カードキャプターさくら・Card Captor Sakura Book Club 🌸 Week 1

This is my first book club and first try at reading native material - so these first few pages were definitely a tough way to start! But I’m trying to start with a spirit of adventure, being mindful of what @ChristopherFritz said in the home thread about joining “to learn Japanese grammar and vocabulary as you decipher cryptic messages found secretly embedded within pretty artwork.” Love that framing so much. I definitely feel like an investigator trying to discover clues and getting REALLY excited when there’s something small that I know/understand without looking it up!

Also really appreciated @TobiasW’s advice/FAQ in this thread, especially “how can I approach a sentence I don’t understand?” Super helpful and I’m experimenting more with the resources shared for looking things up.

I did get a physical copy of the manga but ended up getting a digital version on Bookwalker as well so I can zoom in/see both the kanji and hiragana more clearly. My approach so far since I’m looking up so much/taking so many notes is actually screenshotting each page to a powerpoint slide and then capturing my notes there as I work through the text, which is making it easier to refer back to.

I don’t have any questions of my own yet but I appreciate everyone else’s! And a million thank yous for the vocabulary list!!!