"You have lost connection with WaniKani"

Same here, 3 disconnects in 10 minutes… I’m using firefox

I am attempting a temporary solution to alleviate the timeouts until our team can look into this in the coming week work.


I’m uncertain whether your temporary solution is in place yet, but I’ve managed to run through 20 reviews with no issues thus far which is much further than I was able to get before; I’ll update this post if my situation changes, but I’m cruising along fine for now!

Thank you for the speedy response!

Got through 40 or so reviews without issue this morning. Thanks for the temp fix.

I just did about 300 reviews. Lost connection like 6 times in a thirty-minute period.

The temp fix was working for me until today, have DCd 3 times in about half an hour

Happened twice in 10 minutes or so for me yesterday (Windows 10, Chrome, with scripts)

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Seems like something changed a few days ago and wanikani isn’t as stable as it used to be. I’ve never had any problems before but recently it seems like half of my reviews I have connection issues. Just happened to me again a few minutes ago.

Chiming in with another bug report. Firefox on Windows 10 with scripts, multiple timeouts for 100+ reviews


We’re taking a look at this problem as it seems to be recurring. Thanks for your patience while we work on this!


I got this error yesterday. Firefox on macOS Mojave


I’ve had this issue before and it was especially bad today. As far as I remember it never happens on my laptop with Windows 10 on Firefox, even though I have a few scripts loaded. On my Android 11 phone, though, it happens often. I also use Firefox on that but have no scripts loaded.

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I got this a couple days ago and it was fixed for a while, now it’s happening again. No scripts installed, Firefox on Windows 10. Good luck with the bug hunting!

Working fine on Edge though.

~90 reviews went fine for me just now. Win10/Firefox w/scripts

Same here - MacOS with Safari.

This is getting rather frustrating. I’m gritting my teeth and getting the last 100 reviews.

The weird thing about this is that it seems I can continue even when this error message comes in. It gets in the way of the answer, though, so I can’t see what I’ve typed.

Win10, latest version of firefox, using scripts.

-edit- after testing it more thoroughly than I wanted, it seems that the progress does not, in fact, get counted. At least I managed to finish.


Also happening on OS X 11.5.2 Safari 14.1.2

Just happened again, Windows 10 Brave browser. I’m not usually one to complain but this is getting really frustrating. Especially when we pay for this service.

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Looks like I have to give up reviews again tonight…