よつばと! Vol 10 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

My little niece did something similar around Yotsuba’s age. She had a rude child over, and made her do stupid things like purposefully destroy some of her toys. She also thought her how to lie unconvincingly; It was pirates! Pirates came in, destroyed the toys and ran of again… cause that sounds SOOO convincing! XD
I don’t think this child was ever invited back again =P
This was her first time there, acting all snobby on top of it all, so why make a habit of it and let their child learn these bad behaviors.

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I was wondering about that too! While they prepared for the “resurrection”, what would they say about Miura not being there? Did she have to go get something for him, and did he fly her down or something?!! But then Yotsuba was so focused on Danbo she didn’t even notice she was missing XD


It’s time. Only a month and a half for me to catch up.

Sorry, guys. Life got in the way. :bowing_man:

So, Chapter 66, here we go! :smiley:

:blush: すっきりした


Finally! :smiley:

Tsk, tsk.

I mean, technically. The Truman Show and all. :stuck_out_tongue:

His face! :joy: I just love the interactions.

これで!? :rofl:

Short chapter!? No wonder people read it so quickly. :sweat_smile:

Now Chapter 67! Let’s go! :open_mouth:

Can’t handle the smoothness. :joy: :8ball:


風香 GET!

Not to brag, (is totally bragging) but I’m very good at those.
I mean, just don’t let go, and you win. But I’m good at not letting go.
In games, not real life. :sweat_smile: That’s besides the point. :cry:
There’ve been times where it’s just like, “Yep, been a minute now. You won.”
And I’m like, “Ah, ok.” and just let go. I don’t know what it is. :man_shrugging:

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I burst out laughing, and I’m still laughing at this page. :joy:
What a mastermind.

I usually have this problem, idk why.

It depends on the chair, I guess.

Ok! Two chapters for now. :smiley: Small steps.


:eyes: :thinking:

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Is it possible? Me, finishing Volume 10? It’s more likely than you think.
(I think I’ve apologized enough, but I’m sorry. :joy:)

Chapter 68 time! :smiley:

It’s so cute that Yotsuba remembers, and then Asagi just… :joy:

Oh, no… For being that big, those balls bounce way more than they should. :confounded:

Aw, man. I have a scab on my lip, I shouldn’t be reading this, I’m smiling way too much. :sweat_smile:

This isn’t looking good. :cold_sweat:

His face is half passive and half “this is going to be fun”.
New Yotsuba reaction image.

I hadn’t thought about it, but it makes sense.
If you had an insect inside you that made you lie, and it was going to be killed if you went with 仁王さん, it would probably make you say that you lied instead. Smart.


I mean, they’re sisters.
It’s not like Yotsuba was going to lose it, and if she did, I’m sure Asagi would just buy another one, or Fuuka would be like, “Meh. I wasn’t using it anyways.”

I actually liked it.
Obviously not the scaring Yotsuba part, but the message that whatever Yotsuba does is fine, as long as she doesn’t lie about it. 失敗するのはよつばの仕事だ。

And if she actually learned her lesson that lying is not nice, because her dad was “worried” and was taking her to get the 嘘つき虫 removed (in this scenario), I think that’s a well applied scary moment.
A scare or two isn’t going to kill anyone, hopefully.

I’m not going to tell anyone how to raise their children, though.

Just one chapter left! :sweat_smile:


Or the man with the hat could have taken it.

Do you really see Asagi doing that?

Do you really see Fuuka doing that? :stuck_out_tongue:

I popped into Bic Camera the other day for some stuff, and saw a guy doing his whole-face shave with the sample shaver. Does… does he not actually own a shaver? Like, if he ever needs a shave, does he just walk into the nearest electronics store?

I’ve heard the “go home, kids” melody several times during my current trip. :grinning: It’s always been instrumental-only, though.

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For sure. :0

We live in a society…

Oh, trip, right! :smiley:

Time for Chapter 69. (hype)

I used to take care of a hamster for a school thing, it was cute. :blush:

How is a hamster cheaper than a $20 cage. .-.

I guess if it’s a baby hamster and someone just wants to get rid of it.

Well… Color me surprised.

I remember my turtles were super cheap, like $10 for 2 maybe, but they were super small, too. :turtle:

:cry: Filbur and Rocko.
(They didn’t die, we gave them back to the store after a few years because they were too big, but I don’t imagine they’re still alive.)

No hesitation. :open_mouth:

嘘でしたっけ!? D:

Such a cool vacation! :smiley:

:joy: Isn’t saying he ran out of fuel way more reasonable? :rofl:

! My friend gave me one of those from when she went to Japan. :smile:
:sob: So pure.
A classic. xD

Welp. :3


Think the point is that both Ena and Miura are not good at dealing with Yotsuba’s imagination. They both tend to blurt out the first thing that comes into their heads, except Ena’s first thing tends to inflate Yotsuba’s imagination to ridiculous extremes, while Miura’s tries to kill it. That, and I suspect Miura may be thinking that any situation in which Danbo could possibly still be alive will undoubtedly result in her having to wear the thing again.

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Completely fair.

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Fixed it there =D

Just to do my bit then…! lol!

Page 21

Yotsuba is inventing a new swing game with dad (ぶらんこおにくつ!) and says:


I reckon that is: 一緒になったら靴を飛ばしてとおくにとんだ方がかち!

together, if/when become, shoe, を, let fly (te-form), far away, direction particle, とんだ, 方が, win!


  1. what is とんだ ?
  2. what is 方が in this sentence? Direction, or method?

Sorry for bumping the thread, and thanks for any help you can offer!

Off topic: when reading this chapter I couldn’t help but think of this painting! NSFW (if you live in the 18th century, and still great fun now).

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  • とおく = 遠く
  • とんだ = 飛んだ (same as you observed in 飛ばして)
  • かち = 勝ち

You can think of 方 here as representing one of two sides. You may see this in a J-to-E dictionary as “indicates one side of a comparison”.

In this case, Yotsuba and her father will both kick off a shoe while in the air, and see which goes farther. So, here the two sides are 1) Yotsuba’s shoe and its distance, and 2) Dad’s shoe and its distance. Between those two sides, the one that goes farther wins.

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Thank you so much! This is a tough old sentence (for me at least), but you’ve helped me a lot trying to get my head around it. Thank you!

For some reason, 方 took me a long time to begin to properly grasp. I don’t know what, but it is what it is. I think the only reason I’ve come as far as I have toward figuring it out is because of all the reading I’ve been doing this past year. Brute forced learning through repeated exposure.

Of course, there’s still the possibility that my understanding isn’t 100% there yet, but I feel completely confident in it. At least, until someone points out that I’ve made an error. Then I’ll drop down to 50% confidence.

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Page 56

Sorry everyone to keep going back to volume 10, but I’m working my way through it now and today there was a sentence I just couldn’t crack. Any help much appreciated.

Yotsuba is having trouble turning over the pancakes and Yanda says:


ホットケーキ - pancakes
って - quotation particle
そういう - such; like that; that sort of; very
ん - explanation particle ???
じゃない - is not
から - because

“because pancakes are not that kind of thing” - - ???

Any help much appreciated!
:four_leaf_clover: :pancakes: :four_leaf_clover:

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I would say so. Like he’s criticizing the way she’s doing it.

But it’s true that it feels a bit weird.

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Page 69

Indeed! I’ve just read that page and think it is so funny! At the top of the page it looks like he resolves not to tell him (“if I tell Janbo that we went out with Asagi, he’ll get mad”) but no sooner is Janbo through the door than dad knows he can’t keep it a secret and so just has to say something! Doesn’t even respond to Janbo’s うぃース, just comes right out and says it! Get the pain over and done with! So funny!

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Page 75

I’m still slowly struggling through this volume! It’s great fun, but I can’t seem to get any speed on! Anyway, my main problem today was with a sentence on page 75…

Janbo is looking at the photos that Tora took of the balloon trip, and says…

モノクロ写真かよ… カッコつけやがって

モノクロ写真 - black and white photos
か - question particle
よ… - emphatic sentence ending particle
カッコつけ - this must come from 格好つける, to affect a stylish air; to try to look good; to show off
や - no idea. Some kind of verb ending?
が - subject / identifier particle?
って - quotation particle? topic particle? No idea

“So, black and white photos is it, yeah? … try to look cool…”

I reckon he’s saying that Tora is trying to look cool by using black and white, but the grammar?!

I’m at a complete loss. Any help much appreciated!


Although I don’t think he means it as bad as it sounds. :slight_smile:

There’s also this: 「カッコつけやがって」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書