🗡 ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 Book Club ファントムブランド第9: あしたの勇気・Tomorrow's Courage 🗡


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Date # Chapter Title (original・later publications)
2024.08.12 33 あしたの勇気 ・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 1
2024.08.19 34 老師の予言・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 2
2024.08.26 35 怒りをたたきこめ!・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 3


Vocab SRS Vol 4(Renshuu.org)

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  3. Any information from later in the volume or series than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections. For other Parts, please label the Part before the spoiler, for example “Well we know 2 [character] survives because they’re in a later Part”

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CW for Chapter 33: minor gore

Chapter 33: あしたの勇気 ・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 1 Questions
  • Why can’t hamon fix the situation on either side of the door?
  • Why won’t they ask for Poco’s help?
  • How does Speedwagon describe himself? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
  • What is Poco’s sister trying to do?
  • What is Poco afraid of?

The musical has such a good song based on this arc. I hope they make a musical cd so the music can be shared

Chapter 33 questions

Hamon is not really effective for destroying non-animate objects, so Zeppeli can’t break the door from the outside, and JoJo can’t break the chain inside

He’s just a child, and of course they can’t ask a child to put himself in such a dangerous situation.

He says he’s always a bystander who can’t do anything to help. I mean…I’m sure he’s capable of many things, but from what we’ve seen of him so far, he does seem to mostly just stand around being distressed :sweat_smile:. He does offer moral support at least!

She wants Poco to stand up for himself more, and she wants him to start doing it now instead of putting it off in the future. I dunno if slapping a kid is the best way to convey that though :upside_down_face:

This time, he’s not afraid of the pain of getting hit, but of the village being attacked and of not being able to protect his sister


Excellent :ok_hand:


Also sorry for the delay but I’m about out of energy tonight so I will try to get the chapter up tomorrow


Content Warnings: Gore

Chapter 34: 老師の予言・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 2 Questions
  • What did Zeppeli’s training include and what is he capable of according to the flashback?
  • Do you notice any particular trends regarding fate so far in JoJo? (If you reference latter Parts, please remember to spoiler)
  • How does Tonpetty describe JoJo?

Question that I don’t know the answer to-
Do you think 波調 is supposed to mean something like hamon/ripple beat (as in tempo?)? I’m not sure what else it could be.

Late but どうぞ! The beginning of the chapter is more text heavy than the rest


I can’t believe Zeppeli just died like that!! :scream:

Chapter 34 questions

It included three years of asceticism. He’s capable of walking across tightropes and running for long distances while keeping his breathing calm!

It seems that fate is often very predetermined and can be predicted? Like before, Wang Chung predicted that Dio would have very good luck just based on a birthmark, which seems to be correct so far.

As a young lion (若き獅子)

I thought maybe it meant something like wavelength, since 波長 is also pronounced like はちょう, but with a different character to make it a bit different? But yeah, probably something related to hamon like you said, like hamon beat could make sense

Chapter 34

Probably 波紋(はもん)調子(ちょうし) (= tune), but it also sounds like 波長(はちょう) (= wavelength).

Though, 調和(ちょうわ) or 調整(ちょうせい) comes to my mind first.


It ain’t over until the fat lady sings! which is uh, today’s chapter

Chapter 34

Yep! At least to some degree. Prediction doesn’t often feature in the whole series though

Ah, maybe both then since hamon is ripple and waves/wavelengths are essentially the same things just different scales, right?

Interesting! I like the idea of tune fitting in too


Questions tomorrow hopefully. Sorry

Chapter 35: 怒りをたたきこめ!・あしたの勇気・うけ継ぐ者 その 3 Question

Wow, no questions until over halfway in lol

  • Why does Zeppeli get mad at JoJo? How do we know he’s mad?

not questions, just personal commentary but JoJo feels very Fist of the North Star in this chapter
Also I love that real men cry in JoJo
And, I wonder if Zep’s face in the sky is the first instance of that? I don’t recall a heavenly George


More like, it’s not over until Speedwagon cleps your hat, which will be next week’s chapter hahaha


lmao very very true


The next thread is up!

enjoy one of the best Dio spreads but also one of the worst images in the whole Part :smiling_face_with_tear:

Chapter 35

He gets mad because JoJo despairs about not knowing what to do after Zeppeli’s gone, and he wants to instead motivate JoJo to keep going. We know he’s mad because of how he calls JoJo きさま and 大バカ and he’s shaking with anger/effort.

Yeah I thought so too! I thought it was funny how midway through the chapter he suddenly out of nowhere loses his shirt :sweat_smile: And yeah, I also think it’s cool how they cry and it’s fine and normal!


His shirt disappears!? I missed that. Tempted to do a reread but no time atm

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Chapter 35

Yeah, like on this page!

It disappears when he rips off the collar, and then seems to be gone for the rest of chapter

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Chapter 35

The top was ripped when he got handled down Hamon (Ultimate Deepas Overdrive?). Right gloves disappeared and reappeared and then disappeared.

What were ripped in the panel are shoulder blades, which are parts of the collar.


oooh, continuity errors :eyes:

It’s interesting because as far as contemporaries go, JoJo is way more detailed than other Shonen Jump manga and for that demanding of a timeline, that’s pretty impressive. I guess it must’ve been hard for Araki and his assistant(s) to keep up


Ohhh that makes more sense!

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