カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Home Thread — Starting September 7th

Oh man I just arrive to Spain and verasia went out of stock of sakura card captor manga :sob: I wanted to have my first japanese manga in paper


Ordered it (I like physical copies) so I’ll be starting late but I can’t wait! The only problem with physical copies is you can’t zoom in to see the kanji lol


I guess I need to convince my cat (aka my study buddy) to join me. Though she might end up being more a nuisance than a help, haha. When I’m trying to do my 150+ flashcard reviews and she starts asking to be petted I just can’t resist and end up being 20 minutes behind…

So relatable.


Or can you? :stuck_out_tongue:

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True, but I might end up looking like Sherlock Holmes investigating a random manga for some reason


@ChristopherFritz and @outtheother would approve:

:man_detective: :female_detective:


Yooo, 150+ is a lot! and we all need a break - maybe 20 minutes of petting your cat is just what you need to restore your energy ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)


Hey everyone, I am using ChatGPT to explain to me the sentences I don’t understand, which are many. I am recording all the answers in this document, in case someone finds it useful. It doesn’t start at the beginning, but if I have some more time I will also add those. My copy doesn’t have page numbers, but I want to group and organize them at some point.


Of course I had to go and get sick right before the book club started. I’ll be starting once I can think straight again.


I just realized something. The song everyone in France associate Sakura Card Captor with is actually specific to the French Dub. Does it means many people here have never heard this Banger nor seen that gem of a clip ?

To french people from my generation, Sakura is basically is “the card anime with that nanananana song”. I hum that while reading.

I swear this is a real thing, not some random 20 years old AMV.


Week 2 thread is up!


Please tell me I’m not the only person who just read chapter one of クリアかーど… Whoops! I was confused as to why there was no one asking about kansai ben for week 1, lololol.


We definitely had a few people buy or try Clear Card in the run up to the club starting, so I would be surprised if you’re the only one.


Sounds like we’re starting and offshoot club, then! :laughing:


It is a sequel, so probably best to finish the original first :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is just too much… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: what happened with french people back then? Thanks for sharing that, I can’t believe they just put real people and changed the music COMPLETELY, I can’t stop laughing, it’s great.


This is giving me



I swear I almost got a heart attack thinking that I ordered the wrong thing (mine still hasn’t come yet) I double checked and thank goodness I didn’t phew


Some years ago, I bought and read through the original series in English. When Clear Card started publication, I re-bought the original series digitally to re-read before jumping into Clear Card. But I only got about 3/4 through re-reading the series before I switched to reading manga in Japanese.

At that point, I didn’t want to read Clear Card in English because I was working on being able to read in Japanese. But I didn’t want to read Clear Card in Japanese after reading the first series in English, so I decided to re-read the original series in Japanese and then hop over to Clear Card.

But I had just read 3/4 of the series in English, so I decided I’d take a long break before attempting the original in Japanese. (I last read from the English in…2017? Maybe 2018.)

All those words to say, I’ll be reading all the way through, so there’s going to be an offshoot one way or another :wink:


That sounds good, I’m one of the people who bought Clear Card by mistake at first so I’m taking it as a commitment to keep reading in Japanese and get through the series :laughing:

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