なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 - Section 4 Discussion Thread

Page. 135
ところが、光は、一秒間に やく三十万キロメトールも すすみます。

However, light also goes about 300,000 kilometers a second.

光は、地球を 一秒間に 七回り半も してしまうのです。

Light can also go around the earth 7 and a half times in a second.

音より 早く 飛ぶ ジェット機は ありますが、光より 早い ものは どこにも ありません。

There are jet planes that fly faster than sound, but nothing is faster than light.

光は うちゅうの 中で、 一番 早いのです。

Light is the fastest in the universe.

そんなに 早い 光でも、太陽から 地球まで とどくのに やく八分かかります。

Light is even so fast that it takes about eight seconds to reach from the sun to the earth

omg someone asked me what the title of the book said and I barely remembered 科学😩

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Einstein wouldn’t agree with you: light takes about 8 MINUTES not SECONDS from the sun to the earth.


p. 135

Light however advances at about as much as 300,000 km/s.


Light orbits the earth seven and a half times per second.


There are jets flying faster than sound, but nowhere is anything faster than light.


Light is the fastest in the universe.


However even the fast light takes about eight minutes to reach the earth from the sun.

I had to edit because I noticed that I had mixed up the two last sentences in my first translation.

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Well einsteins wrong :rage:



ところが、光は、一秒間に やく三十万キロメートルも すすみます。

On the other hand, light travels about 300,000 kilometres in one second.

光は、地球を 一秒間に 七回り半も してしまうのです。

Light can go around the earth seven and a half times in one second.

音より はやく とぶ ジェット機は ありますが、光より はやい ものは どこにも ありません。

There are jets that can fly faster than sound, but there is nothing faster than light.

光は うちゅうの 中で、いちばん はやいのです。

Light is the fastest in space.

そんなに はやい 光でも、太陽から 地球まで とどくのに やく八分かかります。

Like this, fast light even takes about eight minutes to be delivered from the sun to the earth .

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Not only Einstein is wrong (see @IgorTheGreat above), but Google Translate, too. I found the following error while working an tomorrow’s page. The first two lines are correct, but the third is not. They are using a new arithmetic in which
2,000,000 + 300,000 = 230,000,000 (??!)


Google translates the last two sentences on p. 136 with 230 million years instead of 2.3 million years (see also Andromeda galaxy)

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That goes without saying.

But yeah, for some reason, Google seems to particularly struggle with big numbers.

Me too!

Just to mention this も doesn’t mean also. If you have も after a number of things it means “as many as”. So here it means light travels in one second “as many as 300,000 km.” It stresses that 300,000 km is a lot of km!

Other examples from Genki:

My mother owns three, count them, three cats.

As many as twenty students showed up at the party yesterday.


I am literally just up to this lesson Bunpro today! (Think it’s N4 lesson 4.)

p. 136

The light of some of the twinkling stars in the night sky takes even some ten thousands of years to arrive as a beam on Earth.


For example, from the Andromeda Galaxy it takes 2.3 million years to arrive.


That means that light that was emitted 2,300,000 years ago travel traveled a very long distance to finally arrive and be seen on Earth.

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Page. 136
そして 夜空に かがやく 星の 光の 中には、 何万年も かけて 地球に とどいた 光も あります。

Also, among the lights of the stars that shine in the night sky, some have also reached the earth for as long as tens of thousands of years (I dont understand かけてat all here )

例えば アンドロメダ 銀河からは やく 二百三十万年かけて とどきます。

For example, from the Adromeda galaxy it takes about 2.3 million years to arrive.

つまり 今から 二百三十万年前に 生まれた 光が とても 長い きょりを たびして、 今 ようやく 地球に とどいて みえているのです。

That means the light born 2.3 million years ago traveled a very long distance to finally reach the earth and be visible.

This page was probably one of the hardest for me ever lol

i spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out かけて but I couldn’t figure it out. I saw @2000kanji 's translations and am thinking it must mean “to take” or something but I couldn’t find that meaning anywhere.

Aye. It’s かける definition 5.


Ooh and i kept looking at that one too :man_facepalming: but I thought it might be a definition specifically meaning take

Sorry for causing confusion, but it seemed a little strange to say that “light spends time” (what will it do in its sparetime?).

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I was also super exhausted when doing the page so that didn’t help my comprehension lol

Some long sentences here!


そして 夜空に かがやく 星の 光の 中には、何万年も かくて 地球に とどいた 光も あります。

So the starlight glittering in the night sky, in as much as thousands of years, light is delivered to the earth.

たとえは アンドロメダ銀河からは やく二百三十万年かけて とどきます。

For example from Andromeda galaxy it takes about 2,300,000 years to arrive.

つまり 今から 二百三十万年前に 生まれた 光が とても 長い きょりを たびして、今 ようやく 地球に とどいて 見えているのです。

In other words, light produced 2,300,000 years before now, travelling a very long distance,is now able to be seen, having reached at last to the earth.

Edit: I translated かくて as “thus, in this way” but looks like I was wrong. It read quite awkwardly!


Well this was easier.


レントゲンは どうして ほねが うつるの?

How do X-rays take pictures of bones?

「レントゲン写真」を とった ことが ありますか。

Is there a thing as taking “X-ray photographs”?

からだの 中が 写真に うつるなんて、とても ふしぎですね。

To take such a photograph inside the body, it’s very mysterious, isn’t it?

レントゲン写真を とる ときには、「X線」という とくべつな 光を つかいます。

When taking X-ray photographs, called X-rays, we use a special light.

The translations sound odd here because it seems the formal term uses the German “Roentgen”, and the more casual form is X線.

Edit - actually on reading @2000kanji’s version I’ve got the last line the wrong way round - X線 Being the type of light.

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p. 137

Why do radiographs show bones?


Have you ever taken a “radiograph”?


Isn’t it wonderful how the inside of your body comes out in the picture?


When a radiograph is taken, a special kind of light called “X-ray” is used.


Pg. 137
レントゲンは どうして 骨が 写るの?

How does an X-ray photograph your bones?

「レンとグン写真」を 取った ことが ありますか?

Have you ever had an X-ray picture taken?

体の 中が 写真に 写なるんで、とても ふしぎですね。.

To be photographed from inside the body is really incredible isn’t it?

レンドグン写真を 取る ときには、 「エックス線」という 特別な 光を 使います。

When you take an X-ray picture, a special light called an “X-Ray” is used.

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Page. 138
ふつうの光が ガラスを とおりぬけるように、X線は、ひふや きん肉を とおりぬけます。

Like normal light passing through glass, X-ray pass through skin and muscle.

でも、骨は X線を とおしません。

But X-days do not pass through bone.

それで 骨の かげが 写真に 写るのです。

Because of that, a picture of the bone’s shadow is taken.

レングン写真は、骨だけではなく、「はい」や「い」などの ないぞうの ようすも 映す ことが できます。

With X-ray, not only bones but stomach, lungs, and other external organ’s reflections appear.

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