カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Home Thread — Starting September 7th

Already started with the book. I first bought it on bookwalker, but then decided to get a physical copy, since verasia.eu is here in Spain. The problem is that I still have to check out a lot of sentences to understand, and having to keep the book open and typing is a pain in the ass. I might have to switch to bookwalker again :confused:


So after several weeks of thinking, I decided to not participate in this bookclub… I just feel like カードキャプターさくら is not the best manga for me as an absolute beginner. Instead I’ll read (the easier, more slice-of-life focused) ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん and follow the also 14 week schedule there.

In that regard, thanks for organizing all these bookclubs over the years. It’s amazing to have all these previous threads and resources ! :3

I’m quite excited for my first native manga and maybe I’ll be back for the next round then.


No worries! Don’t be afraid to post in the 小さな森のオオカミちゃん threads.


It’s the morning on the 7th in my country already so I’ll start reading now :muscle:

Where will we be able to find the weekly threads? Will it be posted in the first post of this thread?


It’ll be added as a reply here and a link in the index (it’s only chance I’m awake right now, so it will be many hours yet)


Week 1 thread is now live!


I didn’t realize this was an option, thanks a ton! :sob: (Ironically the book just came this morning)

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one of the biggest issues im having is how small the print is for the kanji and especially the furigana. i guess i need to get a magnifying glass or use my phone’s


So we all probably know about the anime adaptation of this manga right.

TIL there is also a manga adaptation of the anime adaptation of the manga (or the first two arcs at least):

I guess it was not that successful given the Amazon (and hence natively) picture is a photo of a used copy. From what I’ve read, it’s basically someone arranged the stills from the anime into manga form with dialogue boxes. I guess it’s probably disappeared because they wouldn’t want people thinking they’re buying the manga and actually they’re buying the anime in manga form. It seems to have been a bit of a trend in the 00s.

I dunno, the one person on Natively who’s read it seems to have liked it, and I just found it amusing that it exists, so had to share the info.


Along the same lines, I’ve seen the “anime manga” for:

  • Sailormoon (I own a large number of these physical)
  • Doremi
  • Studio Ghibli movies (which have both physical and digital releases that were created independently)

And then there’s the world of light novel adaptations


Joining this a little late but I’m having a little trouble with buying the ebook. I tried to buy it on bookwalker and the payment wouldn’t go through, I also tried amazon jp but I get redirected to my countries amazon instead, which doesn’t have the japanese version available, and I can’t make an account for ebook japan because my phone number doesn’t work. Can anyone give me anytips?

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I had trouble with amazon and bookwalker as well. I ended up buying it on BookLive. I used a VPN with location set to Japan, I’m not sure if that was necessary or not but they didn’t request a Japanese address or phone number like the other sites did so you might have more luck with that one.

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I used to have somewhere an “animanga” of Pokemon. It was very much a trend in the 2000’s, and when I go to Kinokuniya I can sometimes still find this type of ‘manga’ in both the English and Japanese sections. XD

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Thanks for the help

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Not sure if you’re having the same issue on Bookwalker that I did. I usually use PayPal to purchase books there, but couldn’t this time. I was getting a message indicating that since I was purchasing from outside of Japan, certain works cannot be purchased using PayPal. My normal credit card (a US card) went through just fine when I switched to that payment method, though, and I believe someone else mentioned they used Amazon Pay successfully.


Hello, everyone! Newcomer here - I’m ready for my first read-along. So excited to be joining you guys :smile_cat: :cherry_blossom:

  1. The manga
  2. The ring!
  3. THE NAIL!!
  4. THE CAT!!!

Anime Gif - IceGif


Ohh man! I love this series so much (as well as other works of CLAMP) but I don’t think I have enough kanjis or vocab or grammar points in my repertoire at the moment. This is one of the core memories of my childhood. :melting_face: I hope you guys enjoy!


Having a little fuzzy sidekick along for the ride does seem very genre-appropriate.


lol! you’ve spotted my little helper (doesn’t really help but is always all up in my business :joy:)

And yes!!! the ring is too pretty I’m always wearing it hehe