とんがり帽子のアトリエ 🧙‍♀️ (IMC) - Week 5

とんがり帽子のアトリエ(1) :woman_mage:
Intermediate Manga Club
Home Thread


Week 5 May 18th, 2024
Chapter 4
Start page 137
End page 172
Page count 35
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And I continue to fall ever further behind :smiling_face_with_tear:


Character growth: I read あっという間 correctly on the first try!

p139: Coko should play some Kerbal Space Program, her center of mass is out of whack so thrust vectoring can’t correct course. She needs more boosters.


How far are you?

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Chapter 4

Well no surprise I guess that she survived and passed the trial. I liked how she succeeded. Coco seems to have an ability to think outside the box and is not afraid to take risks, although she does get reminded by Qifrey that she of all people should know the dangers of using unknown magic!

Enjoyed the last couple of pages. The person who sold her the book, or at least one of their colleagues, looks like they’ve been keeping track of Coco. I wonder what they are scheming…

Thoughts on chapter

I guess being a tailor also comes with a natural talent for hang gliding :laughing:

At first, I was thinking: Why can she propel herself forward that way when the force was originally directed downward away from the blade of the oar? But then I noticed that the magic circle had turned upside-down.

Together with the force direction problem, this seems to be too big of an oversight to be a just continuity error but maybe magic circles are even more magic than we thought… :thinking:

Hang gliding for beginners

Heh, I hadn’t even noticed that the circle changes directions. Tbh, that might just be a continuity error. The magic system as we’ve seen it so far doesn’t really support the idea of magical drawings moving around, and I don’t see how Koko could have turned around the sail in mid-flight. I also think the author kind of cheated by not showing us the landing :grinning:. With a contraption like this, that seems like the most dangerous part.

Other chapter thoughts

…But I’m glad she made it. I also liked how Kifuri shows up in her thoughts as such an inspirational mentor figure. That would make it so much more heart-wrenching if he ever betrays her.

I was pretty surprised that Agathe doesn’t get in trouble for making Koko take the test. Seems like no-one even comments on this.

Chapter 4

My current theory is that they are trying to get magic back into the hands of the masses and handing out “magic picture books” is probably (one) way of doing that…

I would guess they did not monitor Koko since she bought that book at the festival, probably just picked up on the rumor of the accident involving forbidden magic and the new “ignorant” disciple.

Other chapter thoughts

That bugged me as well but for now, I just wrote that off as not having enough pages in the chapter left (serialization limits and such) to deal with that sensibly and hope that this will be addressed in the next chapter(s).

The point-less Brotherhood

This does seem like an obvious theory, but if it’s the case, I don’t understand why they would include the stone spell in the book. All the rest of the spells were useful, beginner-friendly stuff designed to make inquisitive kids trust the book and start using magic on their own. But the stone spell seems like it would have turned the magic-user drawing it to stone if they got the proportions halfway right, and I can’t see any point in that.


I’m gonna start chapter 2 any day now :rofl:


Only Coko knows Agathe pushed her to do it, maybe the others think she just wanted to prove herself and don’t understand the instrumental role Agathe played.

Also was K-dog really intending to have her become her 弟子 without passing the test or did he just buy the magic gear for later? I think it’s the former based on what he says on page 168 but maybe he wasn’t speaking literally.

And we got a cute new furry sidekick in the process!


Since Koko herself could not have known what the test was or how to get there I expect there to be at least a questioning of Koko and the disciples, leading to Agathe’s involvement coming to light.

Also was K-dog really intending to have her become her 弟子 without passing the test … ?

I interpreted his words like: “There’s no need to rush in proving yourself. I already consider you my disciple, the (r|t)est is just formality.”


I interpreted it similarly but then why did he drop everything to go buy the costume then? Surely the test would have been months away?

It doesn’t really matter much in the end I suppose. The fact that she managed to pass the test in Hard Mode without prep time is probably going to piss Agathe even more.


Since he already seems to have permission from people in high places to bend some rules to make her his disciple, I would guess it is for the sake of making her look the part when he goes dragging her around all kinds of magic shops and such without having to say “it’s fine, ignore that commoner girl as we discuss our top secret magic stuff”

overall comments

It’s adorable how worried Tetia is and this seems like such a pivotal character development for Koko to get confidence in her way of doing things, I was curious when that would come. I’m glad this got resolved in one chapter, I was worried it would be the whole next volume.

I wanted to see that!

Me too, but it strengthens the theme of Koko taking responsibility for things. Even if this debacle wasn’t her fault, it’s clear she had to get very creative with magic to solve the test, and that’s on her.

p 144

I understood it as this has to do with the application he made on p 144. Maybe he got special permission for her.

Also p 144 just realised these are sea creatures since they are deep under water

p 148

What the Heck is this


Oh excellent point I forgot about the 申請書 even though I had to look it up…


Her using a poker to break a burning log or something similar. It’s supposed to express her anger and desire to “break” Coko, I presume.

p 148

Oh now I see! Thanks!
Wow I am not good at the visuals lol. To me, it looked like the tower of a building crashing into some rocks :joy:


So we finally got a definite answer to the significance of that point from week 1:

They were just setting up the flashback!


Oops I finished the volume.