"You have lost connection with WaniKani"

Since last week this ‘connection lost’ problem keeps occurring.
I’m on chrome with scripts. I could do ~ 30 reviews before the first time it occurred.
Tried again, happened again after ~20 reviews.
Switched to Firefox without scripts, and surprisingly I could do around ~70 reviews this time.
Back to chrome with scripts and happened again after ~30.

Switching the browser seemed to alleviate, BUT NOT fix it.
Best of luck getting to the bottom of it.

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Chiming in to say I’m also having this issue. Using Chrome browser with scripts.

It’s interesting because it still lets me continue my reviews despite the popup. I just have to squint to see through the shading. And when I refresh the page I can see that my progress was counted.


happening to me on Firefox on a Mac with no scripts.


Had several disconnects doing a review of about 60. On macOS / Safari.

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Happening here also. It looks like /json/progress is returning errors frequently. I would check the logs for this endpoint.


Just another data point, 3 times in 45 reviews 10 minutes ago.

Next time it happens I’ll also capture console logs.

Possibly related. /v2/reviews is also returning 5xx’s.

edit: I’d also like to not add my billing address!

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Happened to me a few days ago, thought it was just my internet so I just refreshed like 4-5 times during a 100+ review session. Happened again tonight and saw this thread so I might as well share my experience. Browser is Firefox on a Windows PC, no scripts.

This keeps happening to me, I’m running Firefox and scripts. I tried after disabling scripts but had the same problem.

Chrome on Windows 10 desktop, no scripts. Has happened several times in the last few days.

Just a fellow programmer recommendation @viet

You can probably retry 1-3 times and provide some minimal UI feedback like Retrying update ... .

You could possibly wrap the /json/progress in retry logic, because a 500 probably (i have no idea about the implementation) doesn’t mean a complete disconnect since it’s not a websocket.

I see you all are using jQuery, and a quick StackOverflow search shows some implementations of retries.

Here’s where the failure is happening during reviews:

Same thing happening for me. Using Safari on a MacBook Pro. Makes reviews difficult as you lose credit for ‘half answers’.

Had a similar problem, past few days I keep getting disconnected. Using chrome on windows.

Just started happening to me as well, Firefox, Windows 10 and with scripts.

I have been having this issue on and off for the past couple of days. I use Firefox on Windows 10…

Been happening to me today, can’t do more than 10-15 reviews at a time without getting disconnected

I had this roughly every 3 reviews today, but relogging completely fixed it


Seems to be fixed, at least for me. Yay.

This happened to me just now for the first time since 11 days ago when everyone was having the issue. Three times during the same review session. Hopefully just a one off.

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FYI, on a Mac and have not been having this problem anymore lately :slight_smile: