Since yesterday I’m very often getting error “You have lost connection with WaniKani” even though I have internet connection. Anyone else getting it? How to avoid it as it’s quite annoying…
Hey @wojtek
What browser and OS are you using to access WaniKani? Can you send us more info about your set up at If you have a screenshot of the error, that would be helpful too. Thanks!
I also just had this issue during my reviews. I’m on chrome on MacOS.
Im getting the error as well on mobile android using chrome and on desktop chrome
How often is it happening?
It happened to me two or three times in a 17 item review about 30 minutes ago.
I’m using Firefox on Linux. I also have some scripts running.
Anyone else without scripts having the issue?
Happening to me too more and more often.
Also on Firefox and Linux with scripts.
Yeah its at least every few minutes.
I am using scripts
Could you or @herewego try it without scripts?
Just happened again now.
I’m trying again without scripts ASAP!
Also happening to me. Not using scrips
Actually I think we found the issue so I’ll update in a few minutes!
Also happening to me. No scripts running. On safari IpadOS.
Hasn’t happened again since I disabled the scripts, but I don’t if that’s because you updated something!
It should be back to normal now! Let us know if you see any new issues though.
Great, thank you!
I’ll turn scripts back on and see if it’s ok!
Reviews are working normal for me now (I don’t use scripts, am on Google Chrome).
Just did 39 reviews with scripts and everything was
Glad it’s working for everyone