・ Ruri Dragon 🐲 Week 3

You can add the current BBC series (コミ) to that, as it also has made-up names meant to convey meanings/attributes.

When I encounter a real name while reading manga, it typically falls into one of two categories:

  • I’ve seen this name before, so I know it’s a name.
  • I’ve never seen one of these kanji, so it must be a name.

Thankfully, series that use puns and such for names are consistent about it, so you become primed fairly early on in a series on whether to expect real names or not.


Enjoy :slight_smile:

Page 27

ガラッ= I assume this is the sound-effect of the door closing. Also assuming I spelled it right.

はいおはよ="Hi, Morning"

みんないる?= “Everyone here?”

おはざーす= I’m assuming this is some colloquialisation of おはよ、perhaps ざーす is an abbreviation of ございます

おあーす= Another abbreviation of おはようございます

やば先生来たわ=やば is a shortened form of やばい, meaning “oh no!”. Full bubble: “Oh no, the teacher came… (ie. the teacher is here now)”.

…え= “…eh?”

Page 28

何だそれ青木="What are those green things?" (木 being the counter for stick-like objects)

起きたら生えてたんです= “When I woke up they had grown” (shouldn’t this actually mean “they had been growing”, because it’s in the て form? Or is ‘growing’ a word that take a ‘state of being’ meaning, like the way ‘to be dead’ takes the ている form?

ウン= “Umm…”

え= “Ehh…”

何か新しいフアッション?= “Is it a new fashion?”

フアッションでツノはつけないでしょ= I translated this as “For the sake of fashion, I don’t think these horns were attached”, or more naturally “I obviously didn’t start wearing horns as a fashion statement!”. I’m inferring this as her tone as the でしょ, which means “don’t you think?” would be said in a tongue-in-cheek manner here. I’m also taking a guess that フアッションで means “for the sake of fashion” given its placement in the sentence and the fact that it ends in で.

パタ= The sound of him putting the book on his desk

えー…= “Eh…”

マジで生えたの= “They seriously just grew?”

はい= “Yes.”

大丈夫なの?="Are you okay?" (as in, “are you feeling okay?”, or “will you be okay?”)

多分= Maybe

Page 29

じゃあいいけど= じゃあ, “Well then…”. Is いいけど an expression meaning “that’s fine?”. いい means “good” but けど apparently can be used as a marker of politeness. Is this just a polite alternative to です? いい is an い -adjective so I suppose that can’t end on です anyways.

いいのか= “Is it good?”

まー後で詳しく聞かせて= “Well, after that detailed story-telling…”

何かあったらすぐ言ってください= “Alas, immediately, I am speaking”. I take it he means it in the sense of “Well, unfortunately, we’re going to have to move away from all that and begin the class”. But I’ve no idea what 何か is doing here.

じゃホームルーム始めよ= “Well, let’s being the homework”. I assume that を is just casually omitted in this case?

この先生ほんとゆるいないー="This teacher is really loose". Even though the sentence ends with ない, I’m inferring this as a positive statement, given the context.

まじ?金尾休みか="Seriously? Kanao is sleeping?" Kanshudo tells me 金尾 is a place name/surname, so I’m inferring it to be the name of a student in the class who’s sleeping.

優しいし何でも寛容に見えるけど=Stuck on this one. 優しいし, “Tender”. 何でも, anything/everything. 寛容に, “at tolerant”?. 見えるけど, “is visible, but…”. I interpret the clause as “He seems tender and tolerant and everything, but…”. This is a guess on the actual words, I’ve no idea how the sentence itself works.

めっちゃやる気ないだけらし=めっちゃやる気ない, “Very unwilling”. だけ, “just/only”. らし, “seemingly”. So, combined with the previous text-box, this all translates to “He seems tender and tolerant and everything, but very unwilling by the looks of it”. I’m assuming she means “unwilling to engage with the issue of my horns”.

Page 30

まあみんなもんか= “Well, everyone もんか”. もんか can mean “one’s pupil/student/follower”, but it can also mean “as if/no way”. I’ll read through the rest of the page and come back if the context makes it clearer.

ツノスルーされて助かった= ツノ, “horns”. スルー, “ignoring/let pass”. されて, “to do”. 助かった, “saved”. Translation: “The horns being ignored saved (me)”.

みんな意外と気にしないもんだよ= I’m taking a stab at this in saying that it means “Everyone not caring was unexpected”. But the word order wouldn’t make sense if that was the case. And I’ve no idea what もん means.

二時間目休憩= “Second period. Break.”

青葉さん青葉さん= “Aoba-san, Aoba-san!”

それどうなってんの?= それどう, “in what way”. なって, “are growing” (ie. 成って). Translation: “How are they growing?”

触っていい?=触って, “touch”. いい, “good”. I would interpret this as “Is it okay (good) if I touch (your horns)?”. But then why would 触って be in the て-form, and not the infinitive? Could she instead be saying “Do (your horns) feel good?” (ie. “are they in the state of feeling good?”).

え= Why does え have dakuten?! Has the whole world gone topsy turvy?! In all seriousness, I interpret this as “Eh…”.

Page 31

…まあユカも触ってたしいいか= I interpreted this as “Well, if Yuka was touching (the horns), this is fine too I guess…?”. “If” comes from し, “fine too I guess…?” comes from いいか. たし comes up in the dictionary as “would like to (do something)”, but I don’t think that that’s the meaning in this case.

ドウゾ = This is a strange one, as どうぞ means “please” or “thanks”, but of course this is a regular noun, not a sound-effect. That’s pretty cool that the area for expressing sound-effects can be used to express concepts and sentiments too!

これホントに生えてんの? = “Have they really grown?”. Again, I’m still confused as to why this is in the te-form. I get that ‘being grown’ is a continuous activity in jp, but how do you know if she means “Did they really grow?”, past-tense, or “Are they really growing?”, present-tense? I suppose the latter would be 生えている, possibly?

まあ…一応= “Well, more or less…”

えーヤバクない? = “Eh… dangerous?” (ie. “are the horns dangerous”) Even though it’s in a negative form, I’m interpreting her as saying it as “Dangerous, no?”, in order to express that they are dangerous.

そうだねヤバイね= "That’s right. They’re dangerous.

うわカタいホントにツノだ= “Wow, they’re really stiff horns”

人殺せそう= “They look like they could kill someone” I’m taking そう to mean “look like” in this case.


えーかわいいー= “Eh, cute…” I’m not really sure what she’s trying to convey here with that squiggly line following かわいい. She looks somewhat afraid in the illustration? That’s an odd one.

何がだ= “What’s this?” I’ve never actually seen 何, が, and だ put together in this particular order before, so I’m assuming that this is the meaning.

お= “Oh?”

Page 32

俺も触っていい?= “Can I touch too?” (lit. “Is me touching as well good?”)

え= “Ehh!” Again, another mysterious case of え with a dakuten attached. Perhaps it’s just for emphasis.

えっじゃオレも= “Eh, well, me too!” (as in, if he gets to do it, so do I)

ヤベ増えた= “Seriously increased”. I take it she means this in the sense of “the amount of people wanting to touch my horns has seriously increased”. I’m also assuming ヤベ means “seriously”, in this case.

男子はダメに決まってるでしょ= I immediately read this as “You boys don’t get to decide that! (touching her horns)”. This is my first time seeing ダメに being used in this particular structure, as opposed to the girl simply putting 決まってる into the negative. Speaking of which, I’ve no idea why 決まる is in the ている form. Does that mean the means “going to decide”, as opposed to “decide”?

きゃっ= “Yikes!”

うおっ= “Woah…”

えー= “Ehh…”

何でお前が決めんだよ= “Why do you (get to) decide?”. When we replace る with んだ, it means we’re looking for an explanation or adding emphasis, right?

なあ青木="Hey, aoki!" (this could be a wrong translation)

おい青木ツノ生えたってマジ?= “Oi, aoki, did you seriously say that those horns grew?”. I’m a bit confused here. I’m assuming that that’s what’s meant, but based on the placement of マジ, I’m not quite sure of the nuance. Does he mean “is it the case that those horns grew?”, or, “is it the case that you said those horns grew?”. In other words, is he questioning the horns’ growth, or the fact that Ruri said something about them growing?

へっ= “Heh…” (just a hesitation, I suspect…)

うわホントだ= “Woah, seriously?!” (is it one of the boys saying this? I can’t quite tell).

何これマジで生えてんの?="Did they seriously grow?" (again, I’m assuming it’s present tense of a verb that takes continuous action in jp.

がや= Background chatter

マジじゃんどうなってんだこれ= “Seriously, what is all this?”. This is a total guess. I take it that どうなってん is a set phrase that basically means “what”, right? じゃん I took to mean “right?” or “surely?”. So, the clause is a very long way of saying “What the hell is all this?!”

触ってみていい!?= 触って, “touch” in the te-form. みてい means “unfixed/not yet decided”, and ていい means “indicates permission/compromise/concession”. So, I don’t know what this particular clause means. She either is or isn’t giving the boys permission to touch her horns. Help with understanding this one would be greatly appreciated.

Page 33

ヤバイ= “Seriously…”

集まってきた= Apparently きた “indicates action that had been continuing up till now / came to be”. So, “they had been gathering (the fellow classmates)”

何でツノ生えたの?= “How/Why did your horns grow?”. Is the difference between the how/why meanings purely dependent on context?"

えと…分からん= “Eh… I dunno” I’m unsure as to what と is doing here

お前亜人族的な奴なの…?= “Are you from some kind of ‘subhuman family’?” What a rude question! I hope she kills him. Anyways, I’m assuming there’s an implied の between 亜人 and 族的 in this case which forms 亜人族的, meaning “subhuman family-ish”.

かもしれん= “Perhaps…”

お前って言うな= “…you shouldn’t say that”. In this context, she’s offended by being called subhuman and is telling him that he shouldn’t be saying such things.

ねねツノ写真とっていい!?= “Hey hey, is it cool if we take a photograph!?” This is obvious from the word “photograph”, and the illustration itself. I’m assuming とって is とる in the て-form, seeing as we’re asking permission.

えっ何で?= “Ehh…Why?”

ネットに上げるなよ= “(please) Don’t put this on the internet…”

パシャ= The sound effect of a picture being taken

? ? = ? ?

わぁい= Presumably just an exclamation of some sort when taking photographs, along the lines of “Cheeeeese!”

Page 34

ガラツ…= The door closing sfx. I think it’s a big ツ in this case.

? = ?

わー わー = Background chatter

あのっ先生助けて= “Ummm… Teacher, heeeeeelp!”

え…何これ= “Ehhh… What the hell?!”. This is somewhat of a more crass translation, but given the context I believe it to be appropriate.

Page 35

あ!先生これガチっすよ= “Ah! Teacher, there’s something serious going on here!”. This is a guess because カチ came up as “serious” on Yomichan, but yeah honestly that’s all I got. Also, how rad is it to be living in an era with access to Yomichan?

マジで生えてる!= “(The horns) are seriously growing!” I’m assuming it’s continuous present, if someone disagrees they can tell me.

ええ= “Ehh…”

俺も混ぜて= “I’m also mixed”. I’m interpreting this to be a present tense, stative verb.

え!?= “Eh!?” Again, the dakuten attached to え. If someone could tell me why I’d appreciate it, I’m very curious

あ~つかれた~ = “Ah… I’m worn out…”

大丈夫?= “Are you okay?”

パソツ = Sfx of the bag opening, but I think I’m not sure if I’ve transcribed the katakana correctly.

pg 27-29 corrections

It’s not “Hi” it’s more like “Alright, good morning”

This is “Aoki” as in Ruri’s last name. “What are those, Aoki?”

You read it wrong, it’s ウソ as in “Lie” or in this case something like “No way”

it’s a small ァ btw

It feels like “Well, I guess it’s fine then”. Not for being polite, i don’t think

“Well… afterwards, please give me more details”

“If anything happens, let me know immediately”
So 何か means something/anything, あったら is something like ある and たら mixed I think. Well I’m not the grammar expect but that’s how I see it. すぐ言って “Immediately say” ください “please”

there is no い at the end, you misread. But you got the meaning right, it’s loose as in lax or lenient.

I think kanao is absent

“He’s kind and seems to be easy-going on anything” is how I read it. Words have multiple meanings and uses, so you can be a bit flexible with it.

It’s more like “But he’s just very unmotivated”, as in this is his only flaw. You forgot an い at the end too

I’m a bit busy atm so I can’t do it all, hopefully someone will else can cover the rest


@Markdg, I’d suggest making a new post for your translations. Editing them in 2 hours after your post means that some people might’ve overlooked them.


@TobiasW Good point, thanks! For some reason my half-asleep brain thought that it made more sense just to edit the reply rather than cluttering the thread with a separate reply. Still new here :sweat_smile:

My attempt at translation:

Pg. 27

はい、おはよ。みんないる? “All right, good morning. Everyone here?”

おはざーす+ おあーす = “Good morning” x 2

やば先生来たわ = “Crap, the teacher’s here.”

…え= “…uh” / “…err” (generic filler)

Pg. 28

何だそれ青木 = “What’re those, Aoki?”

起きたら生えてたんです = “When I woke up, these had grown.”

ウソ = “No way!” (My best guess here, it could also just be a generic interjection?)

え = “Huh?”

何か新しいファッション? = “Some sort of new fashion?”

ファッションでツノはつけないでしょ = “You wouldn’t wear (attach/put on?) horns for fashion.”

えー…マジで生えたの?= "Umm…so they really just grew?

はい = “Yes.”

大丈夫なの?= “Are you okay?”

多分 = “Probably/perhaps.” (I read this as “I think so” or “I guess so”)

Pg. 29

“じゃあいいけど” = “Well, okay then.”

[いいのか] = [“But is it alright?”] (I’m assuming that things in the square boxes are inner monologue, but there are a few times where it also has normal thought bubbles, so I’m not sure what the difference is meant to be. The boxes could be third party narration, but it comes across more as her thoughts, or at least that’s how it seems to me.)

まー後で詳しく聞かせて = “Well, tell me more about it later.”

何かあったらすぐ言ってください = “If anything happens, please notify me immediately.”

じゃ、ホームルーム始めよ = “Okay, let’s start homeroom.”

[この先生ほんとゆるいなー] = [“This teacher is really chill/relaxed, huh?”] (Expressing surprise at how casually the teacher accepted the fact that she grew horns)

まじ?金尾休みか = “Seriously…Kanao is absent?” (I’m guessing Kanao is frequently absent, at least the feeling I got from this is something like “Again, really?..”)

[優しいし何でも寛容に見えるけどめっちゃやる気ないだけらしい] = [“He seems nice and open minded, but he doesn’t appear to be all that motivated.”] (I’m not sure how to translate this. The feeling I get is that he’s super relaxed about everything but I’m not sure what being motivated has to do with that. There’s probably some nuance here that I’m missing)

Pg. 30

[まあ、そんなもんか] = [“Well, something like that, right?”] (This doesn’t really seem to fit either, but I’m not sure how else to translate it.)

ツノスルーされて助かった = I’m relieved he’s not making a big deal about the horns. (This is a super loose translation, but that’s more or less the feeling I get from it. I think a more literal translation would be something like “It’s good for me that he’s ignoring (letting slide) the horns.”)

みんな意外と気にしないもんだな = [“I’m surprised that no one really cares.”]

[二時間目休憩] = [2nd period break] (I’m not 100% sure about this. I initially translated it as “second-hour beak” or “two-hour break” but I think “second period break” works better.)

青木さん青木さん = “Aoki-san, Aoki-san!” (I added the exclamation point, the repetition here makes me feel that she’s saying it with enthusiasm that would be better conveyed with an exclamation point in English. Not sure.)

それどうなってんの?触っていい? = “How’d you end up with those? Can I touch them?”

え゛? = “Huh??” (Not exactly sure how to read these but it feels like a more exaggerated “huh” to me)

Pg. 31

[…まあ、ユカも触ってたしいいか] = [“…Well, Yuka touched them so I guess it’s okay…”] ( The feeling I get here is something like, “Well, since I already let Yuka touch them, I guess I have to let (this chick) do it too…”, don’t know how accurate that is.)

ドウゾ = “Go ahead” (As far as I can tell, she isn’t actually saying this out loud. Nor is it really an onomatopoeia. I think it’s just clarifying that bending forwards is more or less the same as saying “go ahead” without speaking)

これホントに生えてんの? = “These are really growing (out of your head)?” (~“Are these seriously real?” Not in the process of growing ala “the tree is growing” but more like “there’s a tree growing out of the sidewalk” not sure if that makes sense.)

まあ…一応 = “Well, in a nutshell…” (“Pretty much”, “basically”, “more or less”)

えー、ヤバくない? = “Huh, that’s nuts, right?”

そうだね。ヤバイね。 = “I know, it’s crazy right?”

うわ、カタいホントにツノだ = “Wow, they’re hard. They really are horns.”

物騒 = “They’re dangerous/disturbing.” (I’m not too sure on this translation, it doesn’t really seem to fit.)

えー、かわいい~ = “They’re cute huh!” (I usually read ‘~’ as something like the drawn out sound caused by ‘ー’ but more excited/emphasized. Not sure if that’s right.)

[何がだ] = [“What…”]

お = “Oh”

Pg. 32

俺も触っていい? = “Can I touch them too?”

え゛ = “Huh??”

えっ じゃ、オレも = “Uh yeah, me too!” (Here I’m reading the ‘えっ’
as a short ‘eh’ sound with a stop, rather than the kind that would connect it to the next consonant and make it a ‘ejja’ sound. Not sure but based on the kerning I believe that’s what’s happening.)

[ヤベ、増えた] = [“Oh crap, there’s more.”] (I’ve been translating yaba/yabe as “crap” but as far as I know, it doesn’t really have a direct translation, just a generic “shoot, dang, shucks, shit, etc”)

男子はダメに決まってるでしょ = “No way! Boys obviously shouldn’t (be asking/allowed to touch a girl)!” (I feel like she’s scandalized at the idea that a boy would so openly ask to touch a girl, even though touching the horns seem like a pretty innocent “touch”. I’m assuming just a cultural difference.)

うおっ = “Whoa.”

えー = “Huh??”

何でお前が決めだよ = “Why are you the one who decides?”
なあ青木 = “Hey, Aoki” (Not sure about this being “hey”. I get the feeling like he’s about to appeal to Ruri that it should be her decision rather than the other girl’s but I’m not sure.)

おい青木、ツノ生えたってマジ? = “Hey, Aoki, did the horns really just grow?”

へっ = “Er…”

うわ、ホントだ = “Wow, they’re real!”

何これマジで生えてんの!? = “What the heck, they’re actually growing (out of your head)?!” (Not growing as in continuously growing but rather that they’re actually attached to her head)

マジじゃん、どうなってんだ これ = “No way, how is this happening?”

触ってみていい!? = “Can I try touching them?!”

Pg. 33

[ヤバイ] = [“Crap”]

'[集まってきた] = [“They’ve gathered”]

何でツノ生えたの?= “How did you grow horns?” (Or maybe “why did the horns grow?”)

えと…分からん = “Uhh…I dunno.”

お前、亜人族的な奴なの…? = “Hey you, are you some sort of semi-human hybrid?”

かもしれん。お前って言うな = “Could be, but don’t call me ‘you’.”

ねねツノ写真撮っていい!? = “Hey, hey, is it okay if we take a picture with your horns?!”

えっ、何で? = “Uh, why?”

ネットに上げるなよ = “You’re not gonna put this on the internet, right?” (This might be more of an imperative, not sure.)

わぁい = “Happy!” (I would localize it as “Say cheese!”)

Pg. 34

あのっ、先生助けて = “Uh, sir, please help.” (Directly translating Sensei is kind of awkward, since we don’t really say “Hey teacher” here, but rather “Hey Mr./Mrs./Ms. X”)

え…何これ = “Huh, what’s going on?”

Pg. 35

あ!先生これ、ガチっすよ。マジで生えてる! = “Ah! Teacher, it’s the real thing. They’re actually growing (out of her head)!”

ええ = “Oh?”
俺も混ぜて = “Count me in too.” (Not sure of this one, I’m making a bit of an assumption here that that’s what he’s saying.)

あ~つかれた~ = “Ughh, I’m wiped out…” (physically tired/worn out, not sleepy)

大丈夫? = “You okay?”

Doing the rest from 30 onwards

That’s not みんな, that’s そんな. And it means something like “Well, that isn’t so bad”.

意外と is something like “as much as expected”. So “People don’t care as much as (I would’ve) expected”. And もん is what’s called a nominalizer here. Instead of saying “care”, you say “caring thing”. If I’d try a very literal translation, I would try to go for something like “This everyone’s not caring thing is unexpected”.

You got the kanji wrong, it’s 青木, Aoki

なって is not really “growing”, more like “to turn out”, or “how did that turn out”, or with more natural english “how did that turn out to be?”

I like to think about this with the connective meaning of て, “if I touch it, will it be okay”? But this ていい is a verry common grammar.

Didn’t you ask this in the week 1 thread?

the た and し aren’t joined together in here, the た is just a contracted past tense of いる from ている. し is just the usual “reason” particle here. “Because Yuta touched it as well, it’s fine I guess”.

Not writing into speech bubbles isn’t always a sound effect thing, many authors do it for sort of “under their breath” speech, which is I believe what’s happening here. A sort of resigned “you’re welcome”

Context. It’s actually 生えている here, just the る turned into a ん. In general, and this has been true the last week as well. When they say “生えてる” in this case, what they mean is that those are real, grown horns. Something like “Did they really grow (out of your head)?” or just simple “Are they really real?”

Important, that the question particle was omitted here. So this is the same as “やばくないか?” which is, as usual “isn’t it dangerous?”.

She doesn’t look scared at all, she’s overjoyed. The 〜 shows a sort of elongating, often almost “singing” voice. You type it with a tilde while in IME mode. So something like “Cuuuuuute”

More just like “What?”. This “Cuuute” was very unexpected after all the talk about killing people and stuff.

Those are pretty much two sentences. “S**t, it increased”

The って is quoting the whole “ツノ生えた” part, so “Is it true that your horns grew (as opposed to being some headgear you put on)?”

If you just take the どうなってんだ part at face value, you get “how did that turn out to be?” or “how did that happen”.

This is てみる, or “try to”. And it isn’t her saying that. So “Can I try to touch it?”

Not seriously, really just “s**t”

The way くる works in past tense like this, it means “They gathered”.

How and why are somewhat weird even in English as well. “Why did they grow” and “How did they grow” can mean the same thing given the right context. Basically “What was the cause of them growing”.

えっと/えと is a common inflection for “uhm”.

Subhuman is a bad word here, I think the other meaning, “demi-human” fits better.
Not really, 族的 appears in some words and has a meaning close to “kind of X”, so “are you a kind of demihuman”.

notice the って, the casual quotation particle. It’s the same joke that happened earlier. With more obvious quotation marks: “「お前」って言うな”, or "don’t say “お前”.

It’s a barely visible small つ, actually. ガラッと is for example a possible word even.

Same applies here as earlier, “those horns are real”

混ぜる is a transitive verb, and the thing that needs to be mixed in here is the 俺, or in English, something like “Let me join”

That’s a り and a small つ, so パリッ. パリッと is another Onomatopoetic word meaning “to rip”

Not even corrections really, more like some additional info

Ye, that’s about right

I don’t think this manga does thought bubbles at all, so the square bubbles are Ruri’s thoughts. But in general the square bubbles are more for when the narrator speaks or it’s a reaction to what someone said in the panel, while thought bubbles are the actual thoughts of the character.

So for example in a conversation “you seem to be hurt” [no kidding], the second part would go into a square bubble, while if it was “was he missing that tooth before” would go into a thougth bubble. But pinch of salt and everything else applies.

“Eh” with a glottal stop at the end is how the voice acted version does it. timestamped video for convenience.

It is imperative, it’s just the sentence ending な, the “don’t” kind.

Page 31

To expand a bit on why there’s a が after the 何, I think it’s literally “What is (cute)?”

(Although I’m not sure why it’s not either just 何が or 何がかわいい.)


Thank you!

This cell in particular is why I am confused as to the whole thought bubble/square box issue. Pg. 30:

Normally I would assume that the square boxes were an outside narrator or something, but in this manga they have pretty consistently read as Ruri’s thoughts (at least that’s how it seems to me), so I just started assuming that they were functioning more or less the same as thought bubbles for the MC. But seeing both here left me a bit confused. I’ve only been learning Japanese since December and I haven’t read manga before, so I wasn’t sure if there was something obvious I was missing or misinterpreting since I’ve only ever read comics in English and Spanish before now.


I think in this case it’s done like this, because that might be an actual thought that could go through Ruri’s head at that moment, while the rest is more like actual narration, but not sure either

Pg 32

“何でお前が決めんだよ” I translated this as, “Why do you get to decide?!”
What is this grammar construction? Specifically, the 決め+んだよ because it looks like he just took the stem of 決める and attached it onto んだよ. Is this kind of thing common phrasing? What would the tense of 決める be if this sentence wasn’t shortened so much? Thanks in advance for whoever can answer :smiling_face:


I’m pretty sure that ん is actually る being contracted. I’m pretty sure, because this basically happens on every page and it seems the author really likes to use it. So the non-contracted version would be “何でお前が決めるだよ”


Thanks, that makes sense! I’ve definitely seen it a lot of times in this book so far with stuff like ”生えてんの” being shortened from “生えているの” where the いる part becomes ん, but I wasn’t sure this time because there was no て at all
The sentences being shortened so often is definitely tripping me up sometimes :sweat_smile:

Page 32

NativeShark (sadly hidden behind a very expensive paywall) had those examples on the topic of “Disappearing sounds”:

  • Disappearing ら and る
    • Vているの? → Vてるの?→ Vてんの?
    • わからない → わかんない

So yeah, it might be just the る becoming an ん. But since 決めるだ doesn’t make sense, I think it’s probably 決めるんだよ.


This is my go to explanation for that concept


Btw, I changed my answer a little since I realized that the NativeShark info I list actually goes against what I’m arguing afterwards, haha.

page 32

Yeah, most likely, and it just all gets gulped into a single ん. Gotta love Japanese


I won’t have Wifi for the next few days, so I want to say thanks to you and @HaseebYousfani in advance for your corrections! I copy and pasted these translations from when I did them up three weeks ago without correcting them, so if there are overlapping questions, such as you wondering why I’m asking about dakuten again, it’s because I’d been writing these translations before our book club started. Apologies for the confusion.


Looking forward to reading all these helpful replies when I’m back in action :slight_smile:


Side note : is there a firefox expension to write kana and KANJIS easily ?