チーズスイートホーム: Vol 3 Week 2 Discussion (Chapters 42-44)

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Chapters 42-44


Start date: November 15th
Previous Chapter: Chapters 39-41
Next Chapter: Chapters 45-47

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I’ll start of with the first page =)

よーへー チー 捕まえてて

よーへー Yohei
チー Chi
捕まえてて catch
飛び出す jump out
いけない can not
から because

Yohei, grab Chi so she can not get out

また うろうろして 見つかりでも したら 大変だから
また again/also
うろうろして wander around (wanted to convert it to katakana while typing, so assume katakana is more used for ウロウロ (sort of onomatopoetic for wandering I guess?
見つかりでもしたら if found

She is wandering again. We will be in trouble if she is found

はい はーい
はい はーい Yes yeees

Yes, I’m coming (basically)

こんにちはー 管理人です
こんにちはー Hellooo
管理人です it’s the superintendent (Super/landlord/administrator =P )

Hello, it’s the super!

Not bad for a first time =P


I would say that:

  • 飛び出す => “to rush out” (since the mother is about to open the front door)
  • と => “if”
  • いけない => “not good” (since it is not after a verb in て-form)
    => Because it would not be good if she rushed out (but your translation seems more natural to me as she is speaking)

Jisho put the katakana form as an “other form” and it is 1/ an adverb 2/ a verb and 3/ an onomatopoetic word… talk about simple… ^^’
But since it is used as a verb here, I don’t see any reason to use katakana :thinking:

I agree with the translation (and the other ones as well)

You took an easy one :pouting_cat:
Kidding, it’s great :smiley_cat: Keep up the good work (so that I can relax :stuck_out_tongue:)


The keyboard wanted to converted when I typed on my hiragana one, had to go “no thanks, I’m good, I meant to have it in hiragana” =P


P27 => see @Toyger’s post above

  • (p29) 「お忙しいとこごめんなさい」
    • お => humble prefix
    • 忙しい => busy
    • とこ => one’s house (other form of ところ)
    • ごめんなさい => excuse me
      => I would say I’m sorry to bother you at home but it doesn’t quite fit :thinking:
      Perhaps Excuse me but your home seems busy
  • 「何か困った事ないかしら?山田さんち」
    => I wonder, is something is troubling you?
    What is the ち at the end?
  • (p30)「ならいいんだけど」
    => In this case, it’s fine but…?
  • 「お茶の途中だったのねごめんなさい」
    => Excuse me, you were about to make some tea, right?
  • 「あせってて」/「じゃなくて」
    => Put together, it can be Don’t panic but I don’t know how to translate each bubble separately to convey his… panic ^^
  • 「お茶いかがですか」
    => How about some tea?
  • (p31) 「それじゃあお話は中で」
    => Well then, as I was saying…
  • 「話というのは実は…」
    => Frankly, this talk is because…
  • 「猫のことなんだけど」
    => The incident with the cat and…
  • 「まさか お宅も?」
    => Really?! In your home as well?
  • (p32)「このマンションで猫を飼っている人がいるようなの」
    => I have a feeling that someone is raising a cat in this building
  • 「うわさの黒猫ご存知ない?」
    => Don’t you know about the rumored black cat?
  • 「それならいいの」
    => If that’s the case, there is no problem [I’ll explain(?)]
  • 「じゃあ忙しいから行くわね」
    • じゃあ => Well then
    • 忙しい => hectic
    • から => because
    • 行く => to come and go
    • わね => it really is
      => Well then, it really is hectic because he comes and go
  • 「他にも回らなきゃならないから」
    • 他にも => furthermore
    • 回らなきゃ => 回る + なきゃ must not visit several places I read きや but it doesn’t seem to make sense :-/ can’t they make the difference more obvious? x_x
    • ならない => negative of 成る don’t become
    • から => because
      => Furthermore it’s because he doesn’t visit other places (Almost certain I’m wrong here ^^')
  • 「また何かあったら言ってね」
    => And I said “Something has to be done”
  • (p34)「ヨウヘイ君おふろそうじなんて感心ねえ」
    => Youhei-kunLittle mercenary is cleaning the bath, how praiseworthy! (No! It’s child labor! You have to report them :stuck_out_tongue:)
  • 「チーがあそんれたのに」
    => Although Chi wanted to play[, we’re stuck in the bathtub]!
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I saw it more like “Sorry to bother you, you seem to be busy”

I think she was talking about herself here, having to rush of to visit others in the building.


Welp, it makes more sense ^^


In my understanding, とこ is a very special word. I find that the meaning “point” is the most accurate, and this “point” can be any point in time (a moment) or space (a place), literally or figuratively. いそがしいとこ means something along the lines of “at this busy (point in time)”, or more naturally “at this moment when you are busy”.

As far as I understand, one can add ち at the end of someone’s last name to mean “you and your family”. This is an abbreviation of うち:

From what I understand here Dad makes a mistake and tries to correct his sentence midway. He’s trying to explain why he’s holding a cup (since the Landlady mentioned he was in the middle of tea), so he begins saying “oh, I panicked and… er no, that’s not it!”

I feel this sentence is more general. “(this talk is) about cat(s), you see”. The Landlady hasn’t mentioned a specific incident (or cat, for that matter), so when she says this it is more natural for Yamada-san to think he might be in trouble.

I think that instead of implying that she will explain, this sentence implies simply that since they tell her they haven’t heard of the incident, that’s fine and there’s no reason to continue the conversation (since they can’t provide her with any info, probably?).

This is actually “must visit other places”; the なきゃならない construct uses a double-negative (which results in a positive sentence). Literally it says: “It will not come to be (ならない) that I don’t go visit (回らない) other places” which more naturally in English becomes “I must go visit other places”

As Toyger explained, here she’s talking about herself and why she can’t stay longer.

My understanding is the following:

また => again
何か => something
あったら => ある in たら (conditional) form (to be, to exist)
言って => 言う in te-form, in this case indicating a command.
ね => ending particle to soften the て-form command.

if something else happens, please say so

I’m not quite sure, but I think Chi refers to the fact that she was playing with that cleaning brush Youhei is holding now


Pffff… so much errors on my part for this chapter x_x

Please give me your knowledge!
tries to open @2OC3aOdKgwSGlxfz skull


Nah, you did the hard part! This was not an easy chapter =)


I’d better put on my samurai helmet for protection >.<



I am really late in reading but there is no reason to make all of you wait, so here is the week 3 thread!

I’ll try to finish ch43 today.

Does anybody have a time machine? :stuck_out_tongue:


  • (p35) 「チーを捨てるって言うのか⁉」
    => You are saying to abandon Chi!?
  • 「そんな事まで言ってないでしょっ」
    => I wouldn’t have said that until this incident!
  • (p36) 「黒猫騒動で管理人さんまで来たのよ」
    => The super only came because of the turmoil caused by the black cat!
  • 「チーはまで見つかってないだろ」
    => It’s only because Chi hasn’t been seen yet, I think.
  • (p37) 「ちょっと力抜けちゃうね」
    => It’s a little discouraging, right? (The idea of not having Chi anymore?)
  • 「何やってんだ?チー」
    => What can we do, Chi?
  • 「 話をもどそう」
    => Let’s go back to the discussion
  • 「かくしておけるのも時間の問題だと思うの」
    => If it’s only a matter of time, don’t you think we could also prepare to conceal Chi?
  • 「新しい飼い主を探すのか⁉」
    => You mean finding her a new owner!?
  • 「今さらまた」
    => Again, now
  • 「チーは家族だろ」
    => I think Chi is part of the family
  • 「そうよでも」
    => Even so!
  • 「ここ追い出されちゃうかもしれないでしょ」
    => We may be expelled form here, right? (It only makes sens if the father is talking; which I assume is the case since the bubble does not point to the mother)
  • 「だけどチーは家族だしどうにもならないだろ」
    => However, Chi being part of the family can’t be helped, I think! (As above, does only make sense if the mother is talking)
  • (p38) 「だからどうしようかって言ってるの」
    => Then, what to do, you ask
  • 「だからどうするんだよ」
    => Then, explain what to do!
  • 「調子狂うよな」
    => It’s making me cray!
  • 「ヨウヘイ チーをおねがい」
    => Youhei, take Chi with you please
  • 「このイラストは伊藤理佐氏本人によるものです。(以下同)」
    => This illustration is made by Risa Itou-shi. (Same below) (伊藤理佐 )
  • (p39) 「どうするんだよっ」
    => Explain what to do!
  • 「どうするのよォ」
    => What to do?
  • (p40) 「気が散って話にならないね」
    => It’s not worth getting distracted, right?
  • 「当事者はのん気だな」
    => Well… The interested party is carefree…

Ok, it’s probably awfully bad but it’s better than what I had a month ago (nothing made sense, I had to start again ^^')

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I interpreted this as I didn’t go (as far) as to say that (“that” => to abandon Chi).

Hmmm I am not sure about what this refers to. My best guess is that this refers to to the fact that Chi is being completely carefree while they are discussing what to do about her situation

I believe here 今さら means “at this point (when it is too late)”, so it is something like “Bringing that up again at this point”

Hmm I actually thought this was said by the mother. I believe that’s the case because even though the bubble is not pointing to her: (a) she has her mouth open, so you’d expect she’s saying something (b) She tends to use でしょ, while father uses だろう, and here she’s using でしょ and (c) the author might have considered a bubble arrow unnecessary because she’s the only one in that panel.

I believe here it is “What do we do?” is what I am saying. Since the sentence ends with the explication-の and doesn’t have a か or question mark at the end, it seems to be an affirmation and not a guess at what the other party is saying.

My interpretation here is:

気が散って => from 気が散る => to get distracted.
話にならない => literally “it cannot become a conversation”

With all the distractions we can’t have a conversation, right?

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I much prefer that; I’m sorry for doubting you father \o/

That’s what I thought at first but didn’t know how to make the words fit this idea (do I make sense? ^^')

That’s also what I think but didn’t “see” the “Bringing that up”

(a) yes
(b) oh! right :person_facepalming:

But then, my translation doesn’t make sense :x

の can indicate a question (although I don’t think it’s the case here), I was using the か before って => “What to do?”, you ask

That said, you are most likely right.

Oh! I saw Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary but it makes more sense as “it cannot become a conversation”

Thank you <3

(I really ought to continue doing that, I obviously need it, but I don’t have the time/motivation for that at this time u_u maybe in a few month when I have less pressing work… (or if I get better and don’t need as much time for a few pages… unlikely since it would require practice ^^'))

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It was kind of mess to make this whole post a spoiler, so a warning to anyone reading this in the future: don’t read this post if you haven’t finished ch. 43.


Hmm well maybe we should first figure out if we agree on a higher level how the discussion between Mother and Father progresses. Basically the argument has two sides: one person is stating several issues they have regarding Chi; while the other person seems to be over-reacting to this thinking it implies that they have to get rid of Chi.

So, the discussion starts with this panel:


We know that Mother is sitting to the right and Father to the left. Logically, we would think that the dialogue balloon to the right would be Mother’s dialogue, and the one to the right is Father’s.

This, however, goes against what I said earlier that Mother seems to use “でしょ” while Father tends to use “だろう”. Tae-Kim’s guide has this to say:

So, here we have some possibilities.

  • Maybe Mother tends to speak in a more masculine way when arguing (I mean, not completely out of realm of possibility, but probably not the case)

  • The dialogue balloons got flipped by mistake. Maybe.

  • The author expected us to pick who was saying what based on the clues like だろう/でしょ. I think this is the most likely explanation.

So, I propose there that actually the balloon to the right is Father’s dialogue, even though he’s sitting to the left. And Mother’s dialogue is to the left, despite her sitting to the right.

If we see it that way, then Father is the person in the discussion saying that they can’t get rid of Chi, while Mother is the person in the discussion stating the issues they currently have (without really implying they have to get rid of Chi, that’s just Father’s misinterpretation).

I think the next panel with the argument clarifies this:


Here dialogue balloons have arrows, so we know for sure who is saying what. As we can see, in this case certainly Mother is stating facts and problems (the fact that the landlady came because of the black cat), while Father is defending Chi (she hasn’t been discovered yet). So this seems to fit with the previous panel.

I feel that if we continue checking like that, the panel in question fits properly too:


Again, here Mother is only stating facts and issues (“we might get expelled from here”) and Father keeps defending Chi:


“But Chi is already part of the family and we can’t do anything about it!”

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Just in case, I’ll hide my answer as well.

That’s what I was missing!!! This explains what made me give up the first time: I though both of them changed side (of the argument, not of the table :stuck_out_tongue:) from one page to the other. I should have re-read after you pointed this difference in their speech patterns in your previous post :person_facepalming:

And with that, it make sense that the father is the one saying that Chi is part of the family later on and is not happy at the idea of finding another family for her. Which is very normal as he seems to be the one that like Chi the most :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, translating what the mother says without trying to make it defend Chi is easier (strangely… ^^')

[Resume reading the post]

Alright! So what made this chapter so difficult for me was this flip in the bubbles… Lesson learned, I’ll be more attentive about the speech patterns from now on!

Thank you very much :heart:

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