Reminds me of this exchange from Persona 5:
I have ceremonially put my copy back in the bookshelf, so I can’t check the original
But from memory this looks correct to me? The second sentence is quite weird in English, but perhaps works better in Japanese…? The implication might be that they brought it with them rather than the possibility that it was recently acquired…
I thought おねえさん was implying that Nadeshiko herself had carried it around when they were moving, like “Didn’t you carry it (the chair) around when we were moving?”.
and Nadeshiko just goes “そうだけー?” with that little comfy smile of hers
So like as nienque said,
Aah, yep, I think that was my take at the time brain derp.
Page 171
What does 感じの mean exactly in this case? I think she means that Rin also has such a chair, but I don’t get how this sentence fits together.
Page 172
Is that a ‘conditional’ と? So “If there was little bagage after all, that is good, because it was really easy to go up Motosu Road”?
And then the next line, “If I stay for one night, one after another the bagage would increase.”
So she’s happy that she went day-camping cause it saved on the amount of stuff she had to bring?
Yeah, but it’s more like “as expected, if the luggage is small / not much, it’s good”
And then “since climbing Motosu Road was super easy” (listing reasons)
This is a more of an anecdotal response than one informed by actual grammar knowledge, but when I was talking to my language exchange partner the other day she used 感じ in a way that felt like ような. I would guess that it’s “A feeling like this” + possessiveish/attributive の with an implied “chair” afterwards. I don’t think it’s uncommon for nouns being described by の to be omitted if one can tell from context.
Aha! To back up what I was saying in the above post beyond my own impressions from a single conversation, I found some sort of corroboration from Maggie Sensei and another forum’s thread that had a Japanese native explaining a similar situation.
Ex. 彼女はいかにもかわいい女の子って感じの子だよ。
= Kanojo wa ikanimo kawaii onnano ko tte kanji no ko dayo.
= She is like a typical cute girl.
And from [mixi]The many uses of 感じ,こと、etc. - ☆FOR JAPANESE LEARNERS☆ | mixiコミュニティ
If you knew the Japanese words それ, これ, あれ, 感じ, or こと(事), it won’t be so hard to understand ~な感じ because nouns with な mean “~like.” So そんな感じ means something like that and こんな感じ means something like this.
Also, そんな事 means such thing(s) or thing(s) like that, and こんな事 means thing(s) like this.
It might help you understand these if you knew that そんな事 is abbreviation of そのような事(その様な事) as well as こんな事 is the abbreviation of このような事.
(Also, being new to the forum myself, is the above linking to other websites and formatting okay around here in terms of forum etiquette?)
Nice!! Mine’s just a cheapo one like this
Still comfy though!
Yess same but replace reading with gaming haha (I should try getting back into reading though ><)
I realized after reading the bonus that you need to read the panels on the right side top to bottom and then the left side top to bottom
The vocab sheet was definitely very important and including vocab again from earlier chapters was a great idea, too.
Imo the later chapters were easier, but that could just be because the initial new material shock was over. Not to mention the lack of furigana and all the camping vocab I already forgot anyway.
I’ll definitely keep reading.
I think I will add an advisory note to the OP about the reading order
Just to add to the voices appreciating the vocab sheet. Really grateful for the time others put in on this which made my reading so much easier.
And a big thank you to @Radish8 for organising all this, from the initial book voting, to creating the threads, and your efforts on the vocab sheets.
Just wanted to add on to what everyone else is saying. A big fat THANK YOU to Radish and to everyone who helped organize the vocab sheet and answer questions. This being my first manga, I am surprised at how much I could understand although I did feel times of frustration and cluelessness. I feel motivated to read more with you all (for now though, I gotta go finish Genki 2)!
Just a quick note as we’re nearing the end of the official week for people to check whether they want to update their status in the victory poll in the OP
As it stands, we got 28 to the finish line. Not bad!
Make that 29! I made it, just under the wire xD I seem to have gotten into a habit of not reading at all for weeks at a time and then binging most of the book at the very end of the club But I enjoyed this manga more than I thought I would, it’s very cute Loved all the scenery, too. Looking forward to Vol 2. ^^
I’ll also echo a lot of people in saying that the vocab sheet was a big time saver - THANK YOU to all the people who helped with that. It’s such a pain to look up vocab with kanji that I either don’t know or can’t remember/guess the reading of. Having the vocab sheet as a quick pronunciation reference helps me reinforce the appropriate kanji readings in my head, too. (I tend to catch onto meaning much more quickly than reading, so I have to be deliberate about not letting my brain cop out and substitute the English meaning for the Japanese reading).
I am very happy that we have hit the big 3 0 !
Really good levels of perseverance throughout - interestingly, our biggest drop aside from the usual week 2 collapse was last week. Kind of sad that we seemed to lose so many people so close to the end, but hopefully some will come back to finish
I can relate I was keeping up so well until a couple of weeks ago…
Anyway, finished it just in time for Fruits Basket, and really looking forward to the spin-off club to continue reading this series!
The vocab sheet for this book was really complete and immensely helpful, it contained every word I was looking for and many more. It must have been an awful lot of work to put that together between two people and ahead of the reading, so once more, thank you!
I came back to finish it!!! (Had some life things come up toward the end and had to leave it for a while.)
Thanks so much to you and everyone else who made this possible This was the first full manga (or any book, really) I’ve ever read in Japanese, and it was only because it was so enjoyable and seamless reading it using the word list.
You’re just in time for volume 2, if you feel like continuing reading the series