Thanks for creating the section thread! I’m really looking forward to this book club.
Can you maybe add an info about the last lines of pages for ebook readers? @marcusp kindly wrote them down for the first two sections, I think. Maybe you can copy & paste the ones for the first section into the first post?
The vocab list is awesome, you guys rock. Very useful for when they use full hiraganas instead of kanjis you’d know, making sentence structure confusing.
Yes, it’s one page a day. But feel free to comment on any pages read up to the current date (So no worries talking about page 16 tomorrow, or even next week. But please refrain from discussing upcoming pages before the deadline).
We will assume the day starts at the same time as Japan day (just for the sake of synchronizing)
Please cross check with the table of last words per page in the first post though, that looks like it corresponds to three pages in the physical version.
Page 16 New Edition
Had the pleasure of being off work today so I’m spending my morning at a new coffee shop. Did my reviews and now starting this first chapter, very exciting The first sentence was pretty easy, but the second is tripping me up a bit.
おとなには、まゆの かたちを ととのえたり、かいたりしている ひともいます。
My understanding is that it says something along the lines of “In order to get ready, adults draw on their eyebrows”? That’s the “feeling” I get. Anyone get something different that can explain the grammar a bit better? I’m mostly parsing the vocabulary and making sense of it that way while I get a hang of grammar stuff.
Wait, is there a reason we don’t start at page 1 ?
Also why do I find the page 16 reference line (listed by @marcusp) on the page 100th ? (kindle)
and why does the sentence translated by @froobisu ont he post right above shows on page 97 for me ?
I don’t understand anything
The first few pages are the table of contents (もくじ if I remember the word correctly). There’s also some spreads with pictures (from the tissue box onwards) at the beginning of the new version of the book (and the ebook) which are not available on the old version of the book, so we’re not doing those (though there is some discussion about them in the home thread of the book club).
And there’s no pages in kindle, you must be looking at the “location” which does not correspond to actual pages in physical books. Indeed, location 100 is roughly where the end of page 16 is.
I read it as : Among adults, some people even arrange or draw on their eyebrows.
or, more literally : concerning adulthood, there are also people who arrange or draw the shape of their eyebrows.
what do you think ?
There should be a table of contents on the kindle that lets you skip straight to the right section! On the iPad app you can access it via a ☰ icon at the top left, and on a physical kindle you can access it via the GO TO button at the top right.
I’d say that makes sense! Our understanding seems to be similar so I guess I’m not crazy lol.
As a side note, I’m more used to translating dialogue in manga and video games so far. It’s a little different to look at these types of sentences. But I guess that’s a good thing!